Tree of Savior Forum

Archer monsters are way to OP needs nerf

okay this is ridiculous i cant run from one end of a map my level to the other at nahash forest because the archers obliderate me in one shot and on top of that it NEVER misses they might as well be mages the have homing arrows that never miss they can shoot it forward and you can run behind them and the arrow turns around goes behind the archer just to hit you. not to mention when you jump it jumps with you? wtf imc what is this? this a a wooden arrow which logically should commit to a straight path which can be avoided i am sick and tired of them hitting 100% of the time like their mages killing me in 1-2 shots when im higher level then them they need to be nerfed its an unfair advantage the problem is with high maps its generally not to much of an issue on lower maps i dont mind a challenge imc im not telling you to hold my hand but for goodness sake i should be able to go across and do a map my level with out be 1 shotted by archer that have homing and arrows that NEVER miss if they lock you in. arrows that literally defy the laws of physics JUST TO HIT YOU.(example=nahash forest archers. insta kill never miss)


yeeeee that sucks :confused:

This is where you are wrong. Since the Goddesses’ disappearance, the monsters have evolved and have begun to develop very sophisticated technology.

Recently they have developed microprocessors with space-time warping capabilities. These processors get mounted onto the arrow-heads and are able to warp the space-time around the arrow such that the arrow can continue travelling in a straight line, but to an observer in 3-dimensions they appear to be defying the law of conservation of momentum.

It is really quite brilliant if you ask me. It is too bad our Fletchers haven’t quite mastered quantum mechanics yet and can’t produce these arrows. :worried:


either way its stupid just make them mages.

Who knows before the release they buffed to archers to god class so maybe they bufed mobs archers the u know what feeling the mobs when the umbalanced archers hits them

then they just messed up every archer in the game

if this OP mobs archer are intended…so CON are the most important stat :joy:
tbh i never have any issues against this kind of archer…
im a cleric, no con at all, and using cloth :sweat_smile:

not level 200++ yet :confused:

yeah, i can heal my self, but never get one killed thou

your a cleric who can self heal so ofcourse not run the map on narash forest andd tell me if you dont have problems with archers :stuck_out_tongue:

This. This is lore for you.

it’s not all the archer mobs, but the Blue Spion Archer in Nahash Forest is way OP in comparison to any other creature on that map or for that level. It has way too much HP and/or does way too much damage with its Spiral Arrow. The normal attacks are fine, but that spiral arrow was one shotting me even at comparable levels and I’m a mage with a fair amount of Con.

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I know that feel
Those things are crazy
The only way I could deal with them is to keep knocking them down until I’ve killed them D:

Too bad they nefred wendigo searchers/lizardmen magicians. If you had dealth with those in their prime you would be battle hardened enough for nahash.

I have the same problem with my Wizard. I can’t even finish my quests because they have sentries with hawk eyes, I pass far away from them and the little demons still attack me.

It’s absurd. :sweat:

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Idd especially in Nahash Forest, i don’t know what they fed these archers with, they’re way too OP

And that’s why you must spend a few points on CON…

Archers are not OP, it’s just Blue Spion Archers because they use Spiral Arrow.

I have more then a few health points in con

Plz nerf!
Stuped damage!
Its like barbarian of cbt, but now does not work to run after the mobs! :triumph: