Tree of Savior Forum

Any viable Chrono + Thauma builds?

Hi guys!
I’ve been wondering about a full-ish support wizard build, with both of the powerful supporting classes Chronomancer and Thaumaturge but I haven’t found any info about that or people attempting to tackle at any of these builds and, I keep wondering, why? :slight_smile:
I mean it would probably be a PAIN to level but I got a last reset potion from the NPC and I’m thinking about attempting something like this. Does anybody have any thoughts on that?

So the full support build would be something like this:
Thauma3 last cause I’ld rather have Chrono skills finished first.

I’ve been thinking about some variations like with Summoner for some soloing:
With this I can take advantage of Thauma’s summon attributes and the fact that everything scales with SPR, I already tried this build and I could (slowly, yes) solo S9.

This one with Linker2 instead to share buffs, not sure if it’s worthy thou, just throwing it into the mix:

Anyways, can anyone pitch with tips/ideas for a new player? :blush:

Thauma and Chrono fit together in a build, although it is a bit difficult. Since to maximize chrono support you will go most likely full spr and chrono3, I’d suggest you to always take thauma3 too because your swell brain is good for mage friends and also excellent for yourself (makes your swell left and right arm a bit more beefed up).

One option I’d recommend is Wiz3-Thau3-Chrono3 (since linker1 doesn’t help that much): - may need a bit different distribution between shrink and swell body, but it is a good guideline

(Other option is wiz1-pyro2-thau3-chrono3. I dunno how you’d make that, I think you could restructure thauma and chrono skills a bit up there too if you so wish)

I was thinking about wiz3 but I’m not sure if faster casting is a good thing to go for in this build since Chrono and Thauma skills mostly don’t have any casting time, but I’ll try some on calculator to see how it fits cause yeah, linker1 doesnt help much, we need 10 classes soon to fit all of these classes together LOL!

quickcast can be replaced by lethargy, I forgot that :sweat_smile: (although given this setup, I’d say onmyouji would be a good rank10 class to pick because you get some crowd control in Onmyouji tree and damage - and that would need quickcast maybe?).
since the other full support wizard type now is usually wiz-link3-thau3-RC, or you could have wiz3-link3-FF3 in the party, linker might not be needed at all. Although who knows, the meta might evolve to wiz2-link2-thau3-chrono3 as the full support mage god in rank10 xD

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But I keep wondering if I should take some damage to contribute or if only buffs would be enough in late end game…

it depends on purpose and party config. a full support element is always good in your party if you know how to fine tune it with other people you play (or with the meta).

Wiz2-link3-thau3-RC has very poor dps, but is becoming more and more popular as support/farm wizard because he is the best mdef breaker. If you have a friend (or a meta build) with linker and RC alongside you, also with damage (like shadowmeme), you would pretty much be good to go.

I am currently using Wiz1 Piro1 Linker1 Thauma1 CHrono 3 Enchanter 2 --> for future dragon raid purposes

The combination gives important party buffs, this build invest stats in full int and the gear contains SPR to maximize chrono buffs.
Pyro 1 --> filler
Linker 1 --> for physical Link
Thauma 1 --> for Transpose purposes
Enchater 2 --> Enchant earth for high block

My party will use a Linker 3 Thauma 3 Runecaster1 (this guy uses Spiritual link and take my transposed stats Int --> CON)

wiz pyro2 thauma 3 chrono 3 for damage
wiz 3 thauma 3 chrono 3 for support


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There aren’t really that many options. It’s either wiz2-link1 or wiz1-pyro2. The 1st is for the really suped up magic missile (dream eater + link + swell left hand) while the 2nd is your generic pyro2.

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Thanks for the replies guys!! I see a lot of people talking about pyro…

So pyro1-link1 is a nono? I should go for either pyro2 or wiz2?
And yeah, super magic missile is kewl!

I went with Wiz2 Kino1 Thaum3 Chrono3. Swap is handy when you need to reposition the WB to your guild/party’s advantage (e.g. it gets too far away from your camps or magic circles). Teleportation + Chrono’s Haste is really great for exploration.

Wiz3 is good as well since you get strike specialty attribute for Lethargy to help boost strike-type attacks of party mates (e.g. DP-spamming monk, Rod Shino Murm, etc.). You also get additional 5 ticks making it 15 in total for Magic Shield when maxed.

So many options aahhhhh screaming
So Kino huh, that sounds like some good utility, did you take pressure too? Is it any helpful damage-wise?
And Lethargy attributes hmmmm, that sounds nice too… omg I want it all!!

PP is crap for any build with no Cryo or Enchant2 as far as I know.

If your usual party has no need for Lethargy Tile Specialty attribute (+15% magic circle damage) and Sure Spell, you can always just play around with other Wiz1 X X builds instead. Cryo2 and Pyro2 has their own share of pros and cons especially considering that you’re going with a high/full SPR build for support.

I’m not sure if Cryo1 Kino1 is good enough for just one circle investments in each, same with Pyro1 Link1.

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cryokino is only good with at least 2 ranks of each in my opinion. If you wanna support your party using using Cryo, pick Cryo 2 for snow rolling (even though it scatters mobs in the end is still some form of CC) + freezes everywhere. (Kino’s true support utility comes with heavy gravity, so kino1 is only if you wanna explore + situational swaps.)

and yes, Pyro1Link1 is just as bad, because you’re not using pyro2 flame pillar which is amazing CC (especially with froster lord cards) nor give surespell to the party or dream eater.


You guys think that pyro2 would be able to solo (even if slowly) some high level quests? Or would wiz3 be better for that?
Something link this maybe?
Not sure about the distribution of skills in pyro2, not sure whats is worth to take or raise…

Thanks again for all the replies guys! :smiley:

I’d put more points in Flare, given that you have Flame Ground. Other than that, most things look really okay in your build IMO. (others might give different advice tho, so let’s wait :smiley: )

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I would go

Something I should warn you about Pyro. If you expect Pyro to handle most of your damage, you will have difficulty at the 180dg. The Flamme species of monsters is resistant to fire and one variant, the Flamme, absorbs fire (the others–Flamme Mage, Flamme Archer, and Flak–don’t but it’s still pretty hard to kill them). Not to mention Grinender. If you expect to go in alone, beware!

I pity that my Pyromancer had to go through it once. Never again! I’m farming the piggies at Alemeth till I get to 230.


there are some monsters in Demon Prison 2F that do the same, right??? I almost forgot about that @-@ (I remember my wife’s divine stigma healing certain monsters in demon prison instead of killing them, iirc)
outside of that Pyro does an okay enough job at pretty much everything.

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Yes. To think I was farming Demon Prison right before I did the 180dg and saw the Elets with my own eyes! Little did I know that their relatives were waiting for me in-dungeon.

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