Tree of Savior Forum

Any viable Chrono + Thauma builds?

Do note that pyro has no issues past that point. You’ll also have to remember you will basically “breeze thru” that stage in the lvlng process.

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So, just some feedback, I ended up going pyro2 with no regrets so far, pillar is an amazing CC skills and I’ve been able to solo pretty much all main quests so far.
Fina build looks like this (I’m still getting the last points for chrono tho hehe)

Thanks guys for all the help!! :slight_smile:

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No problem! We were all glad to help (and nice thing that you liked the build :smiley: )

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I try to build a wiz2 linker 3 chrono 3 rc…
But i m not so sure anymore we have a lot of geared archer who all love chrono but the linker part seemed underwhelming right now.Not even sure which buffs are shared and are only the basic buffs shared or with the attributes. For example if i share rune of ice with the slow attribute would an archer slow ? didn’t look like it works like that.

Your observation is not surprising since majority of your tree is composed of support classes. Note that this build comes from a Meta in Korea that emphasizes great team synergy for its most difficult content, the Belcoper raid–just like ET in the old days. That being said, most of your build’s utility comes from being part of a party that can easily exploit your buffs (Chrono) and debuffs (Linker).

As for your buffs, yes, your attributes contribute to your party-wide buffs. This is easily testable. If you have a friend, you can party with them and cast your buffs then check your F1 stats for any changes. For example, if you use Quicken with its Crit Rate attribute, your friend’s and your own Crit Rate should increase.

As far as I know, all Chrono buffs are shareable to the party in this way. I am not sure if there are any exceptions. The only unshared but shareable buff from your tree comes from RuneCaster: Rune of Protection. The utility of Spiritual link will show when sharing essential but unshared buffs from other trees.

Honestly, though, I’m not quite sure which buffs are unshared but shareable. All Cleric buffs except Ein Sof and the Bokor buffs (?) are shareable. Not my expertise so I’m unsure. The only ones I can recall from other trees are: Pain Barrier and Enchant Fire. I’m not quite sure if the other Swordsman or Archer buffs such as Warcry, Finestra, Steady Aim, etc are shareable. If it can be shared though, Guardian will be very important in the future. At Pelt 3, the Guardian buff gives +100% P.Def & M.Def , an extra +100% with an attribute and a +20% flat mitigation to all types of damage.

I guess you can also give running shot from one QS3 archer to other eventual archers in a party (it isn’t essential, but in case there were 2 autoattacker builds and someone has a higher level of Running Shot than the other, it would an overall improvement to the party. Also, if any burst-oriented build needs to autoattack during a bit, it helps - especially Sapper-Cannoners who can choose to go Bazooka mode).

well xD since its my alt for my pre grp and someone just gone and leveled a special full con full supp cleric now :smiley: i suppose i have no choices anymore ;D
Ge deserves his life link ^^
Ty for reply

IMHO you should be looking to group with mages mostly. Your on demand buff would be the +30% matk you give from spiritual chain. There’s also the 25% mdef reduction for 8 sec every 15. Anything more should be looked at as “lucky it happened” instead of aiming for it unless you have voice chat to coordinate.