Idk if I’m wrong about this but you can’t AA with your cannon in Kneeling? Pretty sure it’s just mainhand. Also there was never a moment where I found Kneeling Shot to be more effective than Bazooka stance.
Only in Bazooka can you AA with your Cannon. Running Shot works with your Cannon causing the auto to hit twice. It’s really good. Especially since our AA are AoE. Basically there’s ‘kneeling shot’ built into Cannoneer.
All other lines are generated afterwards too. Cafri/Mana, Enchant Fire, and whatever else. Running shot just benefits Auto Attackers that use main-hand and Bazooka stance that turns our cannon into a 'pseudo main-hand"
H3 grants extra damage and that’s always a plus to what a Cannoneer is about. Burst Damage. You’re going to be Auto attacking regardless when clearing and weaving autos on top of your skills since our cool downs a semi short, but in Bazooka a lot of skills become unusable as you can see, and it’s the same way with Kneeling.
Bazooka will most likely out-scale every Crit in kneeling so I wouldn’t recommend it. Maybe if Cannoneer got another attribute which combined the benefits of kneeling with Bazooka stance.