Tree of Savior Forum

And so the rich get richer - 100 Dullahan cubes vol.2

Its just a benefit of getting in the game early. Soon enough they will have more competition and it wont be so easy.

I’m not really the type of player to farm the bosses like that though. I’d be more the person to be in the opposing guild in a guild war and kill them while they are trying to beat the boss. Who would win, a party made for killing bosses or a party made for killing people? I like this game.

It’s kind of like saying, look how good i am!

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Get your own group, get a proper setup, farm cubes. 3 simple steps that will make your gaming experience better. There’s people that control the marketplace in every game because they actually invest time into it. You are not one of them. Try some other areas, like interior design, klaipeda dancing, whore for likes, those seem up to your scale.

Telling me to shut the ■■■■ up in the internet it’s the most glorious thing ever, please keep it up.

Its like jace and 10 of his buddies all decided to post here at once and flame the fk out everyone that posted something, OH WAIT thats exactly what happened here.


That particular group isn’t the only one getting cubes. They aren’t on the market because they are rare and most players bothering to hunt bosses don’t feel like it’s worth selling them on market, just so that crybabies get some way to obtain those rare materials too.

Only thing that matters are the Karacha Recipes. Roxona set is blatant rip off, considering the 240 Armor isn’t that far off. Only things worth getting are gloves/ shoes from the Roxona set anyhow.


80% of players dislike the current world boss system, keep up the presure and imc will change it, simple as that.

Change comes when enough people voice their opinions.

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It actually needs a change. I really don’t mind Jace, nor I “defend” him because he doesn’t need any defending. He is just playing the game.

I guess you people don’t.

Trump drama at its finest. Personally I don’t care about this person or the ones that will show up to replace them. If its not this guy its someone else; there is no shortage of people willing and able to monopolize a poorly designed system.

World boss loot distribution will get a rework in time for no simpler reason than its an awful distribution system. Its garnered a lot of negative attention lately so hopefully its not at the bottom of their to-do list.

Edit: sounded very negative here, but in a weird way posts like these are important for bringing attention to these issues that otherwise don’t rise above the Sea of Complaints.


This has to be the most entitled community I have ever seen.I have never seen anything quite like it. It is absolutely sickening.


That guy and his guild were jerks and that’s why they were banned. This guy is just playing the game, as far as I can tell. :eyes:

I’m in support of the boss system getting tweaked, not a lot of fun for other players atm. Honestly though if you’re truly mad… You could make up your own party and compete against him?

Pretty much this.
A system of world bosses with important loot has little to no place in a casual game with no open-world PvP. This is one of the things that has to stay in the past. If the game allows hogging a boss, it has to come with risks, not just “Hey, look, I live in my mum’s basement and play 24\7, and unless I’m dumb enough to enter a guild war, you can’t touch me! Damn I’m good!”.

It worked somehow in Lineage 2 (early chronicles), where you could outright deny other people entire zones by PKing them on sight unless they were part of your alliance. But that was all part of politics meta - you either joined the bullies, or organized a resistance and kicked them out - not for the greater good, mind you, but to take their place more often than not…

But that was then and there. In ToS, where instanced dungeons are all over the place and PKing is not even a concept outside of non-compulsory guild wars, system needs to be changed. Contribution basis, phasing, locking the last group that killed the boss from attacking/looting it for day or two… Yeah, fairness. It is a casual, theme-parky game after all, if a bit grindy.


64 Cubes in 7 days between videos.
2 Hours between spawns.
So this guy played for 5 days 8 hours straight in just one week, not counting the time for other cubes.
Bot much?

I’m not entirely serious with the accusation, I guess he could be account sharing, not sleeping much, uploaded the first video late and just doing the other bosses and leveling efficiently between Dullahan kills, but it seems awfully fishy.

It would be nice to actually have a chance of killing a world boss without people with the death times holding a vast monopoly. Hopefully the system is improved.


cool, why dont u sit in there and wait till spawn? ah no u dont want to play hard… u just jealous af…

Maybe im a noob, but i share this sentiment

as for the OP

kek OP is butthurt other players manage to monopolize world bosses.

Can ban Jace in MTG too? :kissing:

There was a group of 5 people who only took a rest 5 hours a day to hit level 280 in 3 weeks. There are people who can even play for 7 straight days without any sleep and without dying and this is nothing new.

As far as I know, he often camp the boss at least 20 hours a day. But maybe I will try to talk to him to stop and hit level cap already. His level is basically stuck thanks to his world boss camping. :sweat_smile:

You can ask IMC to investigate his chat log and every single of his activities in the game just to prove that he is not botting. It’s the simplest solution for people who have been accussing him (or other world boss campers) being botting, sharing accounts, cheating, etc.

I don’t get the point of this kind of thread.
So Jace isn’t allowed to put any kind of Youtube video?
It’s everyone’s rights to “show off” or display any kind of achievement they have, not only Jace.

So Jace isn’t allowed to not to sell his stuffs or open his cubes immediately?
But I understand your concern about this

It’s simple, really. You can just ask IMC to prevent players from stacking all their world boss cubes. Maybe 5 to 10 as limit and they are forced to open the cubes. Otherwise, when they forgot to open the cube when they already reach the limit, they won’t be able to get any cube.

This is better than just bashing on world boss campers. It’s the design that must be fixed, not the players that must be punished.

I even get more pissed by those accusations saying players that camp world boss for 24/7 (my guild members for example) are gold sellers partner, are using cheats, are ddos ing the server, are botting, etc. I’m really confused that there are a lot of people who just bash us out of nowhere just because we often get world boss cubes.

In the end of the day, everyone will have a reason to talk crap about others.

Are you casual? People will bash you for having less playing hours, saying “deal with it”, saying “go get yourself a party”, and all that stuff.

Are you dedicated? People will accuse you of using bots, cheats, sharing accounts, gold sellers, and all that stuff.

It’s an endless loop and will never stop.

I personally think it’s better for us to suggest IMC of a better way to design the world boss system rather than commenting on each other. There are already plenty of suggestion threads out there.

This kind of thread will only invite haters to bash, flame, start unhealthy debate at the thread without giving any meaningful solution to the developer team. :frowning:


Ohhh man that’s awesome xD I love drama like that xD Forgot why I loved MS so much

Cant you guys just see that fletchers are wayyyy too OP?
especially with chrono

how is this actually possible? he’s got so many cubes and I’ve only seen Dullahan twice O_O