Tree of Savior Forum

Anti-BOT method

dont be like that, think about the futur, our descendant will play in an aweful economie, we must act from the start !^^

i’m sure IMC will give some good out of it, maybe a little 20% xp if the captcha or minigame is won.

Actually before I was able to run a kinda rp-ish job of standing guard over mineral nodes that bots used to farm often. I would ask random passerby’s a small fee of 5 copper then report the people who acted suspicious. I was hoping of getting a whole guild together who would just do that as a community. But it’s kinda hard. :3

there’s captcha solvers etc nowdays it will just lead to a ruined game experience

no system is safe :no_mouth:

you’ll call the guilde ’ the vigilente ’

No. Players abuse their power and always will. You are a human being and if I insult you enough, you have the ability to ban me for 1 or two days. That is ridiculous, even if you were the ‘the first level 200’ … I don’t care. No one does.

This isn’t meant to sound as mean as it does or come off as rude, it’s just the truth. Despite you saying you will not abuse your power. You may not, but others will. But I am positive if I tried hard enough, I could get you to do it or someone else could by making you upset enough.

Trying to remember the guild name, it was called Poor Farmers.

We were everything but rich.

It was a good idea, but hard to implement, more along the lines of community backed guild. Like another set of mods but from the community.

Let’s all do the thing the game always tell us to do in the first place, report bots, don’t ignore them just because everyone else does. Hopefully people will just report them on sight and that would be the end of that. Not this "So many bots hasn’t reported a single bot because it’s tedious "

That mentality in players of mmo’s need to die.

I guess people aren’t really that invested into reporting a bot, it’s more tedious than it is rewarding.

The abuse of this power is what differs good players, you just showed exactly what you were going to do with this power. If you could just read, we must sent the record to IMC to give reason for the ban othersiwe we won’t deserve the power.
And I didn’t asked for it, I just want them to implement it, even if they have to pay someone just to walk around the game searching for hackers, will always be more efficient than sending a ticket.

If you don’t get that, I’m just sorry for you.

(not a fan of the captcha idea, because it’s either annoying to the legit players, or not hindering a botter that’s aware of how it works and simply checks their bot every 40min to do the captcha etc…)

The proper way of preventing botting is of course by making it not worth doing. If botting didn’t yield results, people wouldn’t do it.

In other words, if the game is designed to reward players who pay attention (actual reaction to what’s happening necessary, positioning mattering etc, randomized timers on variable things happening etc.), instead of motivating you to try your best to play like a bot (when quick repetitive monotone behavior is what makes you level/get silver/drops the fastest).

That’s hard to do in a grindy repetitive game however XD

An additional way to expose botters (besides actual footage of them)… is by making statistics about character-activity/logs publicly accessible. If you can look up some player and see their gameplay history, only to notice that they’ve played 24/7 for 50 days straight on the same map and killed 30483406754604066 of the same monster, it’s obvious what went on there.

I believe TOS has tried a bit of both of these already (by making late game silver-gain that much higher than early-game, and by (unfortunatley) disabled trading and its limits crippling bots and goldsellers… and the latter by having an NPC where people could check stats about people, but I think that NPC was removed by now?).

I still think completely disabling trading isn’t necessary though. Just have to set the limits on it right:
-anyone can OPEN a trade-window with anyone. What and how much you can put into it is what is being restricted
-1 trade INPUT per day (10+ with Token)
-max 5 items possible to put into a trade window
-no silver tradeable (but there needs to be the option of storing/transfering silver between same-account characters)
-only things with potential can be traded (some additional things with Token)
these are just examples. All of them, even in the worst limitations, are still better than trading being disabled altogether. (Also they’d allow for one-way trading, since while one person might not be able to put anything into their side of the trade window, the other one could if they haven’t reached their limitations for that day or whatever)

Another help would be an initial minor one-time payment to access the game, as that wouldn’t be too drastic for a normal player (if it’s like the cheapest founders pack, and especially if it comes with TP as well, absolutely no reason to be against it), while escalating quickly for anyone intending to make 20+ accounts.

I’m not sure about a flagging system (if there was one, THAT would have to have a captcha or something, instead of being a single click option). Perhaps if it was merely used as a pointer for GMs, who would then check out that player (and their log). But definitely not in a way where players themselves could hinder legit innocent players from playing by simply gathering enough friends to flag some person they don’t like etc…

Just my 2 cents on the issue.

Sounds good :
-A debuff at login that drop exp/loot rate to 0% and when you complete the captcha (at login and few times ingame), it gives another that boost it to 100%. This allow a boost for exp book that will up the exp rate from 100% to the amount wanted.
-During the Captcha, the player is unkillable and unable to do any action (like a hide/freeze status).
-If the player close the client (alt+f4 or what ever) or get disconnected, it will still ask to complete the captcha at the next login.
There are certainly some issue to think about but this can be great.

No captchas thanks. Bots get through it easily while players take some time to read and key in…

EDIT: or maybe have some fun with captchas…

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Most effective solution :

  • 2-5 $ symbolic fee for per acc creation
  • no silver transfer (only beetwen same acc’s characters)
  • +50 lvl for trade and market acces
  • effective report system (video record with implement acc ID detect system)

Nearly impossible profit with bots (actualy loss)

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Make an Anti Bot GM Guild like we had on Ragnarok - worked just fine but dont copy their pikachu picture
GMs hunting bots while player chillax and enjoy the game…thats what our game is about right…OUR game i claimed it

This is a great idea. Implementing random sidequests/task that has to be completed in the area or get a debuff (by evil spirits), will greatly complicate writing the botting software.


Some players will not want to pay for a F2P game.
This is a great idea, like random quests / mission that you have to fulfill in the area or get debuffed (by evil spirits).

It will greatly complicate the bot writing process.

Edit: Didn’t finish reading your whole post. I agree with what you said.

Rather than relying on IMC to do the work, the COMMUNITY should step in and simply report bots. I think we have a far superior advantage over bots and IMC because of our in depth knowledge of the game, dedication, and number.


Another way to detect “botting” is that if you are in an area for a longer period of time, but did not move much from an area, it could trigger the capcha. However, I will say, even in other games, a Capcha itself can be botted >.>

Imagine when whole party got into boss room, and they decide to afk a bit to take a break. Splash back to first stage and have to climb the long way again, lmao.

And people can abuse each other as well. We’re human and human are evil.