Tree of Savior Forum

Announcement Regarding Changes in Plans (Poll Closed)

No, you don’t, they want us to choose B, because they doubt they can handle the first one.

Good Job IMC, on criticizing yourself/yourselves after listening attentively to the feedback of the people and remolding to a better one. I appreciate you guys, for compromising with us and providing us with options, giving the people the power to choose what they want.

With that said, voted for option B. :smile:

P.S. You just made my day. :smiley:


Funny how number of voters change , but not the percentages, there are pictures posted before as a proves.


LOL, I saw that too!

Release the Cash Shop items and their TP cost before the game is released. As it is now, it is $20 for 30-day premium Token. I hope that’s not the case.

Great idea ! Congratulations on the initiative, the B. option is just what i

That surely isn’t a coincidence…

Great Idea changing the plans! “B” FTW!

why don’t you guys vote in the 1 week option? pls

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I am a founder and I prefer the 1 month option. 3 month option is not a reward but punishment for me as a founder, because I will play 3 months alone. So of course I won’t buy punishment option for 50$.

I want to start play ASAP and want to start play with my friends who won’t buy founders packs ASAP. So I’d prefer 2nd option with EA reduced to 1 or 2 weeks, but 1 month is OK.

So don’t bother writing walls of text, IMS already made a right decision.

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You belive that if u chose 1 week u willplay next week?, no you will play in 2 month and 3 weeks…

no, the starting date will stay the same no matter what option wins. and when the founder’s packs are done the game will be free to play

Man, I was just about to write the same idea. Good one.

it’s because that’s the best option they compromised to still do some of the things the mentioned so they sweetened the deal a bit.
the 1Week just isn’t enough to handle server load, deal with bugs and the influx of bot accounts all at the same time.

all them are the same price because of the TP.
TP is like $9 - 100TP
650TP would be close to $60

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I hope that’s not going be ironic

This topic is temporarily closed due to a large number of community flags.

well looks like the poll is open again