Tree of Savior Forum

Anti-BOT method


I would like to know your plans concerning anti-bot measures?

If you havent decided yet, maybe you would like to create a POLL , with some choices for the comunity to decide ?

that would be verry nice of you, and we would appreciate it.

Here’s some random ideas.

  • A slider in the corner of the screen, we have 5 minutes to slide it to a random predetermined point on the bar, if wrong, or uncomplet after 5 mins, we get a mouvement penalty debuff of 99%.
    We then can clique on an icon that appear on the screen to fill a captcha that prove that we are back, and not a bot. ( slider appear around every 40 mins sounds good.)

  • A minigame that grants reward if succeded.
    That could become a part of the game instead of just a simple anti-bot measure. maybe a mini collecting game, like a minigame with many slime monster of different colors, and we must click to kill those of the wrong color, based on our time performance, we have a reward.
    Or another game, i’am sure you can find great ideas that would completly change how we see the game.

  • Or even a simple captcha like this

    Quick and effective (i made it with numbers, but symbols can also be good.)

Let us know what you think about it. we want our game, as bot free as possible :slight_smile:

--------------------------- EDIT----------------------------
So i resume.

every 40 min to 1 hours, we are afflicted with a debuff like
this : [you cannot receive XP and your drop chance are reduces by 100% ]
then an icone pop in a corner of the screen, we click and a captcha is here for us to fill.
Or we must do a minigame so that the debuff is removed, and maybe get some reward from it.

That way, we wont die in combat because of it, since we choose WHEN to perfome the bot test.

We can choose to performe the captcha test at anytime, so that we are debuff free for the next hour, that way we can performe the anti bot test, when we have some free time , and avoid being debuff.

and make sure that the debuff cannot happen when we are boss fighting.


Captcha is inefficient, all it does is annoy the legit players.

kTOS has Xigncode, but it didn’t do much against bots. In the end, manual ban waves still is the most efficient way to deal with bots, so we need active GMs monitoring the game constantly.


Hello chr.fye,

Thanks you for your feedback. We are also looking at various options to see what we can do, but any other good suggestions are greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:



captcha is more efficient than anti-hack program. because there is something called reverse engineering to exploit anti-hack program. image from captcha is hardly identified by different size and font and color.

Will there be a report system ? Like if we see a bot we can flag it and with alot of flag/report he got warned/kicked/asked to answer the captcha or get ban.
If there’s a captcha, try to think about something to compensate if we answer it right.

Hope so too, created the thread in Suggestion forum.

But in-game this system would be good too. Can easily get rid of these nasty buggers.

We can use voice recognition :slight_smile:

Whaa , that was a quick reply, good to know that you’r on it then.
as long as you dont create a bot army to seek and destroy farming bots :scream:, i’m sure your choice will be a wise one :sweat_smile:

If you save screenshots or recordings of the bot and submit them via the ticket system, that will allow us to check the logs and act on those findings. :slight_smile:

We are aware of that particular issue. But thank you for your helpfulness. :slight_smile:


Seek and destroy killer robots?
No… Now who would do such a thing…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Aye! o/ /20botskilled

Imagine if the server is unstable and you really badly want to play like on the start of ICBT but can’t login fast repeatedly fast enough due to captcha. I don’t think there is a MMO or other PC games that used it. And possible you can just login first then run your bot.

If i’ll gonna suggest… something like gameguard that would detect if there’s a 3rd party running with the game. Try improving the code design also so hackers can’t easily modify the values on the source code.

How about bot hunting mini-game? xD The only other thing I guess would be to create some for of flagging system that filters characters that stay in any area killing large number of mobs or something. Though this probably won’t work out too accurately I guess.

Can you guys just make a captcha open every now and then with a timer, if you got it right gain some buffs for short time, if not you go back to loading screen.

If the captcha trigger have some random log, bots can’t prevent their acc to be disconected…

All the methods mentioned earlier can be circumvented by bots who just log off and log back in. The best way to actively prevent that loophole is to create an in-game jail. Perhaps accessible through the gate at the north-most part of Klaipeda. If a bot or a player attempts to circumvent the bot-check test, their character will get moved to the in-game jail. There, human players can attempt to pass the bot-check test again to return to the game. Bots however, would be stuck and can no longer use the log-out and log-in trick to get back to botting.


I, for one, welcome our new anti-hacker killer robot overlords.

That could work , or massive debuff too movement or loot in case of failed anti-bot test, that way even if they relog, the debuff is still here until the bot test is completed to remove the debuff.

We could make it so that we suffer a debuff for 24 hours, every 1 hour.
and to remove the debuff , a minigame must be completed , that way they have no time to "log off - relog " to avoid the minigame failure debuff.

If bots learn to use skills, even the most crippled bots can still do damage, even with the harshest debuffs.