Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist, Hear me out! for the future of our class!

Hello my fellow Alchemist,

I would like to suggest to increase the value of our Roasting in Gems, can we like increase it to 15k-20k range for max lvl roasting? Seriously buying calcite for 3k is alot then vending for only 8k in roasting gems. only 5k? plus the insane 50% tax for us so u will only get 2.5k profit lol, if we compete on this price atleast make it to 15k minimum. come on guys this is for us, there are only few alchemist in this game unlike squires or pardoners. :frowning:

please respect my post, thank you!


There are gem roasting gangs in Fedimian posting: Alch union price 30k or something like that. I do think we should charge 30k, from what I see people don’t need to use the roast a lot since they’ll just put it on a equip and we never see them again for a looong time. Whereas they always go back to repair/buy priest buffs.

So 30k.

30k isn’t a lot anyways in higher level, can easily get that much in ~10min of monster killing.

Well I hope in Telsiai, alchemist here will take step up to change the value of roasting gems, as of now it is very crowded here, so making a business out of Gem Roasting is a good thing, but for the price? NVM. :disappointed_relieved:


Well that’s just how competition works

The good thing is that SEA server population is very high and as someone who uses the services of other players, I always remember team names of those who put a healthy price and a worthy service and even liking their teams for it and always come back to find them on the same spot that they always hang out.

That said, a 5K price ceiling should be the minimum since it does cost 3K for the calcite

Then again, the majority don’t hang out on the forums so good luck trying to contact each Alch as the very population of the class gets bigger as time passes.

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Well then, I should prolly just shout often at Telsiai for them to understand the pricing, on the other hand they are all AFK or even worst logged out from their account, lol. :sweat_smile:

Not to mention the hidden 50% tax that most don’t know about :jack_o_lantern:

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FYI, 5k is like giving you a free roast.

3k Calcite + a rough estimate of 2.5k-3k tax (that does not go to our pockets). You’re plainly telling alchemists to die from hunger.

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idk why they cant just have alchemists able to sell potions surely having them able to set up a vend shop selling their products would be better for alchemists for something that has a much higher usage over something your only use if your upgrading a good piece of equipment . not only is it the calcite price but its the business method of gem roasting not being as widely needed over something essential like squires repair or even to some regards their buffs of weapon or armor maintenance or the pardoner’s buff shop.

the other problem with gem roasting is it does not have any use with any other gem and except for removing gem negatives does nothing else. . it would be nice if gem roasting can give like a extra effect if you used it on a monster gem or had chances of critical success of making the gem get a level or some exp if its a high level gem similar to how people buying from a squire can get more durability sometimes.

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The interesting thing about online communities in online gaming is exacly how competition works. Symetric information cam make wonders. Go ahead and rise prices, the first alchemist that offers the same service at lower prices will get more silver. Simple as that. lol


Oh right I forgot to take into account the insane tax
Let’s put it to 7000 then

Up for this one, i hope alchemist know about this insane tax before you logged out or AFK for vending roasting gems. its better to have a profit rather than nothing. i can vend to some spots that only my character is there and vending 30k i can still make a profit rather than 7k or 8k, lol. idc if i can get 5 people overnight that is already 150k for me :smiley: