Tree of Savior Forum

After 2/8/2016 maintenance, i've become invisible :(

smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump smaill bump


IMC, please fix this issue, or stop robbing us with cosmetic items that can not be seen.

Bumps!!! hopefully it will be fix by today 16/08/16!

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Same thinking from me, I bought some of the TP shop cosmetic items like lenses, costume and hair dye.
Wasn’t interested in those Trump cards items that now I cannot see anymore on other players or in the shop, BUT I feel sorry for those who buyed (now) bugged items.

It’s very surprising that this issue is still not resolved nor mentioned since it’s bound to the shopping TP so financially sustaining the game along with the Token.

Up until now I’m experiencing the bugs:
Party cutscene bug
World map (N) bug
Invisible costumes/hairs bug

All quite annoying and not really inspiring me to buy other TP items.

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Really hope so, I got ingame right after the scheduled period of main.
And something was fixed, anyway right after my login, within 5 min. another main. for hotfix began.
Probably for the new hunting season event not showing on the notice board.

It seems they fixed this issue now,

I was missing my trump costume. Btw, new contact lenses look great.

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