Tree of Savior Forum

Arch Stone Drop rate is slowly killing this game

yes it would solve the problem.

Thankfully, the Koreans and the Devs seem to agree with me, given the current patch notes.

From the recent livestream, seems like Archstone requirement for equipment has been greatly reduced (too much going on in that livestream)? If so, it just gives me another reason to stick with the bad RNG just doing dailies for farming archstone fragments, and wait for it to go cheaper down the line like every update with expensive ingredients.

Sucks for whoever can’t wait that long, though.

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Dismantle ark last second b4 the patch works wonder?

arch stone price continue declining trend at telsiai

and there are 6 pages of them, 1 pages containing max 11 listing items, so it is 55+ arch stone seller

you might be right i just met a new guy who spend 1k dollars in the game got +26 armor xd

It did , even on silute it is slowly getting away from the 60m mark price that has been stable for quite some time. As of now we have 3 entire pages full of fragments on the market.
I know of people that stopped buying fragments and dismantled his own ark to invest on karaliene and other stuffs and will be using the event Ark until they get more fragments. Prices should drop at least a little in consequence of event arks.

Should we dismantle our kareline and arkstone before the big patch or …

From what we know, we get the materials back for VVR4/Demon/Goddess3, but not too sure if we get back archstones for kara/ark

ark materials will be return 100% (obtaining and leveling mats)
lucifer materials will be return 100% (obtaining and transcending)
use 20%/30% of those mats to open storage for ark/lucifer
lucifer enhance level and potential will be transfer into scroll or something like that

so does this mean we will dismantle ark/luciferie ourselves and then use the materials to open storage?


No all those things will be returned to materials and will cost less to be crafted again(opening their storage)

Oh thats good to know XD

only reason it is flooding the market was the ktos blog, not the dumb level 3 free ark.
one hour before the stream there were literally 3 arch stone frags on the market, after the stream there were 30+ (including 2 mine)

are you guys even real? I wonder if this is a troll attempt

Idk what you on about, but check the dates. The replies were before they even announced the future changes, of course the changes helped but market has been changing since event ark.

Are you sure luci/kara/arks will be returned to materials (ie. archstones) and allow you to craft again with lesser cost?

From what I understood from the developer’s blog and the presentation they’re only returning 3 things

  1. Upgrading cost for VVR4 (Transmutors + Vaivoras)
  2. Upgrading cost for Demon/Goddess Ichors (Transmutors + Ichors)
  3. Upgrading cost for Ark Lvl 10 (BG + Nucle)

They’re lowering the costs of crafting for Karalienes and Arks but they did not say they were returning Archstones and materials to us to re-craft.

(On the other hand, I hope I am wrong and that they will do that for us because if costs drop by 80% and we don’t get a refund we’d be at a huge loss)

no, it has not. and no, there were no market price changes 2 weeks ago when everyone got their arks, the only market changes started happening after the korean dev stream.
first after the korean stream a lot of people already put their arch stone frags on the market, and now (after the itos blog post) even more people are doing the same.
The dumb, weak, non-levelable ark did nothing to the economy and insinuating that you think it did makes you naive or disingenuous, considering youre insisting on the troll I will call you disingenuous

it is highly likely. They did that a long time ago when they changed Transcend, I remember logging in and finding a bunch of blessed gems on the market tab

Yes, but that was an upgrading cost, not a crafting cost.

But for them refunding the archstones where you will re-craft again at 20%/30% cost price… I’m not too sure.

Hopefully we’ll get a more detailed patch note before the patch hits.

Wonder if silver is also refunded XD and to what part of the materials are gonna be returned … what stage like for luci/ kare accessories …