Tree of Savior Forum

Another wizard question :)

Hi guys

is it normal that the wizard is really so damn weak in the early game, compared to the other classes?

Do the skills scale with INT / SPR?

Depends what you define as early game. 1-40? 1-120? Also depends on your build and if your twinking out your character.

If you carrying around full enchanted headgear and a +10 Staff it hardly matters since your one-shotting everything until 40 anyhow. If your leveling a Wizard C2, Linker C2, lol, yeah its going to be a rough time.

I’ve played at least one build of every class and they all hit slow or awkward phases, and they all have key abilities that make things much smoother. Magic Missile or Frost Cloud for example are like night a night compared to previous abilities in the circles.

That said Wizard is indeed a glass cannon, but the cannon part comes at different times depending on your build. Int does scale. No need for SPR.

With my swordy I just ran through.

With wizard, I can not go grinding. Every miniboss requires me to use 20 health and 20 mana potions. I have about 5 seconds cast time for 3 damage. Thats no fun at all and I geniunely hate this class. I hope it changes.

By early game, I mean like… I am 25 now.

Give us your build.
Your weak cause wizards are naturally weak in the early game, I felt better around lvl 60 when I had more flat sp and more abilities.

My build: 5-1 int-con

well yeah… my energy bolt is on 5
and my auto attacks do almost no damage

I am lvl 25, I bought the staff from the AH and upgraded it to +5

Sorry I meant class build because every class has it different.

I am wiz c2, nothing much yet at lvl 25

once u hit wiz3 you’ll be really strong. dont go spr

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You’ll shine around rank 4 dw

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Thank you guys. :slight_smile:
Right now I’m feeling like a lettuce hitting on a wall, feels like 0 damage but I’m looking forward to hopefully being strong enough to not do a boss in 20 minutes xD

Yes it is.

I just auto-attacked everything until I got MM and QC at level 80 bc I got Wiz 2 > Linker fist.

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Would you recommend taking Linker somewhere instead of Wizc3->Elec3->Warlock?

No, Ele 3 doens’t work very well with linker.

Has some uses but nothing that can outclass a few more spells from Warlock.

Which way did you go? Sorcerer?

And: Is ele worth the effort?

Wiz3 link 1 sorc 2 warl
Wiz3 link 2 necro2
Wiz3 link 2 alch2
Wiz3 kino 3 warl
Wiz3 kino 3 Rune caster
And many more

I’m still struggling between taking wiz3-ele3 or wiz3-link1-sorc

any recommendation?

you wanna clear every mobs with one shot and auto attack? its very simple. just buy pardoner buff+squire weapon buff = 1hit need to upgrade weapon or attribute skills. this is how i level my wiz from c1-c2. you don’t even need some skills coz you will be one hitting the mobs. it will cost you around 2-3k for 1hr. note that its only applicable around level 1-40 in my experience. i didnt try to do it in 40+ coz i have magic missile arleady

Whether you like to have a boss assisting you, but you’ll get drunk off SP pots; or become focused on aoe dps.
I went Cryo 3 sorc 2 because it’s cool and fun.

I’m Wiz3 > Linker > Sorc 2 right now.

I think by rank 9 or 10 you won’t be having that much time to cast Elementalist (rank 4) skills, as you will have a whole new DPS set.

Warlock and Sorc work extremely good with Linker. Sorc is a constant DPS addition, you don’t have to keep running him like spells, and his damage is VERY good.

Wiz 3 has low SP cost, that goes well with Sorcerer. Summon scales at INT, which is good for a non SPR build, which also does well for your damage. Summons scale VERY nicely, they get level bonus and ALSO 1.3x INT at level 10 if I’m not wrong, remember that, not considering quickcast, your magical attack from INT comes in greater numbers because INT starts to get more numbers, you get 2 or 3 points for each INT, that’s why INT is worth at higher levels, even if it gives you 1 matq you get so much INT that it gets good. Now think about 1.3 x 1.6~1.9 (7 ranks - 10 ranks) multiplier adding directly to your summon damage. This is real.

As I’m saying, my intentions are trying to have a build good both now and as future proof as possible.

Whoever says Sorc is a SP chunker doesn’t know how to manage it. I’m at level 182 using potions retrieved from quests on market and keep Templeshooter 80% UP on dungeons. Do Links, sleeps, lethargy on bosses, QC+MM when necessary. It’s all about managing your low SP skills and knowing when to deliver good blows.

Remember this: Both Sorc AND Link and have Difficulty: Hard. You won’t enjoy it if you can’t get used to used, it’s a very different gameplay to work at it’s best. Basically if you can manage Hold well you win dungeons by yourself.

I don’t really get what you mean by that