Tree of Savior Forum

[Addon] Market Names, an addon that allows you to see the seller of an item, is now on the addon manager!

Market Names v1.1.0 is on the addon manager.

Tired of people undercutting you on the market? Find out who they are and challenge them to a duel! Once you see a player in game, it stores their character ID so you can see the seller of an item by hovering the buy button on the market. It is character specific, not account specific.

All hail Gee Banter, the best alchemist in the universe!


Starter list for the Klaipedia server - If you want and are on the Klaipedia server, you can manually place this in the addons/marketnames/ folder with the filename of marketnames-1001.txt so you have a head start as well! Will update this file regularly and may accept updates from others so it fills out nicely.


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i dunno i think its ingenious and it now you can see that insert name here is selling x amount of insert useless item here for gold seller to buy to get their purchased silver… also adds the option of messaging a seller to offer something else


oh pls… they can easily already know who their clients are because their clients are the only one selling 10x useless low level recipes for 1 mil each.

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If item removal is automatic, which I HIGHLY doubt, then it won’t remain automatic for very long if people start abusing it, so I wouldn’t worry about it.

On the flipside this does allow guilds to easily make sure we’re buying from our own alchemist if we’re ever forced to buy from market. Most of the time all our pots are free because of group uosis gathering and dilgele farming, but occasionally the alchemist won’t be online to give them out so you might need to buy some.

Whether that’s a good or bad thing I’m not really sure. I’m going to bet IMC may have some issues with the addon as it will allow people to message each other to dodge the 10% market tax.

Good addon again Excrulon, thanks for the hard work.


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Please feel free to post evidence then.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Oh you mean these notes?

When someone won’t quote the information themselves, it’s probably based on sketchy foundations, or in this case absolutely false.

  • After an item is over the certain number of reports, the item will be evaluated and processed by a GM.

Unless you think “evaluated and processed by a GM” means “automatically removed” then this debate is over.

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Nuuuu… I don’t want players to pm me and bargain or offer me things I don’t need for trade…

@Excrulon can you also create a Mercenary Mission Kick Addon? For those who AFK in Mercenary Missions, leader can kick them out.

That would affect game/play directly and go against the rules sadly…

No matter what you do or what is created in the multiverse…

there will always be a group of scumbags that will use it for something bad and negative…

look at zoomy a beautiful addon that create wonders in the good hands and crap over TBL (for what I have read) in the wrong ones…

but even a brick can help finish a home or kill a person and if we concentrate on the bad that something can do instead of the good…

we wouldn’t have two “■■■■”

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you can only get the character id from market items so if the character id isnt on the list yet matched to a character name/team name then it will show nothing.

and about zoomy? theres nothing wrong with zoomy… the only thing wrong is that the custom zoom function isnt disabled in tbl/gb. which comes down to imc…

We used to have names showing in the market place but they decided to remove that feature. I forget why, and I’m not sure how much I like or dislike this addon actually.

It werks.


I call for Privacy Violation.


this is guaranteed red flag from IMC. better not to use or advertise it.

no please remove this feature


This addon will make IMC so much money from team name changes lol