Tree of Savior Forum

Addons creators are EXPLOITING and HACKING ToS!

First of all, for a good conversation, please, learn the difference:

Now… ALL THIS TOPIC, are EVIDENCES, I never say “fact”, right?
A “absolute, irrefutable evidence”, turn into fact, and AGAIN: I never say it.

But, let’s thing together:
IF fiote are using these exploits, are irrelevant… He is ONE user. Ok?
BUT, security flaw on client ARE relevant.
(bad) Users knowing this code ARE relevant.
The game being exploitable ARE relevant.
Game being ruined by (bad) hacking behavior ARE relevant.

And… Above all: IMC saw this topic, this is relevant and important.
All other argumentations, I don’t care.

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Then if it’s not a FACT, then why so much effort trying to slander the modders and paint them as abusive?

If it’s not a fact, why are you making accusations as if implying fact? I’m confused here.

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“Looks like”… “possible”…
Don’t be confused, this words show I only have evidences, not facts.

And AGAIN, this effort is against security flaws on client being exploited (by these modders?), not against modders.

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Okay well your post can be taken as a slander with no evidence which is why so many people turned this into a shitstorm unfortunately. Consider wording things differently and you will get better results.

That’s all I have to say here.

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Thats what happens when theres no official word about 3rd party addon use… people just create whatever the hell they want and use it in game regardless


G-guys, please reveal your private life or you will be reported for cons-pirating against government.


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This game is already sinking like Ragnarok Online which contained a lot of abusable holes right till its end. No matter - athena or aegis - there were a lot of people who could hack the client for their profit.

Simply because noone from the dev team gave a single sheit.

Wat? Hole? Let’s bun peple bekoz it’s so phun adn it totalle halps! Huh-huh

This seems to remove functionality from the game.

It doesn’t assist you in complete the task, its doing it for you.

In this case, its “opening” the shop windows without you having to “run” there.

The map addon simply “shows” you what you need to do, you still have to do it.

The chat addons improved the function, however I believe the auto-report function shouldn’t exist.

Autopot as well, it removes something you need to do to play the game.

Most of the addons either “told you” to do something or “warned you” if you forgot to do something.

anywhere, auto-report, and autopot are actually DOING something FOR you. I believe that is where it crosses the line.


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I would not be surprised if these guys are selling hacked addons for people.

And to everyone doubting that this isn’t bannable, think again. You can be banned for changing a single number inside the game’s code.

i dont see anything wrong here

he didnt use bold text


No Add-ons are not illegal.
From the moment the add-on don’t use data that you can’t know by yourslef from the game, it’s allowed. Excrulon’s addon is allowed because it shows exp you earn and give you data by hour and other stuff, which is not considered as a cheat or a breaking rule to the game.

Scan people’s price on server is obviously not allowed because it is not something you can know from the game.

wow, 1 sentence to invalidate yourself.

Ragnarok -> its end … RO is still running mate.

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And now addons will be officially banned.

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