Tree of Savior Forum

Archer is so trash

Hi, this is how IMC balance the game. Archer class are just farmers, do not compare them with the other class.


NO! they’re Forest Hobos.
Just like how Clerics are the blessed children of God, Swordies are Farmers turned Militia/Mercenary while Wizs are either goldplatedsnot nosed obese noble kids or the town nerdmad scientist.

Get your fantasy lore making right :joy:


No class is trash to a dual-wielding credit card warrior.


in that case, i would very much wanna see a full whale-vs- full whale 5v5


it would be fun~


YugiMori has an archer equivalent in Telsiai. I won’t say names, but the top TBL rankings should give a good clue. :wink:

double +90 SPR bracelets ftw!

What about Sadhu though? Where does the Sadhu to Archer hierarchy stand?


guess i’ll start “swordsman, cataphract, highlander, corsair, squire is so trash” threads next


How about “Clerics is so trash thread”?

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meta changes with each new circle… only once we have access to ALL circles IMC can truly balance their game. Archer was king in c7 and now archer is no longer king. Everything might change again with c9…

Archers became kings?? Tell me more that’s interesting.

Missile (Ass)hole, Revenged Sevenfold and Ausrine are balance disgraces and are destroying any possibility of a balanced pvp.




In Rank 7 Fletcher was by far the highest Boss DPS (because Bosses liked to do absolutely nothing - not even moving). In other PVE scenarios Fletcher actually wasn’t good and was just tagged along because they farmed the WBs for the rest of the group. Also Hunter/Scout was actually good in PVP because of decent burst and good target CC.
Cleric was strong already back then but often lacked the kill potential until Inquisitor happend. And Fletcher is quite bad now because Bosses move and fight back.

But Reiter is the dream of any Credit Card Dual Wielder. If one dumps some thousand into a Reiter he will deal the most ridiculous AoE dmg possible. It’s boring but gets its job done.


have u watched the video i posted? SR deal 45k (two weapons)Pyro deal 90k(one weapon)

Yes I did. Instead of just watching numbers you should first check out how Pyro works. His main damage Fireball has hit limit which blows of really quick against many targets without Linker and Ground ticks slow. You can’t rely on it to clear lots of monsters that’s why their main dd is still Reiter.

Archers are the step child IMC hates. No hidden class, poorly thought out abilities, awful itemization, bugged abilities (Mergen has been bugged since release and it still hasn’t been fixed even in Korea), and really limited build paths. Archers being completely unneeded for ET while every other class tree is and the implementation of missle hole were the final nails in the coffin.

Archers are in a really bad spot right now, it’s true.

I don’t think so. I saw pyro clean one wave faster than SR(even without linker in their team), and he has to use more skills like hell breath to clear another side which SR left. Also, i didnt see he has CD time, he repeatedly use many skill to do his job, if SR can do better, he would have more space to focus on his side. Significantly SR is not their main DPS

Moreover, it is really unfair that two stage 10 weapon (if it’s 800m) deal less damage than one stage 10 weapon(400m). u can invest those money to gems (lv10 maybe) or something or even buy alot of joint scroll to do better damage, and don’t forget the fees of attribute

I’m pretty sure Melstis forever + Running shot r90+ with Aspana is one of the best mob clearing techniques I’ve ever seen. Really essential for ET and Solmiki. Teams even build around SR’s for that very purpose.

I’m pretty sure nothing shines more than eternal Ausrine/8GlassMole running shot.

It’s retreat shot, and that video has showed everything. Pyro could do more not only for ET cus SR must go with a Krivis. I am pretty sure u are not pretty sure

IDK we clear up to 35 NP with retreat shot. Haven’t tried more until I invest higher atri and make aspana (working on DPK). I’ll get back to you with a video and maybe we do some comparison.