Tree of Savior Forum

โ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ™ โœ alchemist union โ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ™ โœ

This is a big part of why Iโ€™m doing it I guess.

I made an alchemist to awaken my (and guildmates) stuff and make potions for them if they give me the mats, etc. Gem roasting wasnโ€™t part of the plan for this character. I wouldnโ€™t even roast my own gems. I would still be lazy and buy the 19k roasts. Iโ€™ve probably bought around 10-12 roasts from the person who whispered me even. Iโ€™ve had this character for around 2 months

Even with 5999 or less gem roasts (Actually, for the last 24 hours Iโ€™ve accidentally had my store up for 5 silver instead of 5,999) the demand is extremely low.

I sold 0 roasts in that time for FIVE silver each. If I sell at 5999 it will take like a week or two before I lose even 100 silver.

Iโ€™m not trying to be mr noble/kind guy but I canโ€™t help but do something like this when the opportunity presents itself. I (and other people who seemingly like this thread) get entertainment, and I also get to provide cheap roasts for anyone who wants them. Itโ€™s a win win for me

It might be a common argument from the side of people that are against this that itโ€™s better for me for profits, etc. However, even with what I said in my whispers, Iโ€™m actually pretty well off in terms of silver gains. Much like what was said to me about them not needing the โ€œpennies that come from alchโ€, I donโ€™t need them either. Unless I can make 1-2m a day off of gem roasting alone, it wonโ€™t do much for me.

So for a tl;dr Iโ€™m being childish I guess!


Ooh, that makes sense. I donโ€™t think itโ€™s necessarily childish if this is your way of having fun in the game, haha.

Seeing as Iโ€™m making an alch purely for guild purposes as well has me sort of understanding your viewpoint. Iโ€™ve done similar things just because I can. In a way though, I feel sorry that heavy investment crafting classes in this game exist and yet they make so little money that undercutting doesnโ€™t even matter lmao. imo they should give alch the ability to craft exclusive gear or gear bases. But like I said, nonexistent economic system so it hardly matters.

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I believe more of the energy should be directed to the fact that many new alchem prob doesnโ€™t realize that the revenue is taxed at 50%. This info isnโ€™t indicated clearly on their store interface at all.

This indeed is very poor design on IMCโ€™s part.

Nobody can argue with nature of supply & demand. However, the very nature of this taxโ€™s existence implies that it is a controlled economy. Just like in real world, no matter what, no businessmen should be opening stores to be selling at near 0 silver profit without knowing!

On the game dev side, if they create classes with such low demand, itโ€™s just them wasting their time implementing the code. Itโ€™s not to their benefit eitherโ€ฆ

Either way, I believe thereโ€™s something fundamentally wrong with this, and Iโ€™d point it more to the game design than players.


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Fixed. I doubt anyone in our community use Gem Roasting as his primary mean of money making. Itโ€™s just a little extra.


Bump for justice! down with the mafia

Why bother making an alchemist and forming unions to roast gems when you can type a few words and roast the people for roleplaying and crying too much about virtual economy?


Is this insane mothers forum?
My kiddie want to hit ppl on the streets, he having fun a enjoys this. Donโ€™t you dare to teach him! Let him do what HE WANT, you bad society! :smiley:

I canโ€™t seem to fathom why people keep doing analogy between games and real life as an argument, given that there are multitude of differences.

I hope they can still draw a line between games and real life.

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Man that is your at least second post about reallife/virtuallife problems.
So bad you want to talk about this?

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The funny thing: they said donโ€™t need petty penny but started a price war for that petty penny.

They stated 0 solid arguments why put abusive price. Lol, so levelling a alche is that hard? nvm a wiz>cryo3>everything>alche2 or wiz>everything>linker2/3>everything>alche2 is that hard to levelling.

Seems alche community is leaded by Julius from Everybody hates Crys.


ad hominem much? guess my last 2 posts hit you hard, am i right?

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I just have enough patients with the syndrome like yours :smiley:
Normal people rarely think that someone can mix reallife and game so hard as you describe :smiley:

Try to read not only freaks slogans (tho i see you are also love to use ones)
And just read all info before write something.
There was enough math about price in the forums. Here one for you:

About 30k once again:
Compared to others services Roast used by people i think 300 times less oflen. But lets say there are 10 times more other Servicemen than Alchemists. So actual price must be 30โ€ฆ okay 20 times higher than rep/buffs.
30k itโ€™s really small price for such endgame service.

And finally you have to compare actual leveling alch with any other classes that a worth something. Only than your words will start to have some weight.

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0 solid arguments yet.

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Iโ€™ve tried convincing Dragonfang, writing a page worth of rebuttals to try and explain to him why his method is completely pointless and only harms the Alchemist community even more, and yet he refused to budge. He told me I had to make a poll with over 50% approval to stop his strike in his circle jerk Discord, and needless to say the results didnโ€™t come out positive.

He really thinks heโ€™s something special.