Tree of Savior Forum

Archer is so trash


and they said archer player is the most chill group of people…

deep down every archer wanna top dps


you’re contradicting yourself now Assumator
you’re calling the wrong knights here
and thanks for the 20 words or less

~hue hue hue

dont abuse the hue knight

i’ll call the pulis


sorry hue master, I need help from hue builds please HAHAHA

What are u two doing here…

following ur advise, i uninstall tos coz i dont enjoy getting dry-raped/imc’ed

now i enjoy playing Tree of Forum and my cat start to recognize me again.

its true the class concept in this game is a mess, thats why we have cry thread for swordman/archer/wiz and op cleric cry thread

there u go~

despite all this premium-clazz sheets, u guys still gonna play tos anyway

i dare u guys to quit tos for your own sake

u wont be arguing with stranger on a forum if u dont play tos


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why? u will call pulis?

u change color green to orange?

Another acc for phone xd

I came to explain to the hue guy with the hue build, then I call the hue master for help and now the hue master here to setlle things down


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Explain? you just love inviting people on your own mess :wink: and cri for help.
no one cares what you think about my hue build.

Everything is trash until this game is capable of something like Emperium Wars. There’s really no point to the game unless there’s a goal that everyone can work towards.

There is no goal right now except to farm Solmiki gears and not everyone is hardcore enough to do that.

Falco 3 is nice in PvE, but what it does for GvG ?
I’m actualy playing 2 raimbow archer build GvG orient :

A2 Qs1 Sc1 W2 C2

A2 Sap1 Sc1 Ro2 C2

Archer is actualy trash because you cannot dps in TBL / GvG due to Missile HOLE.

I’m an Archer/SR and can consistently work out something along with team work, as long you get a fair match (good comp on both sides). As well found some Scout Cannoneers, Fletchers, Wugushis and others doing great job vs teams with Sage (even if it means staying cloaked for whole Missile Hole duration while checking people’s buffs to get the game changing kill when nobody expects since Missile Hole have around “only” 1 minute duration for now).

It’s 1 min duration for 30s cooldown. Is that the problem !

Also, when you say team work you mean players for CC. But when you assume that the main archer role as Burst DPS is totaly facked.

And in GvG it’s impossible to do that work, it’s only you and your luck.

( Cannonneers dont have any skills to counter Missile hole )

Miko, Poison, Bleeding, Breaking 16-19 hit count, waiting out your turn to try to do important moves using skills without wasting them if you have long cooldowns. IMHO, I might be wrong but an archer waiting out his turn to play is better than a dead archer in the first ten seconds of the match.

I agree that Missile Hole may need some tweaks here and there (maybe make you take 1% damage on each hit instead of fixed 1, some lower like 50% chance of missing instead of 100%, being able to be casted only once like it applies to other skills such as revive, lower duration/hit count).

But look on the other side, the game does need something to balance out archers damage in PvP, even if Missile Hole doesn’t seem the proper way. Example: I can win most matches without a sage with my SR just from running into enemy team with Marching Fire and in some matches getting 15 kills / 3v0 rounds.

I do think that Missile Hole is kind of broken but not as bad if you get to play over it. Especially in GvG since you can get more types of DPS and people to deal with CC/Debuffs/Support/Play making and etc.

EDIT: Good catch. SR (and maybe other archers) have some good interaction with Inquisitors to get past Missile Hole, it’s sadly hard to use tho :<

EDIT 2: Since last big patch some buffs in TBL aren’t visible to enemy team and that includes Missile Hole buff in some rounds, it’s a pain to guess who have and who don’t, this make it a bit worse to deal with.

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Tell that to Inquisitors Spam xD

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I dont know how you manage to be effective with a SR, this build expose you to much at CC and x7.

Also, Poison + Bleed are nothing with Cleric buff immune. So in GvG the chance to deal some damages are very very very low comparate to a Pyro or Elementalist for example.

Missile is only a pain for archer, that’s the problem.

That’s where it comes to wait my turn to play.

Revenge -> wait team deal first, come in and finish most kills I can later, swap weapon to no crossbow and auto attack to remove revenge (only TBL), break revenge during magic attack immunity (counterspell, safety zone etc), use single target skills like spiral arrow and heavy shot.
Missile Hole -> If applied with Revenge just single target someone so you can take the temporary role of removing revenge from enemies (1 reflects 1) so your team can hit them and do their things.
Status immunity -> Not 100% uptime in most of cases, teams usually split after 20s+, same goes for Missile Hole.

Of course that’s assuming you got fair matches, on some it’s just impossible for you to do something, in my case, specially vs catas because desync/ping issues and the class being a bit op by itself.

On the wizard classes it isn’t easy if your enemies have 3k to 5k magic defense.