Tree of Savior Forum

☮ 🙏 ✝ alchemist union ☮ 🙏 ✝

There were 0 abstention ?
All people voted for same candidate ?
Are you living in north korea ?

In out community everyone has a word to say as long as they are in.
That’s more than in most democracies…

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I saport this.


Oh, was it great in the first place? :joy:

And wages a price war if someone doesn’t want to recieve your help.

I would do the same thing as OP after recieving a war declaration. Or even after being threatened by it.

And now you are making up some weird conspiracy theories.

Wait. Are you serious? Comparing some in-game community to a government?


And how do you know this? you have the database? I would believe you if you provide evidence though. :slight_smile:

the point is not about voting the same candidate. It’s the freedom of choosing.


I lol’d.

OP doesn’t care about profits anymore, and he’s actually helping the community more at this point over the other Alchemists in that area by offering his service at a zero-gain.

Tbh this is probably what he wants. If more Alchemists start selling at 5k and under, the community is the one that wins. GJ OP.


Except that I’m not - it’s been proven on Fedimian.

Interesting :3

Pardon my intrusion, but what was the main point of this topic?

Is there a deeper meaning than 2 people arguing and getting friends/supporters such that the one who holds majority is inferred to be synonymous with whats right? (Seems like a kid’s tantrum from my perspective.)

I’m sorry in advance that I am unable to understand.

PS: I’m offended at you @haukinyaui guess im being sarcastic-so-sophisticated-ly that my maid dont even know im mocking her” It seem’s you do not understand kindness. I feel sorry for your parents :frowning:

Yeah, just came to our office and count everyone.
And you have the freedom, not only to choose from existed candidates, also you can became one :smiley:

And how do we know it indeed is 90% of Alchemist? where would we base it, on your office?

And that is the point. In which you don’t want OP to have, his freedom. Do you even understand what you say?

And of course you have solid proofs.

If you’re incapable of observing the pot and roasting market then I’m sorry for you.

But he got his freedom o_O
He set a price that he wants. Made inappropriate topic with parsed pm’s.
Also you better stop being manipulated with word “freedom”. If you make a people totally free - anarchy will came immediately.

Indeed he has. And what was the point of the Price War declaration again?

It’s because he didn’t follow your “recommendation” :grin:

I’d stop it if ya’ll stop feeling entitled. Relax. :wink:

So what’s the plot in here?

A protagonist vs evil organization or an organization vs a price undercuter villain?

From my neutral point of view. I don’t see anything bad if someone join this ‘alchemist community’. They get to sell higher price after all.

What’s bad in this is the person approached with a threat instead of an offer. They’re acting like they’re in control of this game while it’s not.
Everyone can do what they want.

I see OP is “You can’t tell me what to do” type of person. He got triggered.

If it’s true that OP doesn’t care about profit, keep the Price War going.
And nobody will win.


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Love you :smiley:
Your post must have “Solved” mark.

Just about threat/offer I said above - we can see only cutted messages, i’m sure there was an offer and explaining before. And look at OP thread - it’s definetely troll blood flows in his veins so probably he insulted Lena.

Oh DAMN, someone is actually doing the INTELLIGENT thing by preventing inflation and try to invest in the long run rather than a short burst of price that’ll turn clients away? Do you mean he… he… UNDERSTAND ECONOMICS?! How dare he, someone take that alchemist down so the rich can get richer and the poorer goes to where grass is greener, FAST.