i`ve been thinking about this for a while, and doesnt it make more sense if archers actually used arrows as a way to use skills instead of sp? , think of it as the way fletchers use theyre skills, but arrows being the common and universal consumable to use the normal
skills. this way we wouldnt have the problem that sp archers have. then maybe we can craft them or buy them in stacks at the store at a cheap price.
on a side note, with this new mechanic, fletchers would make a really cool profitable class, if they maybe could make enhanced normal arrows.
archers would still use sp from skills like steady aim or swift step, but we wouldnt run in any sp problem.
what do you think of this idea?
I dont think its a good idea.
Right now archers need a rework on some of the skills ( yeah, I’m looking at you oblique shot). You already start as an archer in this game, you dont go through an early class to learn the gists of the game. So making archer’s skills cost arrows would be way too hardcore for begginners.
delete oblique shot
i never use it anyway
arrows for skills is a good idea
not sure about the hardcore part, in any case i dont think tree of savior is in any way newbie friendly, there is so many ways of screwing your build, and unless you want to spend real money on reset scrolls, you need to do a lot research and even then you still go through trial and error. using arrows sounds just so natural, to me at least.
i think this is an excellent idea. doesnt necessarily have to be arrows. but i would love to see something little bit different from each classes. so far swordsman wizard archer cleric they all have hp and sp with the slight exception of stamina use as swordsman. something other than a sp bar for all would be nice. doesnt have to be for the basic classes either maybe something for higher rank classes. also as an archer there is not really an utility end game class like the other 3 branches.
swordsman have squire, wizard have alchemist, cleric have stuff like Oracle and pardoner. i always thought fetcher created arrow for other people but turned out to be just a different form of dealing damage by themselves. it would really nice to give archers a class that interact with other players.
i don’t think it would be too hardcore. you can easily implement something like mutil shot uses 1 bulk arrows that are sold by archer trainer for 1000 coin for 100. bouncy arrows for oblique shots for 200 coin for 100. and shave off some of the sp costs for archer. so pretty much instead of paying money to spam sp potions you spend some for arrows. i dont see anything wrong with that. but weather or not this will solve or create any balancing problems i have no idea. but like i said before. would be nice to see something new out of different classes.
and as for fresh beginners they can just give you some arrows upon obtaining the skill, so it doesnt instantly creates an lack of spending money problem right away.
or how about if we give archers quivers as equips and they hold x ammount of arrows, that later you can upgrade via attributes , or idk. because in the end if any archer class can craft different kind of arrows , aside from normals, fletcher would lose its charm.
i aggree with you. consume too much sp. sp potion are really is expensive i think.
no point in discussing this, they arent goin to change any class by that much when we are so close to OBT, not to mention that IMC isnt really goin to read this post and think about this .
ps: elemental arrows would be a good idea .
ps2: Best idea i heard was to make Oblique shot a buff that pretty much just transforms your auto attack into oblique shot and maybe add 1 or 2 more targets to make up for the lack of AoE
Arrow is a great idea actually, archer at the moment is basically a badly designed physical damage spellcaster, the class is listed as hard anyway, if you want simple gameplay then go for swordman. I prefer a high risk high return class instead of the current boring design
i totally agree , its already listed as hard to play, but at this point, with sp consumption and and no real traits that define an archer from the other classes ( at least from the start) , im beggining to think that they meant hard to KEEP playing
I prefer use sp than arrows, this system is perfect imo. SPR/DEX builds works perfectly to compensate this sp problem.
I think there is a good reason to make only Fletchers can craft and use “special” arrows.
Archers will have to often return to town to buy arrows again and again…? no, thank you ._.
The idea is like from RO :v
i think we need 2 type of attack:
1/ use “physic arrow”, need a second weap “arrow” or “quiver”, with element, effect, or etc…, you can trade, buy, and collect from monster.
2/ dont need arrow, you have a skill “create an arrow by magic” type toggle and turn on it, this skill will allow you use your bow’s skill, only add dame, not effect.
if y dont like this skill, just turn off, and buy some arrows.
this mean, if you like effect, go buy or create “physic arrow”, if want just dame, use “magic arrow”.
sorry for bad english.
acher need atack speed ^_^. mUch bettER
This is like saying that Squire’s Repair skill is useless as there’s an NPC that does it just fine, making arrows weight very little if not downright weightless at least for the simpler ones would solve the having to come back to town issue (generally you have to go back every 20-40 minutes to repair anyways) as they would obviously be fairly cheap and sold on decent bulk as otherwise it would make it very hard to make a profit.
Basically you can buy arrows from the NPC just fine but a Fletcher would be allowed to set shop and sell higuer quality arrows (much like how an Squire’s Repair is better than a repair from the NPC) along the special arrows Fletcher is already capable of making and use, nothing wrong in letting a Fletcher buy from another Fletcher if they lack the materials or just don’t feel like going to get them.
Would be nice if archer will have a New modifer during the dmg calculation, each arrows will have an “atk” and an “element” so we can compensate the size penalty. Fletcher could create and sell elemental arrows make them a seller like the other support class, but i don’t know if refine will be a good idea, i mean, refining my arrows and my bow + ele will boost my dmg too much. Elemental arrows could be only dropped by monster make fletcher necessary for the economy of the game
Elemental arrows should most defenitevely be exclusive to Fletcher (or at most also at specific vendors with bad versions of them, yes not slighly worse straight up bad in comparision) for them to be relevant to the economy much like an Squire is capable of buffing your equipment and Alchemist is capable of making WAY better potions.
We must also remember how the players will position themselves, places like outside of the lv90 Dungeon has Squires 24/7 with their repair shops up, Fletcher could easily joing their ranks much like how in open beta and release due to the density of players I expect to see Achemists also placing themelves in these locations selling potions (they should be allowed to set potion and Awakening stands…), because Concentrated SP potions are insanely better than the ones you buy from the shops.
agree on this
i wonder why all modern games no longer have ASPD anymore
all of them…
now its like… skill>run>skill>run
remember d3 vanilla? my DH was like shooting arrow at insane speed but when they nerfing attack speed then she’s just like… idk man, retarded slowest attack animation ive ever seen
Hiya, I will forward the ideas and suggestions on this thread to our dev team.