Tree of Savior Forum

Another maintenance? Really?

Yea I get your point but I was really pissed because how laggy and buggy the game became during the brief uptime.

Yeah, I just figured ■■■■ happens and didn’t let it bother me.

They really do need to get their act together, though.

You seem stupid yet arrogant, friend. You mock others like you know exactly what you’re talking about, yet you think they can move a server physically from USA to Singapore and set it up in under 7 hours.

Go check to see how long it takes to fly from East Coast USA to Singapore. If you’re going to talk down to others, make sure you’re not an idiot first.

Looking through your post history, it looks like you’re a bigger offender of that than I am.

Quit trying so hard, pal, it makes you look like a ■■■.

Hey hey calm down mate. The best thing you could do is let other people realize their mistakes. Have a good day :sunny:

This kid is literally following me around trying to make me look stupid. All he does is talk down to other people even though he’s clearly an idiot. [quote=“Shulk, post:31, topic:227873”]
Looking through your post history, it looks like you’re a bigger offender of that than I am.
The difference between you and I is that I’m not wrong 100% of the time. You talk smack all day yet you are never right. Like I said, if you want to talk down to others, make sure you’re not an idiot first.

Life must be easy on a silver platter huh? The entitlement on this guy is ridiculous.

Everyone knows that IMC originally said that Klaipeda and Orsha would not go down for the server relocation in the original announcement right? They ninja edited the thread and suprised everyone when they announced it in game just 5 mins before servers being down.

[quote=“Spaghetti, post:35, topic:227873, full:true”]
Everyone knows that IMC originally said that Klaipeda and Orsha would not go down for the server relocation in the original announcement right? They ninja edited the thread and suprised everyone when they announced it in game just 5 mins before servers being down.
[/quote]I don’t think they ninja edited the thread - they actually made a new thread and never updated the old one

How about if u guys stop being toxic trolls.and stfu? Instead of taking longer they are doing it literally the day after the big maint. Why whine? Dont u prefer better ping? If u dont well too bad :slight_smile: im glad you feel bad.

I am the GM of my game.
Server is my body and downtime is my blood.
I have created over a thousand announcements.
Unknown to reliability, nor known to profit.
Have withstood rage to create many maintenance.
Yet those servers will never run anything…

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Way to slander while being such ignorant on the topic when it is a new announcement being made instead of ninja edited the previous thread. Why do I even bother seriously? A report for you.

Except I didn’t? I was in that thread lurking.

Got any examples friend? Or are you talking out of your ass?

I think someone should take his own advice :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

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Don’t sweat it. Everyone’s entitled to a little foolishness every once in a while.

But the original thread was edited… you can go see for yourself. And they announced it in game like 5 mins before they shut it down. So yea, report me. Doesn’t change what they did lol.

New Announcement thread about the downtime:

Original Thread - unedited:

Orsha is up.
Go play.

Dude, most companies host out of data centers where they can buy/rent dedicated racks or whole towers.

And who is taking a server down for 7 hours to put a rack or some HDDs on a plane, that doesn’t even make logical sense :smile:. Guys over at LinusTechTips lost a boatload of data on their raid-array server and got it recovered remotely with FTP. IMC can do the same…I’m guessing they can have Amazon move the data over faster too.


Yeah we talked about this already. Not every company does that and I wrongly assumed they did.

I don’t really put a lot of faith in Korean MMO companies.

of course every knows that, who the ■■■■ use physical storage to store nowadays, mostly using cloud-based storage from the servers they rent from amazon ws.

Everything now is done on the net