Tree of Savior Forum

☮ 🙏 ✝ alchemist union ☮ 🙏 ✝

Turn… client… away ?
You mean… people will stop roasting their gems ?
Because inflation ?

That’s pretty huge bait there.

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Nah, but sell potions 5k each at some point, and all new players coming into the game will look at it, go “**** this *****” and uninstall. It’s nothing new, it has happened, it’ll happen again, and people never learn that an open marketplace isn’t a justification to be a greedy ass or else they’re slowly choking themselves in the long run.

chiday you are a fking idiot making things much worse for your sorry little mafia… go douche the sand out of your twat and quit harassing the OP who your little mafia decided to bully. Its sad that you guys would harass this dude for playing a game how he feels fit. 100% support for the op and i hope the gms ban your little mafia

Oh ps thanks for letting the community know where to get 6k roasts ill be sure to come to get mine done for 5999

Basically these price war things always end in someone losing money or someone making no profit at all.

The way I see it is, if you see someone in a spot, find your own. Or choose a different channel. People do buy from other channels because ch1 isn’t always the most ideal spot with the spammers and all. I just think it’s rude to other players to set up your shop right next to theirs when there’s other places to go. So that’s probably why OP received a threat rather than an offer.

Just move your shop and you can both make some money again.

Wow now players will leave the game because of alchemists.
ToS alchemists confirmed worse than imc.
You’re smoking too much dilgele bro.

In fact, market is as closed as it can be thanks to imc dumb algorithm and trading restrictions.

Are you even trying anymore?

C’mon guys… pick up the pace… 8 more post to go!!!

Listen, I’ll give you a short mathematical explanation that should make sense even to someone like you, 50 people buying 500s potions = 25000s.
3 people buying 5000s potions = 15000s.
First one makes 50 people happy, asks a bit more effort from your part, but better benefits and those 50 guys will come back.
Other one, makes 47 people unhappy, they’ll never come back, has 47 of your potions still pending for sale and you made less money. Capiche? I don’t think you need a degree in economics to understand this. (Even though I have one)

All the markets in the world fight to get the lowest price, you’ve got them offered on a silver platter, and you decided to be a cheap c***. Your problem now if Wallmart is taking over your spot.


Dafuk you talking about ?

What about 6 people buying 5000s potions ?
I earn more than you mate :>

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They’ll do it once, get broke, and three days later I’d be still selling those potions at a reasonable price and probably make a superior benefit to yours, to people not broke. I mean I’m sure you understand it works that way, or else you wouldn’t get talty over that guy taking your spot with cheaper prices, because you know you get nothing while he gets more than you do. He’s Wallmart, your the local greedy store and he won. End of story.

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/Popcorn … all i know is im glad i play cleric ive never bought a single potion and never will … hell i got mad when IMC gave us all those potions cause i got spammed in my market with the worthless things. Spirit is a good thing

One day people will realize that these shops aren’t meant for the shop owner to make any silver, but implemented as a way for silver to be removed from the in-game economy.


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I never said that I’d waste my silver on market listing fee for pots who wouldn’t sell.
Only a novice alchemist would do that.

I’m just saddened that you chose to be Walmart when you could have been Apple :frowning:
Welp, some people just aren’t comfortable with aiming high…