Tree of Savior Forum

Anti-Bot Solution Suggestion

No debuff. Disconnect.

Maybe not even a question, something u just click on it but it appears on random parts of the screen.

I saw games that added captcha and gave u a 5 minutes delay to answer or, disconnect.

Is not that hard I guess, if u bother regular players just a little bit u can get rid of those vermin bots.

let me put it this wayā€¦

you are half way through a boss and the fight will prob drag on for like 10 min but you have one of those pop ups shows upā€¦

what do you doā€¦

think fast cause the boss is beating the crap out of youā€¦

Code it for the window closure successfully if attacked by world boss or inside quest.

Bots free my friend =D

hope you can code it for 10 enemies kicking your ass too in a common mob or dungeon instance

As long as the UI mode or anything UI related doesnā€™t lock unto the close button (which may eventually lead to the closing of the window with the press of any key) then it should be enough to zap those pesky botters and z-afk abusers alike.

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how about someone who afk/sit only in town?
even if u set anti-bot work outside town onlyā€¦there is alot player afk and do nothing outside town map(example : outside dun 50 ect)
also if u set anti-bot trigger when a player repeat Z button/any button for 100 times, its not effective. as u know u can just add any other button(like C) per 10 times pressing Z.
for someone who put something on Z prolly workā€¦but not for bot with 3rd party software.

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You dense Mā€¦

The debuff is to the player trying to troll you by testing you, not a bot, a bot will be disconected AND teleported to the near city.

What is the problem about disconect a AFK? What difference does it make?

Waiting in-game just slowing the servers, maybe a mob can kill you or a even a player. While waiting on the menu screen is safe and you still can log in with you character in the same place as you were.

I see your reasoning over the disconnect. it would be annoying if a legit player answered the question wrong or was out of the room for a sec and got a debuff

I think a debuff at like 3 failed attempts should be good. that way, if the botter programs the bot to just reconnect, then after 3 times they would be botting for no reason.

I rather get disconnected than getting debuffed for a period, and for bots and Z afkers, disconnect would totally ruin their evil plans.

Im just saying its not hard to stop bots, you just need to bother nice players a little bit, as a nice player i wouldnt mind at all to do some checking once in a while in order to help fight vermins. =D

wakfu system is very good.

Maybe After some minutes the ā€œbot eventā€ can trigger the character (could be from 20min to 2 hours randomly after the log, the counter stops in city). The event will be like the event in some quests, every monster will disappear and will spawn 5 totem with 3 hp and a number, players must kill the totem in order, After that heā€™ll get full restore hp/sp or blessing lvl 10. If he fails he got ā€œCurseā€ -70% in every stats, -100% exp and slow that could be cured only in klapedia to bokor master using money according to his level.