Tree of Savior Forum

Any point to leveling Linker anymore?

That’s is already too much. Poeple don’t want to see their main character become far more usefull than before. I don’t think is hard to understand

Actually I dont get why some people so worry on wizard’s skill being crafted.

Lets say all skills can be crafted,
DPS skills -> lack of attribute damage %, thus:
-lower damage than original caster
-skill scroll confirmed to have separate cooldown with original spell, aka,
if a Druid can use FC to boost damage, an elementalist can use dual FC.

Support skills -> same lack of attribute
-thauma buff? almost cut half of damage boost from full attribute thauma
-JP link? lvl5 you sure its enough? :open_mouth: from my personal linker c1 experience, i m quite regret why i just take c1 linker for this 50 hits limit of JP only.

So far i think only Frost Pillar, Pass and Haste can be useful as scrolls. But I doubt that all skills are craftable.

And due to unknown pricing for the skills yet, I doubt that they are cheap enough to spam. At least from pardoner mechanism those skill scrolls have a bullsh*t of price to craft each.

Frost Pillar being scrollable is exactly what we need. Will be the wiz version of PLD. They are both blue too! Now all we need is running shot and a swashbuckling scroll…

I’m pretty sure that everyone will buy joint penalty scroll and be useful in party, just like that daino scroll and aukuras scroll!!!

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I question this every time i start the game =S

Because those barrier scroll is not useful at all in random grinding party.

In et party everyone knows how to play, that’s why they bought all the useful scroll. But lets face it, et player is the minority, most player don’t even buy the scroll.

Actualy on Pardoner system Frost Cloud could be crafted at level 1 since it only gains base damage with levels.

So it would be around 1k each Frost Cloud, pretty much affordable for 5 players to “spam” on ET.

I doubt they are coming, but there would be no damage attributes indeed, which still doesn’t mean it’s bad.

I too think JP will be too costly since you need levels (possibly Enchanter 2 or 3 for Scrolls level 15). Around 750s x skill_level I believe.

Well just get two circles of Linker and fill it with other things.

Thaumas, Chronos, and Sorc are viable popular options.

It’s rare but there are Warlocks with linker circles.

Linker is a must for Featherfoots iirc.

Of all these wiz classes, it’s cost effective to have at least one circle of linker. It’s costly to always buy scrolls anyways, but there be idiots like this so idek.

Just because people will be buying linker JP doesn’t phase out linkers entirely. Hangman’s knot and Frost pillar are much desired to make JP more effective

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Wouldn’t I also be able to use the scroll when I play linker myself and give me another use of JP? This would make taking c1 linker feel better at least.

FC without attribute and quick cast is garbage.

If that were true, that would be even more reason to do it. Do people not realize that Frost Cloud scrolls would make Elementalists stronger than anyone else who could use them? You have the ■■■■■■■ attribute for it and scrolls do not share cooldown with the actual skills, so you’d be casting 2 attributed Frost Clouds back to back while other people would cast 1 with no attributes.


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linker dead ele dead

seems good

Just do what you wanna do cuz you reroll a new ‘best’ build and then rank 9 comes along… oops, your new ‘best’ build is not so best anymore. That’s why I just play builds I want to play like A2>QS3>R2 for archer which people say is mediocre. Or playing cryo3>sorc which ppl say is mediocre but I like them and their playstyle so no amount of nerfing can make me discouraged… unless they absolutely nerf the sht out of my fav builds but then again, if your builds are not the ‘best’ at the moment, it won’t get any nerfs anyway.

People’s reaction to incomplete information:

…Get it? : D

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Not if all 5 party members start using it lol.
Maybe it will have a 5min cooldown?
If were talking about the pardoner scroll cd then… FC x5 every 45 sec is anything BUT garbage lol (especially with lifeline)

Is it true? I’m surprised no one shared this mechanic. People just want to derail Paladin 3 by this fact then, I mean sure Pal 3 is not that useful except Conversion for fun build but when they said you shouldn’t make it because scroll-able Barrier it’s stupidly wrong if you can cast 2 Barriers in a row then…

It is but, there’s not much use in doing that with barrier seeing as its duration is already larger than its cooldown.

biggest issue is why people do this, they can’t reset there builds as its based on what is out now. So when new stuff comes, they high likely have to reroll or pay RP to add more characters or make new accounts entirely / delete characters.

So yea, changing things in this game isn’t working