Tree of Savior Forum

An Intermediate Guide to Clerics

Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Chaplain > Miko > Inquisitor Full SPR, synergizes pretty well between Miko-Inqui combo but that’s it imo, clap is useless for you, hamaya is okay-ish though kinda hard to land and Kagura is only to buff your melee pals or together with Wheel, which you’re probably gonna use it only for bosses, unless you don’t mind wasting lots of Wheels which cost 1000 silver each for each cast.

Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Chaplain > PD2 Full SPR, A more supportive variant which however has the ability to solo and even farm pretty efficiently, brings you Black Death Steam which together with Pandemic you can clear entire rooms of mobs in a dungeon or HG, Healing Factor which makes you stupidly tanky and it’s kinda impossible for you to die unless you take absurd amounts of dmg, also debuff cleansing can be helpful in some scenarios.

Cleric C2 > X > Sadhu C3 > PD2 Full INT, it’s not a support anymore, you turn into an aoe dps monster with Black Death Steam, Possession and Astral Body Explosion, you can fullfil the role of an aoe dps in a party pretty well, specially when you’ve a Cryo on your team, Possession into all the mobs in the Ice Tree it’s satisfying, however like I said, this is not a support anymore, you’re a DPS now kinda, the X can either be Bokor, Cleric C3 or Diev, up to you.

Cleric C2 > X > Sadhu C3 > Miko > Taoist full INT, ditches PD2 for more support-ish playstyle, Taoist compliments Sadhu pretty well because of Dark Sight allowing you to use OoB without getting interrumpted, we still get Hamaya for some AoE which is nice and we can boost our melee pals too, X same as before (personally for both I’d pick Diev, reducing Transmit Prana downtime from 20 secs to 5 secs it’s a huge deal imo).

Those are the build I could think of that might be interesting to you, I’m using the 2nd one and loving it so far.

The full INT/SPR is personal opinion, if you want you can pick some CON or even some SPR for the INT variants for SP, but it’s all up to you.


I made some tests early this week and it seems when you hit enemies with OoB your body is taken out of hiding. Have to confirm it tho.

Bokor3 spr based is worthless, it only performs well as a int build imo.

Blessing won’t affect your zombies either, so not even priest3 can save it.
Pick something else imo.


I’m not familiar with the current state of ET & Wizard, Archer and Swordsman though, but it shouldn’t change my answer.

In theory, a cleric would only need a resurrect (priest1) and sufficient healing (cleric2 or Priest3). Anything else would be a luxury…

And while dmg is more difficult to get atm, as it requires for most builds quite strong gear, there are still pitfalls for the support oriented builds that you need to take into account first:

  • You still should not ignore dmg skills entirely, too many builds can opt for skill point selections that simply give them both roles. It’s basically a self-imposed handicap for often no benefit.

  • The balancing of several classes still leaves a lot to be desired, so just because a build focuses on support doesn’t mean it can get better defenses that way.

  • They will be cheaper enchant/transcend wise, though offensive spr builds are just as cheap, but will also struggle with farming specific items, silver or solo exp grinding.
    And don’t begin to underestimate the cost of a full set of attributes, cards, potions, cast items and basic gear.

  • Majority of the offensive builds still get excellent defensive options.
    Chaps get revive + mass heal and can bring almost any r7-8 utility they want.
    Sadhu brings an incredibly strong cc with a low cd and nice dmg.
    Druid still adds Sterea Trofh to the mix, hello 1/3rd to 1/2nd immunity upkeep.
    PD2 still brings healing factor and can bring almost any r3-6 defensive options.

On the other hand:

  • Diev is one of the exceptions atm as it does provide good defenses but next to no dmg.
  • Where as bokor is of one the offensive exceptions that lacks decent defensive skills and later rank options. (Plus zombies can be undesirable for dungeons.)

Ergo I’d still say go for a hybrid build at least. But also know what you want to use it for first. (ET?, PvP? farming?)

Chap / Inq is fine btw.
Miko is decent and better than quite a few other options, but it has its flaws that can and likely will annoy you.

I can still OoB with Fade up atm.
Keep in mind that dmg dealt by your main body will end fade.


@Wurmheart sorry to bother you, but I have a last couple of questions.
Firstly can you please rate these builds in order of viability on Higher ET levels?
To give you context, I’d like a build that should focus on support but be able to provide damage when needed (either through burst or constant dps)
INT Druid-Taoist
SPR Chap-Oracle 3
SPR Feral Priest
INT Diev-Doctor
SPR Chap-FILLER-Inquisitor
(^the pardoner in this build is a filler)

I know it may be a lot but I have only two days left and still have not decided on a build ;-;
Thanks again!

What do you guys think of Spr build Cleric 2 > Priest 3 > Oracle > Kabbalist > Inquisitor?

I don’t recommend builds without priest for ET at all.
Having to let a party member run back up if they die is a huge time waster, and you’ll want to avoid it as much as possible. Unless they changed that recently ofc.


  • Feral Druid, you probably won’t melee much. But a 15s sterea trofh and a huge HP make it a more sturdy and defensive variant than the others.Though it misses out on last rites to buff your party with, not a huge loss but noticable for auto atk dmg builds.
  • Chap filler, has better dmg for auto attacking allies, but it’s r7 options are all a bit lacking atm. Consider getting diev1 or oracle1.
  • Oracle3, frankly it has less healing and a lot of its dmg prevention is highly conditional. (Forecast = 5% per hit, Foretell = moving rng circle, though counterspell is good vs magic mobs at least. But it doesn’t need lvl 15.)

