Tree of Savior Forum

An Intermediate Guide to Clerics

So either Plague3 or Kabba/Zealot2, no mixing, got it.

That still leave me with a choice to make for rank 6.

Right now I feel that once the zombies are up i’m rather useless, so I was looking for a spammy AOE to actually contribute to the carnage rather than just chip away at a single enemy. Would Monk work well for that or should I stick with Paladin? Any other alternative?

If you want something spammable then grab monk, and not much stands out for that r6 option which makes it somewhat annoying.

Dievdirby1 is a good filler class for R6.

I’m using the Bokor3 Diev1 PD1 Zealot2 build. So far not encountering much problems sustaining blind faith with potions in my regular gameplay.

The only time I can’t sustain blind faith with potions only is when I’m in a CM with 2 chronos. Double pass coupled with Laima statue takes a huge toll on the blind faith rotation. Totally can’t sustain at all.

Other than that with a pandemic (small aoe though) and incinerate, pd1 is not a bad choice for bokor zealots.

Never played monk before. Double Punch is indeed spammable, but how much AoE factor will it have? Is it affected by Ogouveve (wording seems to indicate zombies only). Monk other 2 skills are 15s cooldown so maybe I’d be better off with Paladin’s Smite?

How does Zemyna Statue’s SP regen compare to Paladin’s Restoration (with SP regen attribute) ?

Paladin’s Restoration SP regen attribute nets a +50 SP recovery. There seems to be an increased SP recovery tagged to it too, but I’m not familar with its specifics, have to ask @Wurmheart.

As for Zemnya Statue, at level 5 it gives a flat -24 SP per skill use and also a -5 sec on SP recovery time. As a SPR build the -5 sec is actually quite worthwhile as we gain more SP back the more SPR we have per recovery tick and we get those ticks much faster (time taken for SP recovery ticks reduce by 12.5%. iirc)

Secondly the flat 24SP affects skills not just on skill cast only, it also affects skills that continuously drain SP every second, for example Fanatic Illusion. -24SP for fanatic illusion actually reduces 35% of its SP cost, that’s quite some savings if you ask me, especially when we need our SP to be as high as possible to get the most out of blind faith.

A cons for the Zemnya statue is the rooted nature of it. Unlike restoration which we can cast and forget, Zemnya statue requires us to stay at 1 location for sometime to be effective. It works pretty well for CMs though.

“(can zombies still crit with zalc?)”

I believe that they do! Yesterday I was doing ET 7F with a Krivis/Chap/Inq, and at one point I tabbed out quickly to check a video I was watching, and when I tabbed back in I noticed that my zombies were doing crits on the mobs for like 5k+ (full int build and my M.A isn’t very high so damage from them normally is a lot less). I got rid of them shortly after because they seemed to crit quite often, was worried they were going to kill the mobs we had aggro’d. Nonetheless I was really surprised, and I wonder how that would perform on a full SPR build.

My Bokor full SPR build hits 8-10k white damage, and 15k crit, my weapon has like 1900matack

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Two questions for anyone really

  1. borkor zombie attributes, are both large and wheel chair necessary to max or should I just pick one or the other?

  2. What are your thoughts on a krivis3 - monk3 - zealot2 full spirit build (something like this)?

Masinios mace.

Correct. You need sufficient AoE attack ratio to do this (on boss)

Pain barrier effect to increase attack speed might or might not be intended, so they are able to remove it or add it as they wish without patch notification.

Decided to go for Paladin at rank 5 to get access to two hander early and spice gameplay up a bit, and will complete Bokor3 at rank6.

The more I look at it the more I think I will go for Kabba/Zealot2 build. However your skill choice in the recommended build got me confused a bit:

  • Effigy 9, thought it was not worth it above 3 on SPR?
  • Mackangal 0, any reason, its 5 on all other builds
  • Bwa 0, yet its 1 on all other builds
  • Smite 0, I was going Paladin especially for it, am I making a mistake?

Do you still use Hexing / Effigy later on or it stop being useful as soon as you get another dmg source (like Paladin or Kabal)?

Would C2 -> Diev 3 -> Miko -> (x) -> Taoist be a viable support build? What stats would I spec in to? What would be good fillers for x, druid, kabbalist?

What about C2 -> Diev1 -> Sadhu3 -> Miko -> (x)?

