Tree of Savior Forum

[Apolonija] Golden Note revenge (and a certain Corsair)

Title: Golden Note revenge (and a certain Corsair)
Server: Silute

And so, despite their differences, Warsis Creak (Reiter master) and Hayraven (corsair master) came together for one reason.
Make Guerra a waifu


nyeeees~ doppelmaster waifu Owo/

nyahaha XD
this expression has the same energy as this X3


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Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee so good

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this is so GOOOD XDD

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como siempre con hermosos diseños felicitaciones yunaaa> <

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“Wait he’s pretty hot like this” - SR master in his mind


Ahhh thank you very much for the messages! I’m glad that the faces of the characters behind (and those responsible for everything) have been understandable xDDDDD. Drawing specific expressions is easier than painting them x.x
Initially I didn’t know what to do, but then I went through fedimian and … I saw that the doppel master has goTHICC-waifu potential.
And … well, I hadn’t uploaded this before because I hadn’t finished it yet, but I made a video with the drawing process.

warning: spanish text ;_;

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