Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist 👉 Tincturing VS Briquetting 👈

Any information/opinions on the question?
Which is of more potential/use/better source of money?
Pros and cons. Go.

Bonus question:

Is there any point to Magnum Opus?

What type of items can you make to begin with?

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Imho Briquetting sucks! It’s a gamble at best.

Max Tincturing it’s gonna make your potions better.

Magnus Opus is a mystery still but max it to have the potential to create something amazing.

a couple of unique headgears (golden nugget hat being one of them), a couple of weapons and a lot of recipes (according to iCBT client files) for turning one loot item into another.

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I dont see your point?
I mean, okay… awakening bonuses have been nerfed (i have no idea how to read the spreadsheet)… but… awakening an item still gives it bonuses?
Why would i choose not to awaken an item?

Anyway, so whats the conclusion for Alchemist? Not worth to roll for anything other than gem roasting?

I’ve heard that there are quite a variety of items. On one hand I’d love to see the data, but on the other I’d really rather we all find out >_<

My point was :

About weapons awakening, I showed you’d rather use anvils. (Awakening uses one potential)

So awakening offers less bonuses than a simple upgrading does?

For weapons, yes.
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Logical decisions stacked on logical decisions… sigh…
Well, is it worth to roll alchemist at all then? Is there any potential to it which makes it worth picking?

i think alchemist is worth just to get ur own high lvl pots for end game , and gem roasting too .

From what i’ve heard, in the current state of the game, if you’re hoping to be a money making machine, forget it. Potion sells are good but your profit margin is very little due to the prices being too low. Just a few people use other services so it’s bad too.

I’m actually using an Alchemist as my main character but i’m doing it because i like the class not because it’s profitable. Having the capacity to craft my own high performance potions is a good incentive and Gem Roast is also very nice.

Briquetting is the only way to create the ‘best’ equipment.
Yes, it is a gamble, but it’s a % increase.
I believe it can also be done more than once on an item?

Imagine this, you get your weapon to +15. Due to some insane luck you still have 9 potential.

This would be the ‘cap’ for equipment. Except you have briquetting.

Briquetting works off the base stats of item, multiple attempts overwrite previous results.

Bummer, right?

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^^ This

It can result on a negative % bonus as well, undoing all the work you already did on the equipment and if that end up happening on your last Potential it ruins your item forever.

What do u mean the cap? You could technically get to +40 if u wanted.

So max 9.5% until c3, then it would be 14.5%…
I’m talking end-game min/maxing.
Every little bit adds up.

And yes, I know it would be a range from -14.5% to +14.5%.

i didnt say anything about caps. Why do you reply to me?

I clicked the wrong poster ^^

I know this is old but I’d like to point out that honestly I’ll be saving me hard earned skill points and not get Briquetting.

I think it’s worth saving the points until we know if that crap will be buffed anytime soon with Rank8.

Also adding that it would be nice to have the ability to set an Awakening/Potion store instead of ■■■■■■■ Shouting everytime you want to sell those services. :C

Also… Awakening dungeons giving EXP. That’d be awesome. :3