It’s a bit old, and it’s just an example.

Spr bokor has 2 must haves: 15 zombify and 5 Ogouveve, rest is optional.
However, I would highly recommend 10 samediveve for the movement speed, 1 tet for pulling zombies into the buff flags and 4-5 hexing for dark dmg boost attribute.

The rest is either situational or niche imo:

  • Bwa Kayi I just don’t like using on a full spr build, since when it’s in use zombies won’t attack. But you can grab 1 for the cc.
  • Damballa is alright, and I’m warming up somewhat to it for areas where zombies die to fast. But in regular areas you get more use out of not using it imo. 0 or 5 ofc.
  • Mackangdal is really nice to pair with fanaticism tbh, but it’s scaling and cd leave much to be desired. 0-10 depending on your preferences.
  • Effigy is just the weakest of the lot imo, but if you want filler dmg then go for it. But I prob wouldn’t push it all the way to 15 on an spr build.

As for paladin, I just don’t like smite that much. You only need 1 resto and 5 TU anyway. Rest is whatever you want.

You will use Hexing a lot tbh, since it boosts zombie dmg and spawns an extra zombie when zombies deal the killing blow.

Effigy might get more use when you get a better weapon, for me it doesn’t do enough dmg to use it atm.


Diev/tao is more of a hybrid build that doesn’t lose out on any support tbh. Go full spr and you’ll do plenty of dmg when you hunker down with owls, but may want a bit of con to survive longer.
I assume it’s with priest1 for the res? For X I’d say grab Inquisitor (wheel/mm for allies), PD1 (healing factor + bloodletting) or Oracle (Counterspell, etc etc.).
Druid1 is pure dmg and not that good of a pick, kabba1 is alright if your team needs ein sof but somewhat poor otherwise.

Sadhu3 needs druid3 or pd2+ imo to work well. Otherwise it’s essentially a full dmg build that lacks dmg.
Sadhu’s support only works well in a team with a linker to make full use of the stat boost tbh.

Thanks a bunch for this thread, was really useful during the reset event.

Kind of a minor question, but I have the 360 reset on my Bokor3 Kab3 now(Wanted it for a different char but UI spazzed out when I was doing the guess the number thing). Despite all the drawbacks, I’m really enjoying this build overall so I’ll probably keep it, but I might as well use it to change the R6 if it makes sense.

My R6 is currently Oracle(Arcane energy for room aggro, Forecast for minor mitigation, counterspell for elites and self-trolling prophecy). I can’t seem to find the post which turned me onto this build, but that poster was C3 Cleric I believe, and there’s a youtube channel with some Bokor3 Kab3 videos who seems to also have respecced to C3 Cleric(was Miko before but I only saw him Gohei empty air one time).

As far as I can tell C3 Cleric mainly gives a better divine might(this alone is making me consider it) and heal. Are there any other benefits I am missing?

Would the priest1 be instead of cleric2?

I like the look of Miko, what would be the single best build that uses Miko? Cleric2 -> P2 -> Diev3 -> Miko -> Tao?

Providing this test video to Wurm.

Dunno the conclusions o3o.

Which cards would you guys recommend for a Monk-Zealot (Specifically Cleric 3, Diev 1, Monk 2, Kaba 1, Zealot 2)? Since I use barely any SP potions, I wouldn’t really benefit much from Glass Mole cards. I think Im leaning towards the Rajapearl + Prison Cutter card combos. What do ya’ll think?

I’d wait until the next patch tbh, frosterlord’s freeze is rumored to increase lightning and blunt dmg but I need to verify and test it first.

Otherwise I’d go for the bleed or poison combo, bleed is easier to proc on your own but poison is more common in parties.

Interesting. I’ll have to keep that in mind. I’ll focus on farming trash cards in the mean time and test it out when it comes out.

Okay so one more question for those physical damage clerics out there: Without having Paladin in your build, would you recommend against 2-Handed Maces? I dont see much difference with using a 1hand + shield/dagger or a 2handed mace. Im currently using a +11 Skull Breaker and was wondering if I should continue investing in it or start saving for 1handed maces and a decent offhand.

Two handed maces seem nice with having 5 sockets at level 350, but the potential on them seems moderately low compared to splitting the 3 sockets on main hand and 3 sockets on off hand