Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemists community

Thats the thing tho, that never happens on real life economics. Unless the practice said company is doing is “predatory prices” where they sell products at a price below their costs(and the industry’s costs) making small new competitors go bankrupt, again thats forbidden on my country.

The people who sell stuff for 6k/keep cutting the prices will eventually go bankrupt or will stop doing it if they think that its not worth. However, if someone thinks its worth for him to make 500 roastings a night by selling it at 10k, thats his thing.

I understand the point used here, but my point is anywhere from 10k-30k would be acceptable imho. The only thing the TC is trying to do is artificially inflate prices. I personally dislike this part:

“I’ll start with 30k and then I’ll try to raise the prices a lil bit each time to see if people still buy it and set a higher community price”.

Well don’t think u can lobby here :smiley: there are to many alchemists and the market is just small right now :slight_smile:
U need either trust to each other or leverage on each other and u will get none of these .
I think the hole skill should be changed a bit and should be dependant of the quality of the gem…
The problem is noone will roast his small for the time being gems … especially not for 30k. And not many have their highend gear with max level gems.

If u could sell for 2k with small win a roast for a small gem like a level 3 one u could get on the leveling market… And yes if someone has his maxed level gem and his endgear weapon he would also pay 100k for a roast but this will not happen that often ;/
So the roasting service cost , needed items , and price should be dependant on the quality of the gem.
And it should be structured that the possible profit rise with quality but the quantity will obviosly fall.
This will not prevent some people to undercut everything but will open up the demand !.


Game mechanic itself is what we can’t change.
So thats why I’ve made a proposal which can be implemented by us :smiley:
And btw you shoud look at this.


I hope they fix this class since I’m almost Alchemist C2 and got this for my friend…

Really sad the awakening stats… even my Tilly Rod gave me 9 crit… CRIT being a wizard class.

Check added 26.04.2016 part. Hope it helps a little.
In my post i’m not saying about pure money flow from roasting.
I just suggest that Alchemists doesn’t have to work for nothing. (5000s prices eventually can be seen) But get a liiitle reward for being one :slight_smile:

And answer to your 1st question:
Why 30k? Because I’m not perfect. Like all people i have some dependancy on other ppl opinions and got some habbits. I played on cbt2 and prices of 35000 without tax(!) worked super well. And like I’ve said in my post - 30k it’s only start.

So while i understand what you are trying to do, it goes against the free market.

I have a theory that IMC doesn’t wanted chemists/squire/pardoners to get profit, because game became very crowded with shops. So this is already not a "free marketing’

And not I’m but WE are :smiley:

(I’m personally think there is no “free market” sentence. Market it what always have a rules. Before that moment they were dictated by IMC only.)

Probably Alchemists union even is like ppl fighthing for their freedom :smiley:
Just joking . Sry for my english. I can’t feel how much I polite, unlike if it was on my native language >_<

Don’t awaken weapons, you fool !

Though the point is not really to set the roasting price at 30K (or even more), the point is to make everyone set the same price, which would be fixed by the union.
Once the union will be acknowledged, it will always be time to talk, between us, about what is the “optimal” price :slight_smile:


LETS DO 30k ! I’m DOWN

Freddie from orsha here ^¬^

I was once selling 10k before but now I just found out of 50% tax…

BYE 10K and HELLO 30K+++

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Yeah me, please let the alchemists you see in towns know about this and send them to this thread

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So who is creating a Discord for Alchemists ?? I’m from Klaipeda and this is still an issue on ktos and I don’t want this to be an issue here as well. Let us tell every alchemist we see about this, send them to this thread and let’s have a discord channel and be organized I didn’t level up this character to earn 100 silver per roast, I leveled it because the attributes of my main and the consumption of skills are pricey as they can be, also the trading is limited and prices of mats are locked and overpriced on market so it makes potion making a real struggle so WHO’S WITH ME

I’am personally hardly imagine how GitHub works.
So it’s up to you bro how ti do it in the best way :slight_smile:
If I’m understanding right, you have a good idea :smiley:

I don’t think really matters who will be the founder.
As good english speaking it could be you Max :smiley:

I don’t have good leadership skills like you, I don’t want to be leader of a discord channel and I’m super lazy, but thanks for your nomination !

