Tree of Savior Forum

Anti-BOT method

Dear IMC,

Honestly, I’m a legit player, I was the first lvl200 on top1 (latino). When it comes to games, I take it serious and I know a lot of people as well. WE HATE HACKERS. In every game there is bots like this… THERE WILL ALWAYS be bots like these. I know it’s too much for the staff to handle all of the problems.

When I’m playing with my friends and we see a hacker we always get to the same idea: Why the STAFF do not provide some exclusive players the ability of 1~2 days ban, and then submit the video to a STAFF member.

Really, I would enjoy myself banning hackers, I would even pay to have this ability. I think you should discuss and consider that as an option.


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You should message the CM directly with this instead of posting it publicly.

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yes but if the debuff is that no xp is gained and no loot drop chance reduce by 99, killing mob would do them no good :stuck_out_tongue:

well , i agree with chr.fye , i had played many mmorpg , and i think the solution for anti bot which chr.fye suggest is good , especially the second one , i had seen mmorpg that use simple minigame that popout for certain time to prove that we’re not bots and it really working

as for the captcha choice , it will be a bit burden that we need to write on the capt when we’re having hard time against monster , there’s a chance that our character could died when we are filling the captcha :smiley:

Agreed, they might have one more problem now.

Hmmm… I think I understand your concern. I’m sorry, I’ve made a mistake. What is done is done. Next time I will do the right way! :slight_smile:
Thanks for the tip.

Killstealing is still possible.

Holy crap
that’s so suck

WHy would they make killsteal bot , there is no benefit for them, evilness isnt a buiseness :joy:

So i resume.

  • every 40 min to 1 hours, we are afflicted with a debuff like this : [you cannot receive XP and your drop chance are reduces by 100% ]
    then an icone pop in a corner of the screen, we click and a captcha is here for us to fill.
    Or we must do a minigame so that the debuff is removed, and maybe get some reward from it.

That way, we wont die in combat because of it, since we choose WHEN to perfome the bot test.

and make sure that the debuff cannot happen when we are boss fighting.

I must mention… In a lot of games, when it comes to hacks and treiners, they only give ban on the account, you just have to create another one.
For ex: Ragnarok - LUG
You have your lug account and inside you lug account you can have like 5 ragnarok accounts, you just get banned on 1 account, once they give ban to all of the 5 accounts, all the others on the same MAC/IP, the hacks will drop in 99%.

And block the same MAC/IP for logging again. Yes, it can be tricked, but most people won’t have the trouble for that.

Annoying as hell.

Imagine doing this during boss fights or dungeon runs.

that’s worth it to miss a loot or 2 and the xp of a few mob every hours to have a bot free game.
(look up i edited the original post with a good idea.)

Worst thing dude, look all the trouble we’ll get just so we can prove we are ourselves.

Yeah not that good, what if there’s a party or quest you want to join but only 1 slot left and there’s other available people who can join without waiting for you.

Since it’s f2p banning account is not a big deal for botters since they can just create again and bot. Your suggestion about IP/Mac address ban might work but maybe withtin a timeframe because the botter might learned his lesson after that.

You will not be able to stop bots if there is profit to be made. While many of you may see them as mindless, you have to take into account that the people who make these bots are GOOD at it. If there is enough profit to be made, someone GREAT will be brought in to write the bots code.

I have worked on a number of LUA scripts for League, and have written several ‘programs’ (this is obviously not what they are at their core for those of you familiar with code) for CSGO, and other FPS games, and I know those who are far better at it than I am that make a REALLY decent living by doing this. If we want to work hard enough to get passed a game’s security system … we / they will.

There are a couple of things that the developers could do to thin out the bots for sure, and your best course of action is a show of strength right off the bat and ensure that it is not worth the coder’s time to make a bot for this game.

This will not work. Dynamic IP’s make this impossible. I can generate a new IP in a matter of seconds. IP Hardware bans might be a bit more effective, but even that can be circumvent easily enough if there is money to be made.

I rather play with bots instead of wasting time solving puzzles.
We were supposed to affect bots not ourselves.

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Sure it is. It’s called politics. There’s still legal slavery in the world.

That test sounds annoying. Imagine if every time you wanted to comment in this forum, you had to fill out a captcha. That gets old real fast, whether you get a reward or not. Tests should be restricted to possible bots only. Also, if you allow players to police bots, it shouldn’t carry a reward or else players could just use it on friends for the reward.

If you want to do tests correctly, don’t even make it an obvious test. Create map events for popular maps. It could be something like weather, like a tornado, that slowly moves through the map, warping anyone that touches it to a particular safe location on the map. Bots would not be able to find any enemies and just stand still once in that location. Players can easily avoid such a hazard.

For maps with seemingly useless high-ground, like one of the ruins with a whole bunch of pillars and broken construction, you could make a flash flood event. If your character isn’t standing on high ground during a flash flood, you get swept away to a safe point with no enemies, just like the previous event. The event would have something like a 30 second warning, and it would have a brief duration of 5 seconds to not interfere too much with gameplay.

I know they can create another account, but you have to see, bots do not make profit at low levels, in fact is more easy to be spotted on low level maps, also the tos community always used megaphones to tell where bots are.
Every time I saw a hacker situation, I went to see if it was true, recorded and sent to IMC. Yes, they did something about it, but it takes time, and people gets mad when they see hackers, it’s easy if someone in matter of minutes, gets there and PUFT the hacker is gone.