Please read properly.
5% base. 1% per lvl.
Basically kTOS is getting the iTOS version.
Please read properly.
5% base. 1% per lvl.
Basically kTOS is getting the iTOS version.
There was a change in Divine machine arrow too, but I dont know if they changed the duration of the shock atribute to 1.5s or the skill CD to 1.5s.
- Divine Machine Arrow:
(Old) - Duration of 10s.
(New) - Duration of 1.5s
Duration… skill or atribute? skill cd?
Either duration before it explodes or CD.
if its CD, damn another spammable skill
and more arrows to craft manually cause bug hasn’t been fixed yet. UGH
Just FYI: Sonic Strike IS Blistering Thrash. Confused the hell out of me when I saw it O_O
[ OCT 27 ]
When a current target has been killed, the currently cast skill becomes canceled
[ OCT 27 ]
The companion will now focus on attacking the character’s target
[ OCT 27 ]
The companion will now focus on attacking the character’s target
Rush Dog
[ OCT 27 ]
The companion will now focus on attacking the character’s target
[ OCT 27 ]
The companion will now focus on attacking the character’s target
[ OCT 27 ]
[Claymore: Enhanced Firepower] attribute has been added
○ Increases the damage of Claymore by 2.5 times
○ Increases the Claymore material consumption to 2 ( Originally 1 )
○ Requires Sapper Circle 2
Punji Stake
[ OCT 27 ]
[Punji Stake: Consumption Efficiency] attribute has been added
○ Reduces the number of Pine Trees used to 2 ( Originally 3 )
○ Requires Sapper Circle 2
[Punji Stake: Tenacity] attribute has been added
○ Setting up the Punji Stake trap can no longer be interrupted by attacks
○ Cooldown + 2 Seconds
○ Requires Sapper Circle 2
Broom Trap
[ OCT 27 ]
[Broom Trap: Enhanced Firepower] attribute has been added
○ Increases the damage of Broom Trap by 1.5 times
○ Increases the Ash Wood material consumption to 4 ( Originally 3 )
○ Requires Sapper Circle 3
Spike Shooter
[ OCT 27 ]
[Spike Shooter: Enhanced Firepower] attribute has been added
○ Increases the damage of Spike Shooter by 2 times
○ Increases the Wire material consumption to 3 ( Originally 2 )
○ Requires Sapper Circle 3
[ OCT 27 ]
When casting falconer skills, if you do not have enough SP to perform the skill - the skill will now no longer attempt to consume SP or go on Cooldown when used
[ OCT 27 ]
Cooldown has been reduced 1 second ( Previously 15 seconds )
[Call: Obtain] Added cooldown increased to 20 seconds ( Previously 10 )
[ OCT 27 ]
Pheasant can now be used with other Falconer abilities
[Pheasant: Stun] attribute has been added
○ Instead of knocking back, Pheasant has a 10% chance per attribute level to Stun (Max Lv: 5)
Preemptive Strike
[ OCT 27 ]
Cooldown has been reduced to 60 seconds ( Previously 300 )
Duration has been reduced to (Skill Lv * 10) + 10 seconds ( Previously Skill Lv * 60 )
[Preemptive Strike: Disable Hovering] attribute has been added
○ Prevents the Falcon from automatically attacking targets with Hovering
[Preemptive Strike: Disable Sonic Strike] attribute has been added
○ Prevents the Falcon from automatically attacking targets with Sonic Strike
most translations by @Gwenyth
Should’ve been Sapper.
So glad they didnt ignore underwhelming low ranks and kept improving… But now i regret taking Archer3 instead of Sapper3…
Pls circle reset save meeee
well… 1cd of call is really good. but what the point for Roost? for show friends? no… normally it’s just fly to sit on my shoulder. and that more cute.
I really don’t care about any upgrade/boost/buff for falconer …just please FIX A Falcon BUG 1st…!
wow! Pretty happy with these falcon changes.
1 sec CD on call? Read it as reduced by 1 second, but oh well, didn’t have a problem with 15sec CD at all.
Pheasant being used with other falconer skills and now an attribute to make 50% chance to stun instead, so much better.
Personally, even if it had some problems with changing maps and zones, I liked the 5min Preemptive Strike duration so I can just press it and forget about it for 5mins.
Instead of it being one of my constant upkeep buffs I have to press everytime it goes off.
this buff style of tree of savior is so bad…
need buff all the time omfg only because lose when change maps? go fix bug and put 10minbuffs for minimum pls
still dont know wht mean pheasant can use with other skill mean wht?falcon will use pheasant skill when buff 1st strike?
To me, it means you can cast it and it won’t get in the way of other skills.
Right now, if you try to use it, and easily given the timing of 1st strike, its during any of its starting of ending animation, it just won’t work.
now you can use it and it just cuase the damage/knockback/stun without needing to have an animation taking up the time
[ NOV 10 ]
[Obedience: Ground Companion] attribute has been added
○ Damage of [Coursing], [Snatching], and [Retrieve] is boosted by 1% (per attribute level) of the Companion’s physical attack
○ Max Level 30
○ Requires Hunter Circle 1
[ NOV 10 ]
[Claymore: Enhanced Firepower] damage multiplier has been modified
○ Increases the damage of Claymore by 3.5 times ( Previously 2.5 )
Broom Trap
[ NOV 10 ]
[Claymore: Enhanced Firepower] damage multiplier has been modified
○ Increases the damage of Broom Trap by 2 times ( Previously 1.5 )
Spike Shooter
[ NOV 10 ]
[Claymore: Enhanced Firepower] damage multiplier has been modified
○ Increases the damage of Spike Shooter by 2.5 times ( Previously 2 )
Needle Blow
[ NOV 10 ]
New applications no longer overwrite the previous application (stacking)
Wugong Gu
[ NOV 10 ]
New applications no longer overwrite the previous application (stacking)
Throw Gu Pot
[ NOV 10 ]
New applications no longer overwrite the previous application (stacking)
Jincan Gu
[ NOV 10 ]
New applications no longer overwrite the previous application (stacking)
[ NOV 10 ]
[Obedience: Flying Companion] attribute has been added
○ Damage of [Hovering], [Pheasant], and [Sonic Strike] is boosted by 1% (per attribute level) of the Companion’s physical attack
○ Max Level 30
○ Requires Falconer Circle 1
#Schwarzer Reiter
[ NOV 10 ]
Fixed a problem where moving while attacking with the pistol had awkward effects
[ NOV 10 ]
Fixed a problem where some effects of Running Shot were not applying
Atribute for runing shot too pls -.-
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Hmm that’d make Claymore scale off 1050% of your physical attack w/o any other bonuses. 1575% on flying enemies, which could make it 3150% with a bow.
2x the damage for Broom Trap and hits about 22 times. That’d be about a good 4400% of your physical attack if it all hits.
Pretty sure this isn’t how it works but it does look pretty stronger now.
nice to see some falcon damage buffs, but so little.
Every other one getting 100-200% increase.
While we get only 30% of the companion’s atk which is going to be like 60-80? out of the total of 4000 or whatever sonic strike is.
For the wugushi change, does new poison from other player overwrite the our poison? Or the stacking is limited only to ourselves?
Other player’s poisons will no longer overwrite yours, however I’m not sure if your own poisons would stack (e.g. Wugong Gu > Pass/Discerning Evil > Wugong Gu)
time to reroll sapper 3 wugu 2 mergen?