Tree of Savior Forum

Anvil exploit exposed in Ktos, possibly used within ITos as well

You could observe all kind of weird behavior by using the methods that I told you in my previous post, and logs are indeed created, otherwise the server wouldn’t be able to recognise your successful attempt and register it to the server.

I’ll make an example:

If a GM sees a channel that crashed 8 times yesterday, saw the people that were there at the moment of the channel, and see that one had upgraded a weapon X times during the time the channel was crashing, wouldn’t it be suspicious?

It’s not rocket science, it’s base logic.

Thanks, so it’s not the same as in the video. And not the same as @nfprivaron is talking about.

Sorry but I don’t trust fools who have 0 knowledge and like to claim things like they’re owners of the truth.

Either you were participating in the bug train or is pulling bullshit on the thread. I don’t care about either way, going back to play the game now. ~

The bug exists, please don’t try to add sugar to it, there’s no need and you just make it harder for devs to filter, fix it and punish who did it. Unless your objective is to actually create this distraction.

If they can observe it with those methods, why r they even bother hiding this bug and not telling everyone that this happened so we fixed it?.

Thanks, so it’s not the same as in the video.

He didnt say that, duh. He, just like me, said that he didnt bother to remember the exact error number.

Please just read and go back to the thread start.

My conclusion:

They said that they were going to make an announcement today, I guess you are either trolling by now or being incredibly stupid.

Also, they are not omniscient, they need reports from players to actually check on bugs or exploits, but if you do it privately a bug will not be as known as posting it in the ■■■■■■■ forums.

Yeah, nice fallacies. That’s exactly what I said, huh.

You’re not providing a better way to check the damage caused by this exploit.

You’re really a drama queen. Who’s asking for a witch hunt against legitimate players? Geez. There’s no other way to know if you’re a "legit and honest"® player unless you’re investigated.


Okay, I take my word back. Let’s not investigate all accounts with characters with overenhanced gear, let’s make this addon public so IMC can magically fix the issue, like what happened with the /pmp something command to crash channels and reset the timer of mystical/unstable cubes back in Jan 2017. Otherwise, some people on damage control here might get banned.


Waiting for random IMC staff member to close off thread due to it being “off-topic”


You are not responding to my quotes nor making sensible comment here, they r not omniscient of course, but as bug big as this and with clear evidence you still willing to side with IMC rather than defending your own rights? I can see your mindset or you might be one of those so called GM perheps?

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There were different errors for me - without crashing out from the channel (like I’ve said before) and with crashing out of the channels (like Lostac had). But sure, you have no obligation to belive me. Dunno why a person who’ve played more thatn 5k hours in this game would try to pull bullshit on such a serious matter, that can actually destroy the whole game.

Monkeys don’t read. They eat bananas.

Looks like you’re the one that can’t read. Says no exploits in KTOS, too, you idiot.

Anyways, is IMC really trying to make themselves a meme?
First it was the ‘claim’ that Crit Bug was not a bug.

Yeah, no.

Now claiming that this video proof of exploit is just apparently false

Soon, it will be

  • Anvil Error
    Anviling while using ‘INSERT MAGICAL NO-FAIL-ANVIL-ADDON’ will no longer cause items to not lose potential when failing.
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By the way, the ktos announcement is up on nexon site.


It would be really great if nothing ever happened and all those +30~40 guys were just super lucky, but there is evidence, there was exploits, there still is instruction how to recreate this exploit and yet you still believe what they has to offer?

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lol i got tricked lol

Give the deym add-on name!

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Quick Question: If you’re talking about SEA don’t you think it’s more probable that people abused the event diamond anvils with many tokens and alt accounts rather than this bug?

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be a korean and maybe you’ll get it