Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist Tincturing Stops when doing multiple tincture

Everytime it crafts like 1-2 potion it stops, and i want to craft up to 150


up this one, same thing happens on mine… it was not an issue 3 days prior when i crafted multiple potions

Server: Klapdeia

I think I’ve deduced it to be one of 3 things, weight, server lag spike, or you can’t do it within guild hangout.

It happens for anything crafted in bulk. What I don’t get is this wasn’t even an issue in 1cbt2. Before crafting in bulk just needed a 1x crafting for the whole bulk. Now each item is crafted 1 by 1 and I think that is the reason why it fails after the 1st success. This is just a guess but I think the server can’t sync between finishing the 1st item and starting the 2nd item.

It may be lag spike of the server too because I notice when the server is alot better in terms of ping or lag, it doesn’t happen as much.

Nope, been tincturing for the past few days in bulks and it haven’t stopped midway. Not even during major lag. The only time it stopped was when I got a like from someone, the heart receiving animation cancelled tincturing. - Klaipeda

And your ping is …

Mostly 90 to 220 right now. Server isn’t laggy right now.

Well im making hp pots right now, 450 bulks… things are going smoothly.

I should try making dispeller scrolls now then… nope, still fails.

I have this same problem a few days already , it once or twice and . Can someone help me?

Nope the problem returned. No due to weights, not due to locations, lag maybe?

responding to my few previous posts… yes my potion crafting also started to randomly stop in the middle of crafting. But it doesn’t happen after every potion, only once in a while.

It started happening to me too after IMC moved Silute back to NA last Thursday.

bump, for some people it’s fine… =/

It has to do with server lag is another explanation, Different time of the day it happens, at night time somehow it’s kinda laggy. I’m guessing the people who arent as effected are people living near the server location at East Coasts.

I’m having the same problem. I hope they can fix this bug in the next patch.
I was wondering… when you are crafting multiple items at once the time doesn’t stack? because my character keep doing the animation with the table every 20 seconds over and over again.

I have the same problem… >_< this is such a pain. I hope they patch this soon - Klaipeda Server

I have the same problem (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Still a damn issue gdi

The 1st post: May 18
And now i have the same problem
4 months past already!!!