You’re right, you’re just running around spouting ‘m-muh bot problem!!1111 I know nothing about how the gaming industry works so everyone at forums pay attention to me!111’.
Yes, these are the most expensive MMOs. No, not every MMO costs this much. Most of these MMOs have something in common though: they are all fairly new. The cost to develop a MMORPG has gone up drastically in the past 10 years.
If you think this game cost anything under 20 million dollars you are either insane or just stupid. Realistically I would imagine it cost probably around 30 million, but this is just speculation based on the amount of content inside. When you consider this game has been in development for over 5 years, that cost isn’t that surprising anymore.
Now ToS sold to ~600,000 accounts on steam. This includes every chargeback bot account as well. Let’s just ignore that though. It probably does eliminate a ton of accounts, but we don’t even NEED to take that into consideration.
Let’s assume the average player paid $25, which is a fairly generous estimate. Some players obviously bought all the DLCs, but a ton just bough the “$10” DLC to get in. Also due to the initial regional pricing, some players were getting in for as cheap as under $4, with their most expensive pack being under $20. I would gamble what the average player paid being around $15, especially given the large amount of SEA and BR players who got to pay significantly less (rightfully so), but even at $25 there is still plenty to work with here.
This means their total gross revenue would be 15 million. Now you have to remember that they are going through steam. Steam can partner in a variety of ways, and every contract is different, but you know they are definitely getting a cut out of this. Due to NDA the official numbers aren’t allowed online anywhere, but the general estimate people have come up with from various hints being dropped is anywhere from 30-40%. Let’s assume on the low end and say ~33.3%.
This brings their total sales down to 10 million before you take into consideration all their other costs. You must remember they had to set up and maintain servers. They also have to keep a ton of personnel on staff to keep developing and maintain this game. This game assuredly cost way, way more than $10 million to produce.
I’m sure you’ll throw a fit over these numbers as they don’t fit into your infantile whining, but these are all sound estimates.