Tree of Savior Forum

An Intermediate Guide to Clerics

Maybe you could go with diev2 instead of cleric3 to take advantage of miko’s clap for owls. Gives you a lot of damage esp since you’re going full spr.

Quick question about cards. Does a card’s level have any bearing on the effect it grants? I’m looking to pick up some Gazing Golem cards for my new Cleric.

yes, every card depends on the level that they are; card level = * , so in your example: gazing golem it offers *% to create pain barrier, so at level 1 it will be 1% at level 10 it will be 10 %

Would installing 15 ds charms for 15*900% over 8 minutes have any usages?

You decide

With the upcoming changes to miko clap, i’m theorycrafting a build like c2 kr3 sadhu3 miko, transmit prana + melstis and goddes of fire + clap + melstis are 2 decent dmg boost.

Zaibas Will hit hard with both divine stigma t.prana an clap. So will possession bossted by prana and clap… also hamaya.

What do you think?

I think it will be nice for krivis3-miko builds. However currently clap is bugged on ktest and does not increase any damage. Once they fix it, ktest-players will try it and decide if it might be worth. Attribute adds +20s cooldown to clap, it might be bad for diev3-miko if they need to keep up owl duration.


Yeah, i think it will be bad for diev mikos, 30% extra dmg don’t justify the loss of owl upkeep.

The main doubt with my build is that i’m picking sadhu instead of a rank7 class, and i’m concerned about dmg loss… but since sadhu packs quite a punch on its own i might be fine… i will begin my build tomorrow and wait for the changes heh

IMO that change was solely to make clap useful for non-diev mikos

Hopefully it is skill attribute level instead of Skill level so we can take clap level1 to enjoy the +30% bonus.

It is a attribute:

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well, the google translate to this:
Magic damage increased by 6% per skill level

but since the atribute also goes up to 5, the doubt kinda remains.

in my krivissadhumiko build there is no point in picking anything else besides gohei and hamaya… so i’d be okay with clap lvl 5.

that is… i have 0 idea how sweeping works, and if it is usefull at all…

The level is from the attribute, not from the skill:
"Increase Magic Damage by 6% per attribute level."
So when you look down you see the attribute goes till level 5.

For the Ausrine sake, this is just about reading.

I currently have this build, Divine Stigma has good damage. Zaibais is really week imo, even with all the damage boosts.

So it seems like everything we talked about was in vain:

It says “Miko - Clap Attribute - The attribute has been deleted”.
This is today k-test Patch Notes

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Anyone knows how Beady Eyes interacts with sadhu oob?

that is… sad, to say the least.

OoB is not physical atk, so doesn’t matter the Beady Eyes attribute. But if you are talking about the “teleportation”, it only teleport the caster, not your “spirit”.

Can I use spirit’s postion for the distance requirment?

You want to teleport to an enemy that is close not of you, but close to your spirit? If is that, no, it does not work. Beady Eyes teleport YOU to the enemy close at YOU.