Losing out on chap is a bit of a waste dmg wise, but it has decent pvp potential.
In pve it’s probably a bit overkill to have both oracle and kabba.
Still it’s nice.

Lol, I wanted to write that Windia Rod is better but it seems the matk of Vienarazis Mace was increased by 95 Oo
860 previously now 955. Vienarazis Mace is ± as good as Skull Smasher if it comes to magic, it just loses by a lot if it comes to physical attack xD

That’s quite sad, maybe I’ll have Skull Smasher next year,too xD

First I need that Vienarazis Mace and that Emengard Shield, though, and I’ve yet to luck out that Practonium…

I agree with you, mario, but I find it an issue.
These classes take a lot of time to be achieved, they shouldn’t be so much limited.

Just want to get a definitive answer on this: so is Krendall Mace now better than a fully-slotted Five Hammer? (for a full SPR Chap-Inq)

With high enough red gems five hammer will win out.
The more important question is how much do you plan to invest into a fiver hammer or krendall mace. (or how much you already did invest.)

And don’t forget the Reine Mace either.

You can compare the Five Hammer’s enchant/trans gains vs krendall Mace on tos neet btw.

+10 Krendall is already 607 - 661 patk, 626 - 642 matk, and it adds 42 spr.
A +10 five hammer on the other hand is only 178-190 patk and 184 matk with 5 aoe ratio.

So its 3-4 more sockets should add more than 446 average atk or 892 max attack for it to be better. For a +10 ench comparison.

I have a fully-slotted Five Hammer now with 5 six-star red gems. But here’s what I do: since the offhand weapon benefits from the gem effects of the main hand weapon, I use my Pajoritas dagger for damage.:slight_smile: Given that setup, is it still advisable for me to make the switch to Krendall or Reine? Or just work my way to get Vienerazis/Skull Smasher? (on the latter, should I just slug it out and go for SS immediately? or is it advisable to at least settle for Vienerazis for a while first?)

Thanks @Wurmheart!

I’d say use the five hammer till you reach 315. Sure the krendall/Reine are nicer but just needed on an spr build tbh. Might as wel save your silver for the 315 ones.

Vieni is an incredible mace for most cleric builds, so I’d say get it first.
It should be in high enough demand for a trade later on when you can afford to upgrade to Skull smasher.

And I did manage to test the pala3/pd2 build just now, which was rather disappointing:

  • The disenchant attribute does nothing for PvE.
  • Barrier: Holy dmg was dealing 220 dmg max with 1.6k matk even vs leaf bugs. Not sure if it’s due to a bug or faulty description, but it’s useless either way.
  • Incineration: Infection and Pandemic both spread conviction at least.
  • Conviction now only counts for the primary dmg type of a skill or attack. Aka it is up to 120 max now and only works for zaibas, bds, incin and a few taoist/transform skills for us.
  • Couldn’t test if it works for soul as that needs a pala/sadhu combo now.

So dmg wise the paladin part adds as good as nothing. PD2 is still strong ofc, but I don’t think I’ll recommend it.
Will update the op with this shite once I’m done with dinner. Laters.

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I have a 5hammer with lvl6 red gems and find it completely disappointing after the update. In a priest/chap build will work fine, but for other builds I’m not sure it will perform well… I had to “upgrade” to a Cata club to see some better dmg

Told so, if we want pala in a build it is almost mandatory to go for Ora-Inqui to at least have some fun and utility potential.

I literally haven’t done ET except for this one time that we got curious and tried 1-5f, but is Diev3 still needed for it?

HAAAALP I “gave up” on a main full damage cleric so this is the thing:
To being able to suport but stay alive/solo quests, which one would you preffer to have on your party:
Cleric2PriestDiev3PD2 - Full int ~OR ~
Cleric2Priest3Druida3 - Full spr

Statues+Bloodletting/Healing Factor X Sterea Trofh+Survivability/tanky AF

Diev ain’t that good for dealing dmg, however is really nice support now, PD2 should probably be able to dish out enough dmg but you’ll basically count on Black Death Steam/Incineration to do DMG since Carve Owl isn’t that good right now (I’m not sure if Miko is still a must for Diev C3 after the nerfs to it).

Best thing about Druid C3 is inmunity to knockback while in Licanthropy (also you look awesome which is a plus), inmunity is nice and you’ve lots of healing (needed for Lican since your HP gets increased with Heathstone), dmg should be good too with Blessing.

Thank you! @wurmheart thank you

I will ditch miko unless i get a change of heart soon^^

Would you say that sadhu build farms a lot better solo than the pd2? Like doing some missions solo and dungeon 170/290? If it doesn´t and teams prefer me being spr pd2 over int sadhu i will definitely pick it but i wan´t to be safe to, if i play enough in the future, do some et/solmiki.

Depends what you want really, do you want to support your team with your buffs while also being able to solo and farm? go for Chap-PD2, or do you want to be a straight up dps that can pretty much do anything by itself plus has the ability to lay down heal tiles here and there shall the need arise? go for Sadhu-PD2.

It all comes down if you want to help your party do dmg or if you want to do the dmg yourself.

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I’d prefer the feral druid in a party, but I wouldn’t like soloing with it as it’s dmg is on the poor side and it would need a good hammer.
(esp when spr builds tend to be able to do well without proper gear)

PD2 is much nicer when solo, but I quite dislike how much Laima can slow down AoE clearing.
Aside of that owls are crap, but world tree/ausrine should be ok.