Tree of Savior Forum

Announcement on Poll Results and Regional Servers

IMCGAMES, where are my goddesses? I need to rescue them and save the world asap.

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[20 characters]

(above me) you rich bastard lol.

Regional server
is it not possible to open 3 or more servern on March 29, 2016.
with “servername”(us) “servername”(eu) “servername”(??) and if you decide, that you will open a real server in that region.
to copy the server player Data to the new region server ?

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As much as we’d all like having servers all over the world, I doubt that it’s so easy to do or that it’s financially viable, so I think even just adding servers on West Coast of US and in EU will be a very good solution.

People from SEA and Oceania are going to get very decent pings on West Coast servers (like LA or Seattle) so most of them will be satisfied with that.


Yes indeed, that would be fine. TOS is now in top sellers list in steam and will probably remain like that for rest of the weekend.

Hopefully with IMC having some more money in their pockets they can consider spinning up some new servers, they’re on AWS so it makes it very very easy to spin them up wherever they want.

It’s probably more the support side of things with different timezones that makes it difficult to spin servers up all over the place but west/east coast US shouldn’t be that big a deal in comparison.

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True enough Look at some of the games it’s outselling with that kind of money they can purchase some data on the Amazon EU servers and edit the serverlist.txt (obviously a over simplification! :slight_smile: )

Well an EU server is super obvious to me, it’s the west coast server I’m concerned won’t happen right now heh.

I mean SG would be ideal since AWS also is quite reasonable price there but that’s an entirely diff timezone than the US so would mean another set of support staff.

I worry about you getting a West Coast server too as there hasn’t been anywhere near as many posts about that. It seems things can change though if people yell loud enough!

You’re correct, I have made a dedicated thread for it to see how much attention it gets.

It’d be interesting to see actual geographical distribution of players so it would be obvious where they should put additional servers.

If they can afford like 5 or more then probably 2 in western europe and 1 in eastern would be awesome. I think there are around 10000 players from eastern Europe (we have around 6 to 8k in Russia alone).

Would like to see some servers spread all over the globe, the idea of 40-50 ping sounds so good.

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Before 3/29? :sleepy:

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No need to seperate east or west eu. Just make one server located in eu. That would be really good.

Amazon has a datacenter in frankfurt wih would be perfect for it :stuck_out_tongue: and I only ping 35 to it wich would be rl nice ^^

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any news on eu server only 6 days left for the game to release ?

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Im worrying, to buy or not to buy
What is the problem appears in your debates? Let me solve it.

I have the same problem.
I want to pay to play early but if there is no EU server i won’t.
I don’t want to play 1 month for nothing and have to begin the game again because you’ll put a EU server later.

So i’m worry and wait to buy … or not :confused:

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You will get a team transfer so if they open a eu server you can transfer there