Tree of Savior Forum

Any point to leveling Linker anymore?

I don’t think you understand just how poor some 280s are…when they gamble it all away on re-rolling cubes.

We know what they gave us, and what they gave us is a class defining skill as scroll that can be traded away to other classes.

There is no reason to assume it’s not going to happen to other classes also with there skills. The fact that it’s a 8th rank class already gives the hint that the scrolls are going to be powerful.

Okay. Well, for everyone else reading just keep in mind the discussion so far hinges on:

  1. Vague/cryptic descriptions lacking in practical information.

  2. A UI image of a lv1/2 joint penalty scroll

Nothing wrong with speculating. It’s when people take assumption for fact that these topics get cringey.

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Expect to see enough threads complaining about spell scrolls regardless :

Bot/rmt/exploit abusers possess a clear advantage over genuine players whenever silver sinks are involved. It’ll be particularly annoying if the vermin have access to bottomless spell scrolls while real players can’t afford the luxury.

For all we know, HK may be enchantable.

The goals of TOS seem to be quite different than other MMOs, and the community just hasnt gotten that yet.

i dont know why are everyone freaking out
all we have are some pics

we dont know how long CD on those scroll
we dont know what skill can be transform to scroll
we dont know would attribution carry into scroll
we dont know the materials require to make those scroll

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Since enchanter will only be available at C1, wouldn’t you guys find it relieving thinking that enchanters may be only able to craft skill scrolls up to lv5? :confused:

cryo chrono is gonna be vending machine for frost pillar and pass

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Hypothetically speaking they can’t make Pass Scrolls because 5 people reducing CD’s by 25 would completely break the game.

Linker C3’s don’t have to worry, they’re very desirable for many single-target classes for Full Links in hard content.
They have clear niches and things they can do, if Physical Link starts working properly they’ll be even better.

Enchanter can replace the C1 and potentially C2 Linkers.

loads of skills only need level 5. or even are maxed at level 5.


It would just need a longer cooldown or self-usage restrictions as it might not affect party.

Those scrolls might be expensive. Linker 1 still has damage attributes and Hangman’s Knot to use with Level 15 Joint Penalty Scrolls, so they’re still better than any other class than Linker C2+ at handling those scrolls.

To me this is a system that can improve filler linkers, but higher circles on it may become useless.

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@Granad0 and @Gatygun

And why are you guys so certain that those lv5 abilities will be available to be crafted?

already answered earlier on this.

At the end its all wishful thinking tho, so yea take it with a grain of salt.

Another way of looking at this is, a Linker Enchanter will be able to do tons of links by alternating skills and scrolls.

Also an easy way they can balance Enchanter and Pardoner is to have this scrolls be 1/3 your skill level (or some other such division)

This way at max level 5 JP is for sale, but not level 15 with the attributes.

Frost Cloud Scroll is coming, there is no point on anything bull selling in the Mage Skill Tree.

Except only other wizards will be have the Magic Attack needed to actually use Frost Cloud, or any offensive spell. So, obviously, they wont’ have them.


I don’t see that as a reason to be honest. The only reason would be the fact that the spell is too OP.

There are many Cleric builds with HIGH INT that would love some FC Scrolls.

I don’t really think they will do this because they love Elememe too much, but it would be fun to watch.

If someone with JP and its attributes uses a JP scroll, does his attributes get applied as well?

Assuming Enchanter scrolls work the same way as Pardoner scrolls, I don’t really see any class being replaced by skill scrolls other than Cryo3, if Frost Pillar was scroll-able. Maybe Chrono too but I highly doubt Pass can be enchanted into a scroll; maybe just Haste.