Tree of Savior Forum

After 2/8/2016 maintenance, i've become invisible :(

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) :5.15pm (GMT+8)

Server Name:telsiai

Team Name:Mirastars

Character Name:Euphie

Bug Description :The moment i equip my cash costume, the part of my character went invisible. Please help ! Anyone here having the same issue ?
(letting us know what you were doing before, during, and after the bug happened will help us a lot)

Steps to reproduce the issue :

Screenshots / Video :

(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :


  • CPU :
  • RAM :
  • Graphics Card :
  • Mainboard :
  • Storage :
  • OS :
  • Internet Connection :
  • Country, Region :
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Same here with premium hair style and costumes. Tried to repair game cache in steam but does not work.

Oh come on can somone help fix this issue invisible head/ character in game is just NOT POSSIBLE. Are we gonna wait like 1 week to have a patch fix really ?

i,ve same prop @GM_Francis please fix, thanks

This bug also is being presented on all servers
Silute, Orsha, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Varena, etc.
Please Fix this, because many players are complaining of the same, and gives us many nuisance having to play without the things we acquire paying
@GM_Sebastian @GM_Francis

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Affecting everyone here. Even people at dungeons cross servers cant see me, so its not affecting your own local copy but everyone IN THIS GAME.
So everyone needs to fix the game cache? IF SO… IMC… please fix it yourself.

Hi Guys. @EuphEuph, @Hilda, @Lhydre and @ohm_s

This issue can be fixed by verifying Integrity of Game Cache. Please try it as soon as possible and send us a support ticket if the issue still persists. :slight_smile: Thanks!

It cant
Done that no fix

Also have invisible heads on many npc since game launch
No amount of veryfy or reinstalls helped (including system reinstall)

Tried 3 times. Tried deleting both patch and data folders and does “verifying Integrity of Game Cache”, re-download all files, reboot computer. Problem persist. Again everyone in the dungeon cant see me when I put on premium costumes. So its a problem that everyone has.

Same here, verifying integrity game cache does not work. IMC please address this issue as it should.

I tried to verify many times but didn’t work @GM_Francis . My friends too so, please check and fix, thanks

Even checking the integrity think 37 damaged file.
Download approximately 660MB.
Check again 0 files damaged.
I open the game continue error.
Check again 37 damaged files.
ScanDisk HD “two hours after” 0 errors found.

Something in the game this damaging files.

not working tried few times too

The game cache verification does NOT work. I’ve sent a ticket saying exactly that and Support gave a straight copy and paste response from that post on the front page, telling to verify the game cache. @GM_Francis

It might as well be the patcher that is messing things up. You do the verification, download the files needing repair and then the patcher messes it up again.

Please do repair this issue. I am sure you are tired, so am I. I work for almost 6 days a week and 13 hours a day. I got to play this game around 3-5 hours a day and with premium item not showing, the game is killing me slowly. Please help on this issue.
I have done:

  1. verify files through steam
  2. did 2 times full reinstall
  3. no addons
  4. Closed my antivirus
    Please do not ask me to turn of my power supply… Thanks in advance.
    I tried to submit a ticket for myself, but it says attachment file is to big. Please check on this issue again. Thank you again

I’ve tried numerous times but the problem still persists.

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How many time are we gonna have to say the solution you’re giving is not working at all !!! ???

We paid for those costume item and now they don’t show?

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Unbelievable, you still have the guts to repeat that. :frowning:

Anyone got a proper answer or found a solution by himself ?

Support answered me

“Greetings Savior,
Thank you for contacting us.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Developers are fully aware of the issue and doing their best to fix the said issue. Please provide us more of your patience and understanding as our developers fix it. Thank you.
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.
Tree of Savior Support”

I dunno if you guys are working on fixing this issue but this game isnt a beta anymore so if you want to test your bugs open your own test servers and experiement your bug there instead of mistaking players/customers as guinea pig

This is ridiculous!

Not only do we STILL have that obnoxious Party Quest Bug, which is a “feature” for us for almost 2 and a half MONTHS already, with literally ZERO comments from IMC about it, not only do we have bug exploiters having ZERO consequences for abusing game and economy breaking bugs, all of that with complete silence from IMC, we have this pathetic bug, with annoying, mechanical responses from this forum’s staff with a “solution” that works for LITERALY NO ONE, and we go through that for a WEEK, with NO fixes, for a bug that impacts directly with people that used REAL LIFE MONEY on this thing.

I tought, for an insane little second, that IMC would at least try to solve the problems impacting paying costumers. Guess I was wrong. Why should I bother with the new “dlc pack”, if it’s probably going to be just as buggy as the 200 TP hair style I bought with my own money?

I still have hope for this game, but this company is doing its best to kill my hope week after week.

Thank you a lot, IMC. No wonder this game can barely hit the 5k players.