All critics here trying to force their(and most popular) idea that if they set price lower - they will get more profit…
Lowering your price you probably get slight more deals, but you will receive same money. Because of cheap. Okay, lets say its even equal.

  1. Effective time management.
    If your price lower and number of deals is higher, you need to visit Miners Village more often. In this wasted time you was able to kill 10-50 mobs more with your twink and get +20k or even +500k. And get exp.
    (per night you will not get even 20k 'cos it’s 40 deals of 7k)

  2. Bad example.
    Lowering price - bad example, and people that not really smart(maybe kids) will start do same. So your bad example will outplay you.

  3. Oversaturation (is this the right word? :D)
    You filling the game with roasted gems faster, so deals will faster start to fade. In total with year of playing you will get less money if you will lower your prices. Even if no one else does. Don’t fool yourself :slight_smile:

Critics made suggestion, I’ve made an experiment.

Two main ideas is:
1) People really don’t care about small price difference on shops. No point in making price lower than your neighbor
2) Why even bother and fill game with roasted gems if profit around ~20k(its 40! 7k deals) per day/night?

About 30k once again:
Compared to others services Roast used by people i think 300 times less oflen. But lets say there are 10 times more other Servicemen than Alchemists. So actual price must be 30… okay 20 times higher than rep/buffs.
30k it’s really small price for such endgame service.

And here our discord link. Later i will make some tuning there :smiley: Gtg.

Will be in top

Sadly it’s impossible. People would get more profit with setting lower price than you, so they will do it.

You have no way to force them keeping the same price.

All the profits will go to player with lower price.

That’s how competition works, contrary to what you guys want disguised as ‘help’ for fellow gem roasting alchemists… tada! M-O-N-O-P-O-L-Y!

Gonna be honest here.

I would set up for 6.1k even if i earned a million+ from raids cause its a profit and all i have to do is sit there to earn silver. Most will especially those who don’t have a maxed alt to earn from.

I would do this with every class every time because it makes silver and i am guaranteed to have the most visitors. Sure you can charge 30k but you cant stop the hundreds or thousands of people who will charge whatever they want whenever they want to. Saying you can is like saying your going to force everyone to have the same bad prices so no one ever gets anything and no one will ever do that because they want more silver.

Its a nice thought but don’t think for a second that people wont undercut you cause that’s how a business works. The trick is adapting and making it so you can charge a bit more then them and prove that you are better via advertising and such not setting a uniform price that no one will pay.

I consider myself a master trader for mmos cause i love doing it personally. Volume makes up for the low price every time.

The main point is that i will always sell for less cause i make more then your price and i will always buy for less cause then i can roast 6x more gems.

Your kind of business doesn’t exist for the person who wants more silver.

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I think that just set a minimum example price is good enough, as soon as the new alchemists see the same price in most shops they will know the value of their services, most of players don’t know about this 50% tax in every shop skill.
Creating a cartel to inflate the prices or any kind of retaliation to the ones who doesn’t agree is beyond wrong and is shameful for the alchemists community, @Zilox has a good point.

You don’t if ~everyone~ set the same price as you, which will happen because ~everyone~ want to have a decent amount of visitors.

Basically you are the type of people making alchemist guilds an utopia.
Because even if we tell you that we can all sell at the same price and then make more, you’d rather undercut everyone until the price is so low that there isn’t anybody to undercut you anymore. Welcome back to square one, everyone ~freely~ set the same low price. Pro trader indeed. Enjoy playing the advertiser :stuck_out_tongue:

Though I’m getting tired of arguing with people that don’t understand how economy works…

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You don’t understand how monopoly works. Monopoly is able to get rid of competitots in some way or another.

It’s impossible to get rid of competitors here.

The one who sets lower price will ALWAYS get more money, that’s why your cartel won’t work. Even if 1% of players will set lower price everyone will buy from them and your cartel will get nearly 0 profit.

You can’t convince someone to get less money, you have no tools for that. Effortless job will always be sold at minimal price. I don’t think that setting prices to higher than 10k would ever succeed.

I’m not sure how pardoners work and what’s the price for applying buffs, but this is definitely more profitable class right now. Alchemist is mainly about selling potions and guild activities.

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