Tree of Savior Forum

Add. Property attack

Yeah… i can’t denny it’s a fair change (since it values the skill) but IMC doesn’t realize that without flat component buffs hyperscale and are pretty much useless you go full stat or if you have the skill lvl 7~8+.

Here’s a simulation with some SPR values using 4 formulas. two of them are variation of kTest with a flat component to SPR scale as the following.

A = 180 + ((SL - 1) × 60) + ((1 + SL × 0,25) × (SPR ^ 0.9))
B = 180 + ((SL - 1) × 60) + ((1,5 + SL × 0,2) × (SPR ^ 0.9))

Note: It has a +0,17% SPR on lvl 10 comparing to kTest.

The values in A and B are way closer to the live around mid to late levels for minimum Sacrament and overall they look pretty decent. My personal pick would be B but lowering it by 140 at all levels.

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i read the tread and the coments a loot of time ago. i know thats guy make some mistakes buts in general its a good view of the general formula but have a loots of blanks.
like i say for Matck for example. he dont test everything and the stuff about the elemental damage and Mampl still be a doubt. that is what some one say on a coment about the formula from meteor at the beggins of the year.

No, that thread is right after Combat Update patch (May 2017) so the formula is correct.

Again, I will try to explain it to you, because I think you either have a problem understanding my English (I’m sorry, I’m not a native speaker) or it’s an issue on your side.

In that formula, Attack means Attack, be it physical or magical, and Defense means Defense, be it physical or magical, so you only need to ignore the part about critical because obviously spells don’t crit (if you pay attention, there is written 0 or 50% and 0 or CritAttack… this means you place 0 there or remove the part entirely) the formula will look like this for you:

Magic Damage = (skillFactor%) * (Magic Attack * 100%) * min {1, log10 ((Magic Attack / (Magic Defense + 1))^0.9 + 1)} + Additional Damage

Is it more clear now?
Also, I don’t know why you keep talking about Magic Amplification… do you really know what MagicAmp. does?
Magic Amplification amplifies (shocking!) your possible max Magic Attack by a random amount between 1 and your Magic Amp value.
Let’s say, for example, you have 200 M.Amp and 5000 Magic Attack, it means you could throw a spell with 5000 MATK + a random value between 1 and 200 (your Magic Amp), for example, 5001 or 5017 or 5034 and etc. (MAX 5000+200), so you could say it gives you an average of 100 Magic Attack.

So it doesn’t matter how much Magic Amp you have, in the Damage Formula it goes inside the Magic Attack value, it’s the same reason why there isn’t written there Min Physical and Max Physical for Physical users, the calculation is done instantly the moment you use your skill, picking up your value between min and max.

I can’t explain it any better, if you still don’t understand it, send me a PM.

I apologize to the OP and everyone else if I hijacked this thread.


nop magic amps its aplied before the skill factor proved. and that its what i was told to you since almost 2 weeks

max dmg: 297073
min dmg: 284149
so thats are 12924 of difference between bot damage
Mamp 742*1592%(skill factor) = 11812

Mamp works like magical atk. so thats prove… Mapm and MAY BE elemental attck are “atack factors” no “damage factor”

At this point I don’t even know if you understand what I’m talking about (and if you understand what you’re talking about yourself) you are clearly not interested about anything I wrote before, and you’re heading straight on your own way of thinking, discarding everything else… suit yourself.

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@javier.mendez Hey just wanted to let you know that the damage formula that @RyogoKusama posted is correct for both physical and magical. You just switch which ever damage type that your class/skill uses.

@javier.mendez Magic Amp is the same as a red gems Maximum attack.

For example:
Your Magic Attack = 500
Your Magic Amp = 50
The range of your Magic Attack that the game now calculates is = 500-550

@RyogoKusama is explaining that magic amp is used in the combat formula. You are probably miss-understanding him/her.

i know that, i say the same before. but i say to that the formula have blanks and missinformation. like this. because that formula show the interaction between the “raw damage” and the deff of an enemy but IMO Mamp and Eatck affect the base attack power like in this formula Attack = (F2 Attack+ Attack Modifier(Raw)) * (100% + Attack Modifier(%))

RyogoKusama only notice this formula Damage = (skillFactor%) * (Attack * (100% + (0 or 50% if crit)) + (0 or Critical Attack)) * min {1, log10 ((Attack / (Defense + 1))^0.9 + 1)} + Additional Damage

mamp works basically just like max matk so anywhere from 0-100% of the value of mamp would be added to matk before its run through damage calculation same as the old damage formula from before may
in that picture you provided your attack range would be 16216-16964 matk


They already did that to Pyro’s Fireball… the unique interclass skill interactions are mostly gone / useless now…
Ex. :
FireBall + JP + HK + HellBreath = Gone
FireBall + Pysichic Pressure = Gone
FireBall & Microdimension = Useless as FB is tediously horrible to spam. with how long it takes to dish out 1 FB.

But after seeing the video posted, i’m even more confused now… why is it described so differently than the dev blog post?

The interactions of fireball are still there. Only thing that changed about fireball was that if an enemy runs into it, it explodes. Every interaction is still there.

It was bad wording/miscommunication on their part. Which I figured already based on redundancy and actually knowing the meaning/term of each word.
More than likely the one who wrote the post is not a natural english user, or they got something mixed when told what to write.

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The interaction is there, but who wants a stupid & weak interaction? Yes, the ball is still linkable, but right now it is better to cast FB after the enemies are linked. The fact that it explode upon 1st hit made all the difference. They really dont have to make it explode on 1 hit… getting it to 5 hits on lvl 15 will still keep some of the “damaging” interaction … It really does not need to be this extreme that barely anyone is rocking a linker pyro anymore.

Just like FB + microdimension… the weak skill interaction nobody actually wanna bother casting it… no one likes being rooted in a place casting weak skills ( might be somewhat decent if microdimension copies all 5 fireballs but no, seems like it needs to be useless)

Let’s hope they dont butcher priest this time…

Anyone know if [enchant fire] and [enchant lightning] will get the same treatment as [sacrament]?

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