Tree of Savior Forum

☮ 🙏 ✝ alchemist union ☮ 🙏 ✝

Holy ■■■■ my sides :joy:

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  • How to make sure that you a mafia:
    You robs and kill others. You keep a market for yourself only. You are above the law.

  • How to make sure that you are good community:
    You make a lot of work with a lot of altruism to make other people use your work and feels better.

  • How to make sure that you are pleb and moron:
    You did nothing to others and think only about your quick profit. Even if it ruins all other people work and ruins yourself in one day.

at least it´s still about the game.
unlike many other thread in this ‘general discussion’

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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Perfectly defines your “community”, no? :sunglasses:

Good that you put in the hard work. Truth is, players will buy whoever has the cheapest.

Isn’t it the community wants the profit? OP clearly say he’s not thinking about the profit. How bad is your reading comprehension. And I doubt 1 person could ruin your so called “community”,


Looks like i forgot to add how-to-check-if-you-a-troll point to my QnA -_-

I don’t see how I was trolling with my reply. Yep. This confirmed how bad your reading comprehension is. Continue hurting your butts “community” lmao. :joy:

This “community” is the same people like all others. Just people who gathered one by one. And you just showing yourserlf.
Okay good troll. Have fun.

I’m not “showing” myself, whatever that means. See the problem here is you are shoving what this “community” wants to OPs throat. Like you some kind of law or something. Stop being full of yourselves. And if it’s not affecting you, you would have been long gone and stop replying to this thread. lmao.

And yeah I did have fun, courtesy of you. Thanks! :wink:

No no no, you aren’t robbing anyone, just offering your “protection”.

An altruism he can’t refuse.

Perfectly fine.

So, if you leveled a crafting class, playing it properly and refuse to pull back when threatened, you are automatically bad just because someone says so?

there are people who are so weak, unpopular, loser in the real world that their only outlet is inside an online game, where they can build a new persona that is complete opposite to what they really are, and shove this down to everyone’s throat just to make themselves feel better.

and then there are people who just wanted to enjoy the game.


You’ve just described yourself in the first part of your text no? Only ppl who say this mostly the ones.
At least the second part is truly description of childish egoism and dumbness.

And better check the OP 1st post again. You will be surprised :smiley:

The only ones who has ego is this “community” lmao. I can’t believe how stupid you are at understanding. :joy:

Last post from me. keep getting butthurt mafias. :laughing:
lol at them self proclaimed regulators. :joy:

So pretty much we’re stuck in the Middle Ages. Guilds were the first step towards labor organization, distribution of goods and price fixing.

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Are you the lunalepsy from mabinogi? I’ve always wanted to ask just curious

I played Mabinogi years ago with a guild called Radiata.

Probably not the same person I’m thinking of then sorry for bein weird

No worries. : 3

BTW, this thread in a nutshell…

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too lazy to read whole thread (or OP even actually), is there a reason you undercut and lose money? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to since alch barely makes money/it doesn’t matter all that much in the first place but shrugs. I remember a sort of inverse thread where a girl got extremely mad that people were making more than like 5k a roast or something and went on like, a counter crusade to undercut to give everyone near-free roasts out of the kindness of her heart or something. I’m unsure why that post didn’t get ridiculed as much as this, though I didn’t read I guess.

two cents time: I’m actually not against player coalitions since it’s interesting (don’t see the difference between this and guild alliances), but trying it in a game with 1. so many restrictions (not designed to be sandboxy at all, which is the structure these sort of things need), 2. has implemented system to support it, and 3. this approach, 4. a generally terrible and divided community, 5. a nearly nonexistant “economic” system is silly at best heh.

I agree that they’re probably taking the game too seriously (this sort of stuff is supposed to be a fun part of people who like to play the money game in mmos, not like, drama inducing) but the fact that everybody is acting like this is the most hilariously ridiculous thing to ever happen in an mmo when there are mmos built specifically to spawn these sort of systems is very strange to me. Not tos, but stuff like bdo and uwo and etc.