Tree of Savior Forum

Announce something! ToS in the dark

I check back on the forums/Facebook once a week every week hoping to see something new.

There’s entire forum sections going dark with only 1-2 new threads a month.

Announce something about NA anything IMC!!!

Even tho the game was super rough. And needed tons of work. ALOT of us are loyal and in for the long run and feel we are heavily invested in helping this game be the best it can be. However it feels as if this game goes dark in between every test.

Not to compare… But in between tests of NA black desert. The community manager is literally spamming the forums with updates. Actively participating in feedback. And being upfront about everything .

Getting ANYTHING from IMC is super hard. Even if you said you had zero updates and zero details at this time at least we got something to go on. When there’s no updates and nothing going on we start to assum things are going wrong.

I want to try my best to help in anyway I can go make NA tos a success but I feel the NA community gets next to no attention.

This is the last time I’m going to go searching for updates. I’ll come back in 6 months and just hope for the best I guess. I feel the support to the community is very poor and it will be reflected in the games final result. If it even makes it to NA for final release .


Well, to start, this isn’t the ‘NA’ version; it’s the International version with English as the medium language.

Secondly, they did announce something here to calm down people that were afraid of how our Cash Shop would be handled here in this version (6 days ago):

Along with showing up in some other threads this month responding to some posts, and telling us that the next date for the INT version is still undecided. It also hasn’t even been one month yet since the last test ended.

Finally, the all-important question: What could they update us with that they haven’t already done? There’s already dedicated community members who have been translating and posting patchnotes within the same day they’re put up so that’s already covered.

“Hey guys, we did this with the Korean ver. of the Cash Shop. We don’t know what we’ll do for this version yet, but we just wanted to let you know what we did to that one.”

“Hey guys look, we just banned hundreds of people for botting and exploiting the game-- in the Korean version.”

I’m just not seeing what role they could play right now other than updating on changes or information related to our version of the game, and pop in every now and then to post on relevant feedback threads.


I believe this forum could have a topic to keep the players in track of the korean changes on TOS, WITHOUT making the players have to check thousands of posts.

I also were in the dark since around the end of december.

1 Like

Calm them, you will



The Korean server is unrelated to the International server, so that’s why we don’t get info on each and every one of their patches, this is almost never the case with MMO’s that have different regional servers+publishers.

The only news you should find on the International forums, is news about the International version.

Players keeping track of the Korean changes, is something people do on their free time, not something the international publisher (IMC in this case), should be obliged to post about.

Like @Sixaxis said, we had some news, there’s nothing more to say.


I wasn’t talking about IMC games.
Also, I remember that on some other game, when the beta has ended,
the devs kept posting updates with changes on the official version on their forums.

Edit:. And another thing on the sum, before the game got it’s iCBT, the devs kept
telling news about the game through their blog.

Dude Nakano15


These memes. Lmao.


There won’t be an announcement about NA server at all because this is the international/global version. Even though the server is located on NA, that doesn’t mean it is officially an NA server.

IMC just posted an announcement regarding the mess at Korean server. They also stated clearly in other places that they won’t release this game until it gets solid enough.

Let me compare. IMC is handling multiple servers (international, Korean, Indonesian, Japanese), not only NA (there isn’t an NA server to begin with). They are busy fixing bugs from previous tests, implementing patches, discussing about how they want to implement cash shop policies for each country, discussing things with each country’s publisher, discussing about every single feedback given to them by the players, etc.

I can get responses from IMC staff directly and easily. Whenever I gave my feedback, my hero Staff John will come to the rescue. This also applies to other forum members. If you have anything to ask or any feedback, you can always PM the staff directly, or make a thread and summon the staff like this @STAFF_John .

Then who were you talking about? And why are you even here if you are not talking about the developer (IMCGames)? :sweat:

  • Talks about loyalty

  • Only checks in once a week

  • Complains without checking for recent information on the thing they’re complaining about



you forgot the part where they mention “NA” like 5 times, as if that was the definition of international.



NA people been self centered O_o that is so unheard/read of…

next you will tell me the Sun is yellow or that the sea is salty…



…but it’s white, with a bit more tendency towards the green end of the spectrum…

And lumped in with the Americans again… Sigh


You’ll never know. :smiling_imp:

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.



are you from Southern North Pole aka Canada?_?

Yeah really.Where are you from bloody?

Canada, when you travel you often get the american treatment hence why youll notice a lot of Canadians wear clothing or backpacks with our flag on it to separate our selves. Generally once they know your not american you get treated a lot better lol.

Americans do treat each other like crap,rofl.Some Canadians have accents though.

I wonder where the other regulars are from…