Tree of Savior Forum

Annoucement on Trade restrictions is bs

Yup, this announcement is ■■■■■■■ stupid. It can basically be summed up as “Guys, we restrict trading because of RMTs” and guess what, we all knew that you dipshits. Do you guys actually read the arguments put forth by the community? Your methods DON’T WORK, and they are clearly DETRIMENTAL to your game. The pros do not outweigh the cons, and the more you continue this witch hunt for gold sellers the more you’re going to alienate and piss off your player-base.

I was holding out hope that they would fix this game, I was someone who bought the $50 founder pack and then returned it. They’ve said they fixed the spawn rate but, while it was a step in the right direction, it wasn’t nearly enough. And now this basically says there’s no way they’re going to change trading. I wanted this game so bad! iCBT2’s version of this game without the lag would be perfect and I would dump hundreds of hours and dollars into it. But no, you’ve officially ruined it, and now it looks like I am never going to play your game again.

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I’m not going to convince you no matter what I say so,

and the economy is still going to inflate because you can still sell tokens, it’s not like they are preventing us from buying gold with $.

Probably not. And I don’t think I can do the same to you. So I guess we’ll leave it at that, eh :slight_smile:

That’s a problem. Here’s what I see are the two sides to that argument:

  • F2P players need a way to overcome the market restrictions with hard work. Tokens available on the market is that solution.

  • There are already many silver sinks in the game.

Im not cheap i spend stupid amounts of money on games i really shouldn’t, but those games make decisions i approve of. I won’t support decisions i believe make the game worse. If they end up making changes in the future i like, ill throw money at them.


Got news for you, gold spammers and RMT sellers are the same thing. And gold spamming does mean that RMTs are happening. Those companies make money, enough of it to warrant what’s basically an entire industry. If there were no RMTs happening you wouldn’t see spamming. If it didn’t work they wouldn’t be doing it.

These companies (which are real), mostly in asia, that run sweat shop style labor practices with young people forced to spend all day farming currency in a video game to sell to people. The companies span across multiple games, and employ a lot of people. It’s a horrible horrible slight against humanity in the form of worker rights and labor laws, and it’s a slight against the gaming community because of how much they ruin video games.

F2P gets hit harder than P2P because they can endlessly make accounts to continue spamming and farming and not care if/when you get banned. That’s one reason I hope F2P goes away soon, it’s a horrible business model that has ruined otherwise amazing games. This one is looking to follow suit.

It’s true that there’s no real way to combat them, they will always exist. And it’s been proven time and time again that no matter what you do you’ll have them in your game, even WoW has them. However, the amount of them in games that have an upfront cost is hugely lower than in F2P games. So the solution is really to move away from this BS F2P business model.


It is very clear that IMC is an amateur game development company with subpar designers. The fact that they can’t understand the psychology of the western market means the game is simply going to die. The steam reviews speak for themselves, and will only continue to kill the game.

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They are the same thing. They are not the same event happening in game though. I know how those companies work and it’s really painful, trust me I would rather not have gold spammers and RMT in my games too.

Finally someone proposes an answer! I wouldn’t mind this.

@skiddroww I hope your name isn’t referring to what I think it is. Because if it is then I hope IMC completely ignores your opinion on these matters.

I realized I had misspoke to your previous point and edited my statement, but it wasn’t in time it seems. I meant to say that in game gold spamming does signify RMTs are happening. Obviously not at a 1:1 ratio, that’s absurd. But if they got no returns on their spamming they wouldn’t be doing any spamming to begin with.

With 10,000+ transactions a day they are not going to cancel every illegitimate transaction. If you actually think that you are more delusional than I thought. Mind you IMC doesn’t even have enough staff to even moderate shout when they were spam with bots trying to sell silver. What makes you think have enough resources to go through all the illegitimate trades?

Their idea is to delay RMT but please don’t act like any of the things that they have provided actually counters it. If you want proof feel free to look at all the people who are still selling silvers in our main towns.

So if their methods doesn’t actually stop RMT then is it worth giving up trading? One of the most basic feature in any mmorpg?

Please don’t talk about how it stabilizes the economy because that’s just insulting. Token being sold for 300-500k, Enchant hats 200k+. When you can literally pump these items out of thin air because someone decides to legitimately buy silver then it doesn’t make a single difference.

The only difference between someone buying token and selling it and someone just buying silver from the black market is that the guy buying token is paying more real life money for his silver.

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That is not how the system will work. The Key phrase is “once an item is sold enough times through the market”. It will not adjust to impulse sales at 2 mil.

It’s pretty clear here that IMC is just trying to buy themselves as much time as possible, so they can milk every cent they can out of the idiots that believe them, before cashing out and leaving the game for dead.

All of these white knights arguing to “buy a token and you don’t have this problem” are too blind to see that they are paying to have the game as it should be in the first place. Now if this game P2P that would be fine, but the advertise it as F2P and proceed to punish players for using that format.

I would have absolutely no issue with paying money on cosmetic and convenience items, but I refuse to pay for an item that essentially lets me play the game as it is meant to be played. Especially when there “reasons” for having it in the first place is to stop RMT and it isn’t working.

IMC clearly takes their player base for a bunch of idiots. That post is insulting and these restrictions are nothing more than an attempt to force more of the player base into buying tokens.

I hope you enjoy the $10 you got from me because that’s the last you’ll be seeing until some serious changes are made.


This can’t be your first F2P MMO. Pretty much every one of them ‘punishes’ non-payers. There are only a few exceptions that prove the rule, like Path of Exile which isn’t even an MMO, really.

I don’t believe that you are IMC’s intended audience.

It is basically how it works, the 2mil item that sold is averaged into the price.

So when the system determines the “average” price it won’t be sold anymore.

Any good averaging tool takes out the high and low outlying numbers.

Does IMC have something against 80s hair metal? I mean, I know it’s not everyone’s thing, but I never thought of it as quite offensive…

@skiddroww I guess it isn’t. Sorry for any offense caused. It’s just that there’s a really big piracy website hanging out out in the wilderness with a certain name …

Just stop being dumb plz.
Members of piracy groups don’t hang on mmo forums with their group name as a pseudo.

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remove unfair ways to get silver = remove 95% of silver traders. Other 5% is super dedicated players, not an issue. IMC just cannot beat bots, impotents.

we cannot modify it immediately.[/quote]


Are you blind? The announcement is bullshit because they imply they’re going to change it? or did you just happen to ignore the most important part of the announcement to fuel your retarded rant?