Tree of Savior Forum

Agny vs Animus damage test on Elewl

understood. Which is why it’s do or die for most case since we aren’t ultra invested. Clear them before they clear you.

There’s another alternative. Ultra invested armors.

With defense patch you can reduce their damage to near 1 if you are taking shields. (Pretty sure we all have seen Murm taking 1 damage from both magic and meele damage…)

I am damage / healer - cleric 2, kriv3, druid 3. tough choice

you are over loaded though.

It’s kinda risky running over loaded roles. And in this case Animus for defensive is much better. in case you screw up

over loaded? what do you mean

I think its still pretty tough to hit the treshold to take minimal damage from solmiki mobs though. But yes that is one choice but for now damage is king in solmiki.

Not sure how high we can go but solmiki is design to stall us for 5mths at least.

Current stand i kinda firmly agree with you (since our time sink isn’t reach that peak yet)

It depends on your role in ET. I would recommend going damage since you are cleric and will never die anyways. So maybe go for HP awakening and use Agny. If not HP recovery and Animus.

If I didn’t stop playing for the last month I wouldve be at 9-10 Trans now. Pretty sure I can beat solmiki by Feb if I find the motivation to play again :frowning:

What are all the options an accessory can get with awakening? Am I missing anything - Def/Mdef/Elemental Prop resist/ HP/ HP recovery

pretty much all of the above. have to be very lucky to get either hp or recovery.

mdef is good enough.

Ok thanks, i’ll keep it. What did you mean earlier by an ‘over-loaded’ role?

was mend for if you are the “DPS” of the party if you are supportive dps just ignore that.

Oh, i see, so you mean over-loaded is when you’re all offense and no defense (like glass-cannon)?

Kinda. somethings along that, because krivis is mend to meltis 50% of the time through out major times and staying alive.

IMO you should go for full support build for ET since you are a cleric. Leave the DPS job to your real DPS teammates.

Agny is like first week obt Arde Dagger