Tree of Savior Forum

Announce of Temporary maintenance

It doesn’t matter if you dropped cubes or not, the whole DPK system was bugged

So if you played the game in any map you too “exploited” the bug

So unless they wanted us to log off and don’t play the game (which if they wanted, they should’ve just taken the server off the air sooner), this is completely THEIR fault, thus, a rollback would be completely unfair to all the other players who didnt do anything wrong and just went on with their lives

Most people are just pissed off cause they didnt get to drop cubes themselves


actually I think they finished the update a while ago but haven’t decided yet what to do with players xD

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i think some people still don’t know what actually happened…

drop rate was bugged, some itens were dropping like crazy, and that’s it.

there were players who were just leveling, doing dungeons, doing saalus, opening their dungeons/world boss boxes, people trying their chances with practonium…

there were players who didn’t even played today, but had items in the market, and don’t even know that they sold some stuff

those people would be hurt by the roll back, and they don’t deserve it

OFF COURSE rolling back would fix the drop problem, but it would cause another problem, so it’s not really an option

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For me as for many, whether they will rollback or not … I just want to release this to be able to play … although if it takes too long it may be a sign that they are using some backup …

Para mim como para muitos tanto faz se vão dar rollback ou não… quero apenas que liberem isso para poder jogar… apesar que se demorar muito pode ser talvez um sinal que estão utilizando algum backup…

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This /\ Just wanna play thats all, rollback or not don’t even care anymore, just let me in

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Yep! What did they expect us to do? Stay inside the cities and don’t play the game because of their mistake?!? I did a report a few minutes after the maintenance end about the Wizard Bracelet drop rate, and even after a lot of replies we only had their action almost 10 hours after the maintenance end.

They should have keep tracking the server after a problem like this, its not a simple thing that can be solved only with an 1 hour maintenance… even before the first maintenance (4am brt) a lot of people just got tons of itens, gems, BBs, cubes! They just ignore it cuz it was not a big deal, a few cubes dropped… but today it just turned to be huge!!! If it was not it, like always, they would just let it pass without making any noise.

Now, I really hope that IMC can solve this problem fast! I dont care if they need to do a rollback, just dont leave it the way it was before the maintenance…

Pelo amor de Deus se vão dar esse rollback então deem de uma vez pois quero jogar ainda hoje.

For God’s sake, if they will give this rollback then give it at once because I want to play today.

There will be no roll back, bugs and exploits in the past were waaaay more deep, people getting free tp, free prac, and a bunch of others things. Never roll back.

punish everybody for your sins IMC, good job as always… :rage:

Silute maint started at 17:40 BRT and it’s 02:10 AM BRT already, close to 9 hours of maintenance and it seems to me that this will be the longest maint in our server history.

It takes a while for them to log in to every individual account and discard the items manually. It’s not like they know how to do it any other way.

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wow, for real? I mean, that’s lotta work! O_O dang, I didn’t know the procedures in situations like this, good to know that IMC is doing their best to resolve this, I hope they fix the servers succesfully tho, even if it takes a day or two! XP dies inside


abre uma breja gelada com os amigos nessa madrugada de sexta pra sabado e se preocupa com o jogo amanhã kkk

belissima manutencao, ninguem quer jogar nao.