Tree of Savior Forum

Anyone feel like we need more frequent spawns? Even after the +50% patch

in high level maps (over 190) the amount of mobs in map and his respawn is very poor, and almost every quest requires to kill between 15-45 mobs, low mob population makes the game unplayable, and the grind of mats for recipes a pain. Hope they fix this, is a grinding game more population of monsters is required

Can the devs at least tell us if this will be fixed? I want to know if i should move on to another game or not.

Reduce the map wide spawn timer to 30s or lose 99% of every free player who try’s the game, you have been warned by the people playing your game that the current times and system is not fun.

Shameless bump, this is one of the most pressing issues with leveling/questing gameplay, and it will only get worse when Early Access ends.

I wonder if there have been major complaints against this mob spawning system over on the KToS forums…because if there are, it would make no sense for IMC to carry over such a flawed system to its international release.

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I tried to hunt Vubbe Fighter in crystal mine 2F caused by my OCD for almost 3 days but haven’t seen any of them spawn after the new patch, are they bugged now? Anyone can confirm? :dizzy_face:

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan Can we get a comment on the current spawn rate? Its still very low and incredibly annoying.

doing a single quest for killing 15 mobs took me more than 45 mins only for the low spawn rate, fix this IMC @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan

Agreed - Need higher spawn rates.

Example. Currently farming the mythical Panto Spearhead item for my collection. I am leading Orsha on kills for Large Panto Spearmen coming up on 500 here. Spend 5-7 hours a day farming them going on 8 days here. Still no drop. I don’t mind a low drop rate. I mind a low spawn rate and a low opportunity to kill them.

Furthermore the bots situation has hindered this process even more with their incessant interruptions and kill stealing across (what used to be 8) 6 channels.

Come on now.

Another shameless bump so people don’t need to create new threads about this dead and beaten horse. Slow spawn rates coupled with a lack of alternative map channels is encouraging grinding and leveling parties to not just steal entire packs from solo players, but from each other as well.

This is literally every player in higher level zones.


We really need to improve the spawn rates… The game is so boring right now.

Run, find that a bot killed all your mobs, change channel, repeat the process

Is this going to be fixed or what? @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John??

It is actually ruining the game. All my mates have already quit because of this issue and gone back to other games where they dont have to spend 90% of their time waiting for monsters to spawn.

Do you guys not understand the issue? 2 minute respawn timers DO NOT WORK FOR THIS TYPE OF GAME. We need things respawning in under 30 seconds. PLEASE, before early access ends and you drive away every potential player when they run around in empty maps.

right now the situation on level 250+ grind maps:

“hey nice we finally got 3 channel uhm…ill check channel 1 you guys channel 2 and 3”

“ok so channel 1 taken”

“meh channel 2 taken as well :/”

“oh god channel 3 got a party already as well”

“kay guys guess thats it for today…lets try again in a couple hours…”

i dont wanna imagine what happens if more than 100 people wanna grind their ways to 250-280 - as i mentioned in another thread even a single map isn enough for 1 party - 2 parties in one channel is hell - 3 parties and GG boyz lets play our alts
also the large maps are so poorly in their respawn thingies - you basically spend 70% of the time running around…without chronomancer in party this feels like a snail race - maps would be much better if got more of these random spawn events - in storage for example the middle room thing - you could leave spawns in higher maps as they are but include at least a mechanic wich doesn respawn every 3-4 hours only…and implement it for every single “room” or area on said maps - so each party can place themselfs in one room and got a lil challenge by fighting “endless” mob waves + its getting less tiring + no ksing problems if we got multiple channels and no cooldowns on said waves - you could also include this mechanic by simply enabling it in a room after “defeating 150 mobs” - then you got a 30 minute monster wave and have to colelct 150 “souls” again to trigger it - but without a cooldown timer on the event


We truly need faster spawns.
As soon as 1~2 other people or especially parties are in the same general area or even on the same map monster spawns become unbearibly slow.
Low spawn rates not only make it slower to complete quests, it also encourages killstealing, since no one likes to wait another 2~5 minutes for the next spawns.

Field mobs should have a spawn rate of 20 sec~45 sec max.

Open-world dungeons, like Royal Mausoleum or Mage tower need much faster spawnrates, even faster than fields.
Isn’t the point of dungeons that they are harder and more difficult than normal field maps? Well, as soon as a few people are on the same map it becomes laughable.
Mobs in dungeons need a respawn rate of 10~20 seconds to make dungeons even remotely challenging and useful for a higher amount of players.

Can you imagine how lacking of monsters open world field maps and open world dungeons will be once this game gets released and even more players are running around?

Another approach would be to have normal non-quest monsters in open world dungeon maps (like Mage Tower) and maybe field maps be able to instantly respawn anywhere on the map, Ragnarok Online-style. That would make grinding less predictable, it would provide the same amount of monsters at any time regardless how many people are on the map and it would make dungeons more challenging. On the other hand, it would make the “kill X enemies of type Y in that area” imprecise and these quests would have to be reworked to instead tell to hunt on the entire map.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @GM_Francis I hope you are aware that the spawns are still not working out. The SYSTEM is flawed …not the amount of mobs… please change it back to what it was in iCBT 1 and 2

Actually with some very few exceptions it already works this way :smirk:

A small detail many players are unaware of that leads to a lot of drama around kill stealing. Many fun, much pleasure.

I know it already works this way :slight_smile:
But the “monsters are in this area” still don’t “mark” the entire map but usually only a small area. With reworking quests i meant adjusting these “monster area” circles on the radar to better reflect the entire map as possible kill areas.

Yes, I believe that we do need higher respawn rates.

I feel as if I’m spending 5 minutes every 10 minutes of killing, just waiting there for the mobs to respawn… with 5 other people waiting with me…

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And after respawn KS happen cause there is not enough mobs, it’s really frustrating, we must cooperate and change this, cause even after 50% buff to spawn speed that don’t even change anything, we need massive boost on mob density and spawn rates, at least before f2p start.

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we definitely need higher spawn rate. that ‘50%’ increase didn’t chagne anything. Please, for a game that is geared around grinding, you can’t expect people to derive fun by sitting there WAITING for spawns.

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I don’t mind farming, but I need somehing to actually farm. Kills it for me when I can’t even find what I’m looking for.