Tree of Savior Forum

Ar2 > QS3 > Rog1 > Fal1 > Mer2 Viable?

Kinda would want to have good aoe and good single target. So is it viable? Well, especially on the upcoming falconer rework, would this build still be ok?

Yes it will be viable and strong with single target but you will need to invest a lot of resources to make it a good AoE damage dealer.

Fal1 got the negative side of Falconerโ€™s rework, with Circling nerf.

Pheasant got 2 important attribute at C2 and C3. Hovering at C2, combined with pre-emptive strike and aiming at C3.

I prefer these builds: A2-Qs3- Falc3-Mergen1 or A1-Qs3-Rog1-Falc3-Mergen1 if you like rogue or you have werewolf cards

Iโ€™m a bit choosing between those 2 builds, may i just ask if is there a big difference between crit chance of rouge1 (Sneak hit + 3 10* werewolf cards) and archer2 (Swift Step + Attrib) ?

iโ€™m gonna link you the channel of inje kang. He has a lot of videos about falc-mergen, he also has really powerful gears.

without going too deep into calculations take a loo at this post [Class] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge.

If your crit rate is low Swift step will be better, if your crit rate is already high enough Rogue is your best friend (with the possibility of using Capture + Arrow Sprinkle for a better burst damage)

Hey, I would recommend Archer1 -> Quarrel3 -> Rogue1 -> Falconer3 -> Mergen1 (assuming you can afford 3x 10* werewolf cards and 3x centaurus). Very strong build after the Falconer rework. Here is some gameplay (not mine) of that build:

Mergen2 isnโ€™t worth it at all.

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