Tree of Savior Forum

Anvil exploit exposed in Ktos, possibly used within ITos as well

If you trust IMC, they were (all) fixed in 2016. I don’t. Your opinion against mine, point stands.

Some channels were crashing recently. Ask anyone (including me) who happened to have a channel crashed a few minutes (or even less) after trying to enhance a weapon.

It’s not rolled back. I don’t need to trust anyone but my own eyes here and it’s a fact.

I’m not talking about now, indeed. You never change lunar, only nick changes :smiley_cat:

Nothing to hide here, no need to change anything. Thanks for the cute tho :kissing_cat:

now that you made come into my mind the mystical cube, some time after they said they had “fixed it”, they made a boss event. Channel crashed because of bugged skills and my mystical cube did reset.
That’s how reliable they are.)

And waifus. Actually you never changed your avatar, which is a cute one.

I saw a lot of players ugprading their weapons and trascending to in the HOOK64/pmp problem
I was obviously that they are abussing to upgrading weapons. But imc only Ban players Who re rollo the mistical cube. I was one o them and its anoyin hay seen thats old glitchers like the ktos play without any consecuence

Them on the Dungeon Drop problem when imc refoud exployers with letitia cubes i lost every expectative on the staff works.

(IM on my cellphone now, sorry for my inglish)

2017 image

@TheAlleyCats Also, I did stop participating in the forums and don’t plan on staying active after this. But I can’t help getting a little annoyed at claims such as my quote above.

I’m only answering here because it’s related to anvils and I really thought it was an exploit at first, since the OP (edit/note: original poster) put some sugar on the text.

Maybe it’s a “oh no! someone’s wrong on the internet, i must correct them” reaction in response to “oh no! someone’s posting facts with source on the internet, I must disagree”. Either way, don’t worry, I won’t be “whiteknight”'ing after this is over.

And another game cbt is coming soon which I’ll prolly be playing with other friends.

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Well, pmp and hook crashes do not work now (they did in early 2017 tho), that’s plain bullshit (he’s making it up right there).

Maybe I sound harsh, but if you look at the dungeon afkers threads, you’d know why I’m so pissed off.

I just liked your post there a few minutes or hours ago.

Same happened on Klaipeda for 3 runs in the first time I decided to do runs again for leveling with x8 tomes (few weeks ago, I think it was first week of last events). Was surprised and complained with a friend “wait, weren’t we supposed to already have an AFK report option?”

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There is the option, it says “report disruptive behavior” but they don’t give a ■■■■ to them. (let’s stop this, too much OT).


You mean me? Me veas a hacer sonrojar uwu!!

Whatever. I Have my own doubs about the korean of the post. At the first time that i saw a picture of his weapons i think thats was From k-test server.

Get a weapons over +30 its posible and maybe easy with a plan and lot of Silver.
Mi plan its like get a weapons improve and skip the next tier rank. I Have my staff From like 1 year ago. +25 with 2/13 potencial and i use the Diamond with time límites form the Last 2 evento to reach 30 now i Have like 1 years to get Silver and shard to make a better masinios weapons

Thats why IM asking things about the game now. I barely play since i get my full solmiki the Last year i Have lost tons of drama to


As u all can see, RG4M3S is a necro bot ( auto hotkey afk farm ) owned by you, along with at least more 3 who share name, trades and market trades with ur main account. I agree with you, its better to ban the player, and together, verify those who uses necro afk bots to make easy silver and buy enough diamond anvils ( event or not ) to make +30 ++ weapons and perm ban all of then too.

"(d) upon game play, chat or any player activity whatsoever which is, in our sole discretion, inappropriate and/or in violation of the spirit of the Game or Game Service. "

RorschachTeam / Rorschach , as a necro bot again in another post.

All IMC need to do is verify trades / market trades and ban players who broke rules, remove all illegal profit and items.

Rorschach, and his family of necro botters are from SILUTE SERVER, SKYLINE GUILD.

And here : u can see a party with both of them at saalus run. Video is from RorschachTeam youtube channel. OMG


Do something about it please, just check player logs, trades, market trades, partys. That is a huge ofense to all common players at SILUTE community.

What envy does not do.
The person invents a lot of crazy and mixes things trying to prove crazy things out of sheer envy.

Let me give you a tip, in an investigation we’ll put together evidence to try to solve something.

What you are doing is the opposite, you are envious of me and you are trying to forge and invent “evidence” to incriminate me.

I did not do anything that violates the rules of the game. Unlike you who explored bug in the pokemon event to get millions of Diamond Anvils, tired of crashing channel refining weapon …

You’re pointing a finger at me out of envy and you do not see who your other 4 fingers are pointing at you and their exploited bugs.

I think is really easy to see your char and alt accounts abusing auto hotkey / macro necro bot farm a long long time by now. ( solitary cells, demon prison, dina bee, sausys maps ) This break game rules and who do that kind of stuff need to be properly punished. Some of the videos are from your own youtube channel ( i think they will be deleted by you soon , so i keep a copy if needed ).

Like i said, all needed to IMC confirm all info is check your logs, market trades, rmt trades, trades beetwen accounts. Its all there and here.


Yea it does get annoying to keep reading and to keep discussing so much bullshit on these forums with alot of these people. Is why I don’t reply to alot of the bs I see on these forums, including some of your comments.

But hey, you’re willing to take up whatever role you felt was necessary. Good for you. Keep it up and have a great day while you’re at it. :satisfaction:

Is your weapon red and shinny that you tried so hard to defend these exploit scumbags?

Please tell me people are lazy to not create 200 alts for DA events

You dug this up to ask me this?

But ok, no. My weapon’s only yellow. I’m not so jealous of RNG that I come on the forums to scream, shout, and whine.

Would you like some cheese with that, though?

Ya I did, and I absolutely love the fact that ur still calling this RNG.

Are you talking about -this- thread specifically, or what?

The items mentioned in this thread that were created due to the 0 pot error have been removed.

If you meant the +40 items, then those have been confirmed as legitimate.


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