Tree of Savior Forum

Any point to leveling Linker anymore?

  • Keep leveling your XX Linker build as planned
  • Take R8 Enchanter & become silver-making bot
  • Reroll

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You know that alchemist’s homoculus can copy and use your skill automatically right ? :3

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Do what you want to do, broski.

If this game releases a class that can craft scrolls for each base class, you’re gonna be like: “Any point to playing Tree of Savior anymore?”


I really don’t think having a scroll of JP is going to make Linker useless. It meshes very well into a lot of builds, and the other spells in the cricles have use too. Hangman’s Knot is very good, and the attributes between the two increase damage. In addition, buying enough JP scrolls to replace a linker is going to be very expensive (mine is always on cool down, at least), and if it is like simony will be limited at level 5 (until rank 10 :P).

In my opinion, Simony makes Paladins worse off because they are difficult to fit into builds that would keep them on par and also provide barrier. Krivis also has a few issues of its own, but they have more tools and versatility than paladin.

I totaly agree with you I really don’t know wtf IMC is doing


Why not?

  1. Based on pardoner mechanics, you only can craft skill that you have learnt.
  2. Skill probably limited, not all skills can be crafted.
  3. Skill used by other players wont gain benefits of attribute. For this case, this JP scroll lack of attribute of +50% damage to lightning, earth, poison. Not to mention without losing Hangman Knot to combo.
  4. They are not cheap to craft, probably.

These are weakness of pardoner scroll crafting. If wizard’s one apply the same rules, then I dont see why linker become unless because of scroll crafting.

And… this is rank8. Higher rank should be stronger than lower rank. I dont see problem if they exchange other rank8 to be access ability to craft lower rank skills.

Edit: From pardoner mechanics too, skill scroll magic level based on the scroll making skill level, thats mean you only can use level5 of magic skill using scroll, aka, inferior to original caster.


The important factor here is that you won’t have the AoE defense reduction from hangman’s knot which is pretty huge part of linker combos.

Granted if you have a falconer it won’t be a big deal

This will definatly benefit single boss kill type builds that might lack some AoE, not to mention help out swordies/clerics/archers that might not have taken any real aoe damage in there builds. (Not to mention if this does not share a cooldown with linkers own skills, this could let linker maintain links thru almost any pulls mixing between there skills timer and scroll timers)

Most Wizard support skills have strong Attributes (including JP or Hangman’s). So no, Linker or w/e support class won’t be useless.

There are other reasons, but this alone should be enough for ppl to stop worrying.

Give actual linkers back their old powers. Everyone else can keep their nerfed-to-hell JP/HK skill scrolls. Whatever. :slight_smile::slight_smile::slight_smile:


Enchanter can proably only make Lv5 Skill Magic Scrolls since it’s only circel 1.

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90% of the linkers are rank 1

All those linkers still get more for the 1 rank than will ever be reasonable from enchanter scrolls too.

  • AoE defense ratio reduction from Hangmans
  • 6 links instead of 5 (with gem)
  • +50% Earth, Poison and Lightning damage from JP attributes
  • Access to Hangman’s Knot (unless you plan on stuffing your inventory full of skill sthat have low CD’s)

Everybody and there mom gets it for sharing damage between monsters to make single target damage aoe damage. All the other stuff is just gravy.

The 50% damage is from propperty attacks only, it’s not that great. The aoe defense ratio reduction is great, but hardly a reason to spec into linker 1 if you can scroll it. most monsters will link 5 links anyway.

If i can pick up linker rank 1 scrolls for cheap, and it works well. I will drop linker in a heartbeat.

And when groups are going to use it, linker will be extinct unless they need stat share / party share buffs.

That’s the whole issue.

The fact that they demonstrate it with JP skill already says enough about other skills.

What’s next? frost cloud from elemental lvl 5?, lets pick up all the good skills from every class and make scrolls out of it.

So we all can run around as all in one classes.

  • What if they can make Pass scrolls? All Chrono 3 will rage quit or turn into Enchanters?

  • Linker is a skill you use every 22 seconds, any scroll worth 1k+ would make you spend ~3k every minute or 180k/hour to be a Linker, you’d still not have attributes or Hangman’s Knot though.

  • I didn’t like the news as a Linker 1 at first but honestly, Linker 1 is still awesome and if I can buy Level 15 JP and use it with my level 5 HK it will still be very cool, I don’t have to pay for smaller links but can still solve any issues that may come with Max Hit Count on the future

  • Enchanter is a problem mostly for Linker 2~3, where you trade other sort of utilities for that. I’m pretty sure 100% Linker 3 will take Enchanter. I’m considering Wiz > Pyro > Linker 3 > Alche 2 > Enchanter right now to be honest, not sure about scroll levels though.

why would anybody take enchanter on there main tho, i would just make skills in scrolls on a worthless alt, and trade it towards my main?

Money is a non issue if you gona do ET or end game content, even if they cost 1k each. just take 100 scrolls with you 100k is nothing, and do that with your team and push yourself through the content easily. How long does it take you to get 100k? 20 minutes max?

Use level 5 scrolls for leveling to boost your damage output whenever its needed.

Throwing class defining skills into scrolls, and make them kinda pointless / useless is what ends up making groups exist out of all damage dealers which result in playing any other class useless.

“The fact that they demonstrate it with JP skill already says enough about other skills.”

You know nothing jon snow.