Tree of Savior Forum

Am i the only one who dont care about fps?

He can make us all shut up and eat our words by simply taking a video of him moving and using skills in prime time (5 red dots) CH.1 Fedimian near the auction NPC. I think his “always above or at 25 FPS” is BS, but I’d be happy to be proven wrong.

Of course, Fedimian’s FPS drop is only barely comparable to the skill spam world boss and GvG entails. But his claims were solely for CH.1 Fedimian, so he only has to prove that much.

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How old are you man?

The irony about bragging… :neutral_face:


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People usually received gifts on their birthday, do you not have any friends?

Look, you supposedly have a nice computer and your bragging about 25fps in this game when the graphics arent even good. Game needs to be optimized.

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:joy: that was a fun read

Still can’t beat the gold buyer’s purchase history.

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Your idea of rich is weird, you know my laptop actually costs as much as your PC. Not to mention I have bought around like 10 founder packs or something except I don’t live off daddy’s money. Daddy’s money is his own money.

I don’t think I’m rich though, anyone that makes a lower-middle class income in my city can easily spend the same way.

k. Video record some 10v10 GVG, and world boss fights.

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You are the saddest human being I’ve seen in a while.

Or the most troll.


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when you get 0.19 fps on a common mob fight, you have my permission to type :unamused:

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[quote=“Tristie, post:80, topic:243586, full:true”]
Ignores all the gloating he has done here.
[/quote]nooo don’t point that out
Just watch the show


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You know there’s this option called gifting where you buy it but it’s not for you.

only 3 pieces of my rig is already more expensive than your whole build.
my desktop cost me over $9k and there’re better build than mine.
I’m not sure what make you think you’re above everyone else here…

Also getting 200fps means nothing when your sh1tty monitor can only render max at 60fps

enabling vsync can help with screen tearing.

when you have 144hz monitor and you only get 20fps with $10k desktop then there’s definitely something wrong with the game


After skimming this thread… Wow. And the winner for most self-importance, narcissism, and general toxicity factor goes to…

:bouquet: @jeremysantillan196! :bouquet:

So much cringe.