Tree of Savior Forum

☮ 🙏 ✝ alchemist union ☮ 🙏 ✝

Besides, they have no say to what players want to do in this game. it’s nice that they have the community and all but. dayum. Price war, wtf are them the price popos. lmao.

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My dictionary says:
PM (Private Message) : message sent between two users in a chat that other users cannot read.

Don’t mean it is a secret that should not be posted later.
They are not friend to begin, she/he/it did not ask to keep secret.
And no it’s not implicit.
After all is not called SM(Secret Message).

If you wanna keep secret ask to keep secret, not that gonna help, it’s the internet. XP

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id like to point out a few things here.

  1. this is the internet… never post anything privately that you dont want the world to see… being its 2016 now, isnt it standard teaching practices to inform young kids that when they get mad and say they will bomb a plane on some forums when their 12 that if they ever become 40 and run of president that their shot was ruined when they were 12 years old?

the internet is like 30+ years old now… its fully expected that everyone knows internet etiquette and how it works and operates…

  1. you privately bullied someone and ppl are literally asking you to keep your spousal abuse private. because after all it happened in the confines of your home… gtfo… thats completely flawed logic. you PM me your BS and if i find it humerous enough im going to make fun of you in a public forum… what you are asking is literally that every comedian in the world keeps his experiences to himself… really? GTFO

  2. calling someone a cunt is literally standard speech in countries that apparently you dont live in. you showed me and others that you find it really disturbing and disrespectful BECAUSE of your country of origin or lack of knowledge that it could be otherwise. I find it an adequate description of the persons motives.

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So the true face of a certain “Guild” is finally being revealed. Is really fun to read they don’t need the silver from gem roasting, but worked hard to set the prices as their desire.

Also looks like Chakri, the flamer Royal Guard, of iRO Chaos community got bored and moved to those forums to make trouble here.

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Nah just one person isn’t the same as an entire guild. Something I’ve learned that’s important to keep in mind after years of playing mmos

Oh well… When I saw your screenshots I noticed the way this person talked to you is very similar to some of their members speech.

And yeah I know a small group of players don’t represent the entirety of a Guild. You can always find nice people in any place.

#Dude… why would u waste ur precious brain cells on this folks XD

Look at the way this is turning out now XD… i would say its prob Stage 4 cancer.

In fact, both parties are at fault… OP for posting this on forums… and the assailant and his/her gang for targetting OP and haressing hm to join his/her guild just cause they don’t accept their ideals.

It’s kinda obvious this guy/girl/it is desperately trying to save his/her skin… just look at the forums and his/her post XD

“Let me be clear with you”

Rofl …

You are forcing ur ideals on to someone and u call him a bully… XD …

i love this community

I dunno who should XD… judging from the way he/she is throwing tantrums now like a baby

We need a meme for this toxic community… and fast!

o wait… .we have warrocks picture for that … @haukinyau

though i still think the edited versions still looks better… was it @flanflan whom designed it lol

Here is a complimentary video that might suit u personality perfectly


ain’t this the reason why we read the forums…

This beats watching soap oprea x9000…

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You shouldn’t had said anything that can be easily screenshot to make you looks like a fool.

Now you are just an immature little kid whose crying because someone doesn’t want to join your kingdom.


amy’s alchemy and baking company

Ain’t a kingdom… to small to be one…

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put the gems in the bag and no senpai gets hurt


I hope you realize you’re white knighting a guy who plays as a girl

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excuse my language

Lena should be awarded a medal for having patience to talk with stupid newbies for all this time :smiley:
Newbies these days not only don’t know how to make profits, but they refusing just keep receiving it after the community by sweat and blood makes prices higher.
And more - they also made a topic like they are victims LOLLLL… this world… go play pokemon go stupid topicstarter.

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he can do whatever the ■■■■ he wants to do you ignorant twat. if he wants to sell it at 1 silver you got no say in it. lmao.

the mafias here boiz. :sunglasses:

oh and traps.

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You’ve sure shown me the light.