Tree of Savior Forum

All about Alchemist Crafting Skill Information

Thank you for this! Planning on being an Alchemist so this is incredibly useful.Can tweak my build a bit better with this information.

When I test Divine Might + Tincturing. Itā€™s not work.
It might possible that I did some mistake and make it not work. Iā€™ll try retest it again if have chance.

For Attribute potion you can level it up. Each level took 1 hours+ and +10k money for each level.
Itā€™s not hard to made block/mag ampli and crit damage. Just need time and money to upgrade attribute.

However, if itā€™s a base potion from skill itself (HP,SP,Stamina). This will need Tincturing skill level only to make it crafting out a higher lv potion.

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hello, first of all i want to say thank you about your review and explanation about alchemist skill. it really help me to get some picture what i want to do about my char, because iā€™m planning to make an alchemist. so i have a few question

  1. what effect does each of the alchemistā€™s skill have if i maxed it out. you stated with dig skill, the higher we lvl up, more ore we would get. but what about the other skill, like awakening maybe ?
  2. itā€™s a silly question but iā€™m curious about it, how long do you play until you become an alchemist ?

thatā€™s all and thank you very much

  1. Tincturing : Higher lv can make higher lv potion (hp,sp,stamina), 1 skill = 1 lv of potion.
    High lv potion is more effective (ex. potion lv1, potion lv2, etc.)
    Awakening : Higher lv only effect number of people who can enter dungeon, 1 skill = +1 person
    Briguetting : adding up Min/Max Attack .5% each level
    Magnum Opus : Make panel bigger. lv1 is 6x6 / lv5 is 8x8
    Gem Roasting : More effective to decrease gem penalty at higher skill lv
    Dig : 1 skill = +1 item dig up
    Conbustion = More attack damage at higher skill level

  2. I didnā€™t count hour but I advance my job in 11th day. Please note KR have exp event which make it faster than normal rate. XD

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Thanks for those explanations!

thanks man!! :smile:

Thank you for the detailed explanations of all these skills. You have answered pretty much everything I wanted to know about alchemists, but I have one remaining question about Combustion. If you have level 5 Dig, would Combustion explode all 5 items on the ground, or would it only explode 1 of those items?

Itā€™ll explode all dig item thatā€™s drop on ground and near monster + in skill range.

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Thank you once again! =)

Good news!
Itā€™s work with tincturing and include all other skill. However, alchemist craft skill need some trick to make it work. Because our craft skill using longer time (20sec) than Divine Might duration (9sec). Thatā€™s why itā€™s not work when I try at first time.

To make it work, Divine Might need to be in effect at the moment when craft finish. This goes same to all craft skill and Gem Roasting skill (buff need to be in effect before it done but not from start crafting).


So what youā€™re saying is you have to get a really good friend to coordinate with you to make level 15 potionsā€¦ Wellp I guess Clerics are either getting free potions or they are getting paid a lot for divine might.

Yup, need good timer to make it work. 10 divine will be best profit to crafting everything.

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So does the Rank 3 Wizard skill ā€œQuick Castā€ affect any Alchemist skills?

Hmm I donā€™t have wiz 3 so I canā€™t say it for sure.
But from skill info it seem like this skill work with cast time only.
While alchemist craft skill isnā€™t casting but using time to make.

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Well this makes me think Combustion could be good to level up.Do you know at all if Alchemist is repeated in the next circle or two? Like rank 7 or 8?

I was talking about that with my KR friend once and they say it could be possible in future. Right now I donā€™t know because no one I know is at that point yet.

That would make sense,sorry I assumed!

I wanna say it seems likely with all the skills,but I guess weā€™ll see,thank you!

after your testing time, could you use the skill simulator and tell us, which skill you would lvl at what lvl and why? Would be helpful since Iā€™m still stuck at what to max and what not.

Do you mean skill in all of my job or just alchemist job?

If for every job I have made thread about it at here > 11 Days Journal of Wiz > Pyro > Sorc > Alchemist [All skill explain+experience]

If for alchemist, A must skill you need to max is tincturing because you can craft potion with it.
good skill to have is Gem Roaster and Item Awakening.

  • Gem Roaster you can max it too because itā€™s useful for gem + open up shop to make money.
  • Item awakening you can left it at 1 or max it since this effect only how many people can go inside dungeon with you. Careful because high level gear will be hard to do aloneā€¦

Briquetting you can have it too if you like to play with luck. Because this have chance to decrease Min/Max ATK. And itā€™s all random even you redo it, it might got decrease again.

Iā€™m not suggest to get dig, combustion and magnum opus for this moment
unless thereā€™s a change patch to improve skill from IMC.

no just alchemist and what really worked out and what was a mistake in terms of going over lvl 1.
Since 15 Points arenā€™t much for this class, and I have the hardest time on where to place them in this class expect having the attack skill and Briqu at lvl 0